1702361715 (68) MayfieldandYapa, 引自Blaikie, P., “The Theory of the Spatial Diffusion of Innovations: a Spacious Cul-de-sac,”Progress in Human Geography, 1978, Vol. 2, p. 275。
1702361717 (69) Blaut, J., “Two Views of Diffusion,”Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1977, Vol. 67, p. 344.
1702361719 (70) Blaut, J., “Two Views of Diffusion, “Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1977, Vol. 67, p. 344; Blaut, J., “A Radical Critique of Cultural Geographer, “Antipode, 1980, Vol. 12, p. 28.
1702361721 (71) Cox, K., “Bourgeo is Thought and the Behavioral Geography Debate”in Cox, K. and Golledge, R., eds., Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited, 1981, p. 262;Bourdon的The Logic of Social Action: an Introduction to Sociological Analysis (London, 1981)一书第86页也强调了Hägerstrand的方法论个人主义。
1702361723 (72) Blaut, J., “A Radical Critique of Cultural Geographer,” Antipode, 1980, Vol. 12, p. 28. 在“从芝加哥学派到法兰克福学派”一文中,Gouldner概述了一系列现代人文地理学似乎忽视了的相关论题:参见Gouldner, A., The Dialectic of Ideology and Technology: the Origins, Grammar and Future of Ideology, 1976, pp. 118-137。
1702361725 (73) 当然, 这三个强调是Giddens对“以不同方式在社会实践结合起来的”结构维度的描述,Giddens, A., Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Struc ture and Contradiction in Social Analysis, London and Berkeley, 1979, pp. 81-82。
1702361727 (74) Braudel, F., On History, London, 1980, pp. 355-374;尤其参见图28到图30。
1702361729 (75) Giddens, A., A Contem porary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981, pp. 169-181.
1702361731 (76) Blaikie, P., “The Theory of the Spatial Diffusion of Innovations: a Spacious Cul-de-sac,”Progress in Human Geography, 1978, Vol. 2, p. 283.
1702361733 (77) Blaut, J., “Two Views of Diffusion,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1977, Vol. 67, pp. 347-348.
1702361735 (78) Yapa, L. S., “The Green Revolution: A diffusion Model, “Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1977, Vol. 67, p. 359.
1702361737 (79) Yapa, L. S., “The Green Revolution: A diffusion Model,”Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1977, Vol. 67, p. 351。关于“结构本体论”与“事件本体论”之间的关系——以及前者与作为“社会现实不同特征”的这诸多域的“整体性”本体论之间的关系, 参见Layder, D., Structure, Interation and Social Theory, London, 1981。
1702361739 (80) Hägerstrand, T., “On Socio-technical Ecology and the Study of Innovations,”Ethnologica Europaea, 1974, Vol. 7, pp. 11 and 3.
1702361741 (81) Blaikie, P., “The Theory of the Spatial Diffusion of Innovations: a Spacious Cul-de-sac,” Progress in Human Geography, 1978, Vol. 2, p. 274.
1702361743 (82) Hägerstrand, T., Innovation Diffusion as a spatial Process, Chicago, 1967, p. 11.
1702361745 (83) Hägerstrand, T., “Space, Time and Human Conditions” in Karlqvist, A., Lundqvist, L. and Snickars, F., eds., Dynamic Allocation of Urban Space, London, 1975, pp. 10-11; Hägerstrand, T., “The Domain of Human Geography”in Chorley, R. J., ed., Directions in Geography, London, 1973, p. 86.
1702361747 (84) Hägerstrand, T., “What about People in Regional Science?”Papers and Proceeding of the Regional Science Association, 1970, Vol. 24, p. 11.
1702361749 (85) Hägerstrand, T., “Space, Time and Human Conditions”in Karlqvist, A., Lundqvist, L. and Snickars, F., eds., Dynamic Allocation of Urban Space, London, 1975, p. 5; van Paassen, C., “Human Geography in Terms of Existential Anthropology,” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1976, Vol. 67, pp. 324-341.
