1702361639 (30) Hägerstrand, T., “In Search for the Sources of Concepts” in Buttimer, A., ed., The Practice of Geography, 1983, p. 245.
1702361641 (31) Hägerstrand于1984年2月写给Gregory的信。
1702361643 (32) Hägerstrand, T., Innovation Diffusion as a spatial Process, Chicago, 1967, pp. 8 and 166-167.
1702361645 (33) Hägerstrand, T., “Migration and Area” in Hannerberg, D., Hägerstrand, T. and Odeving, B., eds., “Migration in Sweden: a Symposium,” Lund Studies in Geography: Series B: Human Geography, 1957, no. 13; Hägerstrand, T., “On the Definition of Migration,” Scandinavian Population Studies, 1969, Vol. 1, pp. 63-72.
1702361647 (34) Hägerstrand, T., “What about People in Regional Science?” Papers and Proceeding of the Regional Science Association, 1970, Vol. 24, pp. 10, 11 and 21; Hägerstrand, T., “The Domain of Human Geography” in Chorley, R. J., ed., Directions in Geography, London, 1973, pp. 70 and 80; Hägerstrand, T., “Survival and Arena: On the Life-history of Individuals in Relation to Their Geographical Environment” in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time (3 vols), London, 1978, Vol. 2, pp. 129 and 144.
1702361649 (35) Hägerstrand, T., “What about People in Regional Science?” Papers and Proceeding of the Regional Science Association, 1970, Vol. 24, p. 19; Jensen-Butler, C., “Acritique of Behabioural Geography: An Epistemological Analysis of Cognitive Mapping and of Hägerstrand’s Time-space Model,” Geografiska Institute, Aarhus Universitet, 1981, Arbejdsrapport 12, p. 47.
1702361651 (36) Carlstein, T., Time Resources, Society and Ecology, Vol. 1, Pre-industrial Societies, London, 1982, pp. 55-60.
1702361653 (37) 当然,列维—施特劳斯的结构主义也并非完全没有受自然主义影响。
1702361655 (38) Popper, K., Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge, London, 1972, p. 265.
1702361657 (39) Golledge, Brown and Williamson的“Behavioural Approaches in Geography: An Overview”(载Australian Geographer, 1972, Vol. 12, pp. 59-79)一文中讨论了Hägerstrand在行为地理学发展中的作用。
1702361659 (40) J. Moreno,引自Hägerstrand, T., Innovation Diffusion as a spatial Process, Chicago, 1967, p. 166; Hägerstrand后来回忆了他如何轻易就想到“将Moreno的概念投影到人口图上,并且在思想上将这幅图转变成一个跨越地区、国家和大陆的巨大社会原子结构”: Hägerstrand, T., “In Search for the Sources of Concepts” in Buttimer, A., ed., The Practice of Geography, 1983, p. 248。
1702361661 (41) Hägerstrand, T., Innovation Diffusion as a spatial Process, Chicago, 1967, p. 167; Hägerstrand, T., “In Search for the Sources of Concepts” in Buttimer, A., ed., The Practice of Geography, 1983, p. 248; Gould, P., “Response to S. Duncan,” mimeo, 1974。也见Gaspar, J. and Gould, P., “The Cova da Beira: an Applied Structural Analysis of Agriculture and Communication” in Pred, A., ed., Space and Time in Geography: Essays Dedicated to Torsten Hägerstrand, Lund Studies in Geography, 1981, Series B, No. 48, p. 203:该计划的基础本质上是一种物理模拟,它源自von Neumann和Ulam对核反应堆的非均匀屏蔽中粒子吸收的蒙特卡罗模拟的研究工作。
1702361663 (42) Jensen-Butler, C., “Acritique of Behabioural Geography: An Epistemological Analysis of Cognitive Mapping and of Hägerstrand’s Time-space Model,” Geografiska Institute, Aarhus Universitet, 1981, Arbejdsrapport 12, p. 45.