1702361751 (86) Hägerstrand, 引自Carlstein, T., Time Resources, Society and Ecology, Vol. 1, Pre-industrial Societies, London, 1982, p. 56。
1702361753 (87) Hägerstrand, T., “Geography and the Study of Interaction between Nature and Society,” Geoforum, 1976, Vol. 7, p. 332; Layder对“互动结构”的探讨直接谈到了Hägerstrand的关注点:参见Layder, D., Structure, Interation and Social Theory, London, 1981; Thrift, N., “On the Determination of Social Action in Space and Time,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1983, Vol. 1, pp. 23-57。
1702361755 (88) Hägerstrand, T., “Commentary”in Buttimer, A., Values in Geography (Association of American Geographers, Commissionon College Geography, Resource Paper 24), 1974, p. 53.
1702361757 (89) Carlstein, T., “Innovation, Time-allocation and Space-time Packing”in Carlstein, T., Parkes, D. and Thrift, N., eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time (3 vols), London, 1978, Vol .1, p. 149.
1702361759 (90) Harvey, D., Social Justice and the City, London, 1973, pp. 22-49; Giddens, A., Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis, London and Berkeley, 1979; Giddens, A., A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, Vol. 1: Power, Property and the State, London and Berkeley, 1981, pp. 169-181. 时间地理学与结构化理论之间的关系是复杂的。一方面,Pred和Carlstein显然赞同Giddens的计划,但他们坚持认为,“社会理论中出现的这种共识”在很大程度上没有能够确认出将时空与社会生活的生产和再生产“黏合”起来的“黏合剂”(Pred, A., “Social Reproduction and the Time-geography of Everyday Life, “Geogra fiska Annaler B, 1981, Vol. 63, p. 9),并且没有认识到“时间地理学迄今所做的工作对于Giddens提出的那种结构化理论绝对至关重要——因为它使我们能够“看到这种理论的实质逻辑”(Carlstein, T., “The Sociology of Structuration in Time and Space: a Time-geographic Assessment of Giddens’s Theory,” Swedish Geographical Yearbook, 1981, p. 48)。另一方面,Giddens显然利用了网状模型,而后者的总体重要性在于它强调在社会活动中,时空中的运动协调是路径或轨线的耦合;但是他声称“这种社会活动观念的重要性”并不依赖于“Hägerstrand对它的特定表述, 就后者而言可以给出各种反对意见”(Giddens, A., Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis, London and Berkeley, 1979, p. 205)。虽然Giddens没有陈述这些反对意见, 但是我认为这些反对意见本质上是理论性的:这些著述对其计划的重要意义与Goffman的The Presentation of self in Everyday Life (New York, 1959)一书对“日常生活中自我显现”的解释有很大关系,后者使人们关注社会行动者的知识性,而如我所表明, Hägerstrand并没有做到这一点。范帕森对Hägerstrand论点与Elias“隐喻”的比较在这方面具有的指导性比他预想的要大:van Paassen, C., “Human Geography in Terms of Existential Anthropology, “Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1976, Vol. 67, pp. 338-339; Elias, N., What is sociology?London, 1978。
1702361761 (91) Thrift, N., “On the Determination of Social Action in Space and Time, “Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1983, Vol. 1, p. 39fn. 对于这一建议,我有很多保留意见。首先,即便这些“连接环节”可以被赋予实质性意义——我怀疑这一点——这些关联也显然局限于劳动过程,并且确认出这些关联需要建立有关社会“解剖结构”的综合理论。其次,我认为组构和情境之间的关联是一种方法论的关联,这种关联必定受到我在下文中描述的“因果力”和“有效场”之间的关系约束。
1702361763 (92) Harvey, D, The limits to capital, Oxford, 1982, p. 106; 也见Massey, D., Spatial Divisions of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production, London, 1984。
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