1702361665 (43) Hägerstrand, T., “The Domain of Human Geography” in Chorley, R.J., ed., Directions in Geography, London, 1973, pp. 75 and 77;参见Hägerstrand, T., “In Search for the Sources of Concepts” in Buttimer, A., ed., The Practice of Geography, 1983, p. 241:“我觉得自己类似于那些用小球和别针建立分子三维模型的化学家。”
1702361667 (44) Harvey, D., Explanation in Geography, London, 1969, p. 226; Rose, C., “Reflections in the Notion of Time Incorporated in Hägerstrand’s “Time-geographic Model of Society,” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1977, Vol. 68, p. 45.虽然Carlstein坚持认为“时间地理学绝没有从物理学中的相对论和四维时空连续统中获得灵感”,但是Hägerstrand自己承认“源于相对论和连续统理论的观念很可能也适用于人类中尺度(meso-scale)上的日常事件”,但却选择将此问题“留给别人去思考”:参见Carlstein, T., “Packing Activities in a Settlement Space-time Budget,” mimeo, 1978, p. 3fn; Hägerstrand, T., “Space, Time and Human Conditions” in Karlqvist, A., Lundqvist, L. and Snickars, F., eds., Dynamic Allocation of Urban Space, London, 1975, p. 6。
1702361669 (45) Hägerstrand于1984年2月写给Gregory的信;Hägerstrand, T., “What about People in Regional Science?” Papers and Proceeding of the Regional Science Association, 1970, Vol. 24, p. 20。
1702361671 (46) Hägerstrand, T., “Commentary” in Buttimer, A., Values in Geography (Association of American Geographers, Commission on College Geography, Resource Paper 24), 1974, pp. 7-21; Carlstein, T., “Innovation, Time-allocation and Space-time Packing” in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time (3 vols), London, 1978, Vol. 1, pp. 146-161.
1702361673 (47) Hägerstrand, T., Innovation Diffusion as a spatial Process, Chicago, 1967, p. 7.
1702361675 (48) Hägerstrand, T., “The Domain of Human Geography” in Chorley, R. J., ed., Directions in Geography, London, 1973, p. 82.中心地理论似乎强有力地影响了Hägerstrand。他将Christaller的工作描述为一种“启示”,因为通过这种启示,“可理解模式显现出来”,而其显现方式预示着错综复杂的“区域地理学”开始有了“一种有序的主链”: Hägerstrand, T., “Commentary” in Buttimer, A., Values in Geography (Association of American Geographers, Commission on College Geography, Resource Paper 24), 1974, p. 22。也请注意,Christaller的六边形网格的构造也使用了电话数据,尽管这是指安装而非接触:参见Christaller (1966) pp. 143-147; Hägerstrand, T., Innovation Diffusion as a spatial Process, Chicago, 1967, pp. 190-235。
1702361677 (49) 关于统计基础,参见Mollison,D., “Spatial Contact Models for Ecological and Epidemiological Sprea,” Centennial Symposium on Marx, Schumpeter and Keynes, University of Colorado at Denver, 1977; Cliff的 “Quantitative Methods: Spatial Diffusion”(载Progress inHuman Geography, Vol. 3, 1979, pp. 143-152)一文是一个简便的概要。
1702361679 (50) Hägerstrand, T., “The Domain of Human Geography”in Chorley, R. J., ed., Directions in Geography, London, 1973, p. 70.
1702361681 (51) Gould, P., “Space and rum: an English Note on Espacien and Rumian meaning,” Geografiska Annaler B, 1981, Vol. 63, pp. 1-3; 参见Hägerstrand, T., “Geography and the Study of Interaction between Nature and Society,”Geoforum, 1976, Vol. 7, pp. 332-333。
1702361683 (52) Williams, R., The Country and the City, London, 1973.
1702361685 (53) Hägerstrand, T., “The Domain of Human Geography”in Chorley, R. J., ed., Directions in Geography, London, 1973, p. 82.
1702361687 (54) Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., Times, Spaces and Places:A Chronogeographic Perspective, New York, 1980, p. 276.
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