1702398385 18. David Cameron, “David Cameron on Families,” August 18, 2014, https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/david-cameron-on-families.
1702398387 19. 卡梅伦首相在2016年“人生机遇”的演讲中,谈到所有家长在养育子女方面都需要帮助,并介绍了显著加大育儿辅助力度的政府计划,包括推行育儿课程。David Cameron, “Prime Minister’s Speech on Life Chances,” January 11, 2016, https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/prime-ministers-speech-on-life-chances.
1702398389 20. Hayton, “Conservative Party Modernisation,” 492.
1702398391 21. 本书撰写之际,英国政府尚未发布共享产假利用率的官方数据。据小规模调查估计,利用率为1%—3%。https://www.ft.com/content/2c4e539c-9a0d-11e7-a652-cde3f882dd7b.
1702398393 22. Amy Chua, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (London: Penguin, 2011).
1702398395 23. 理查德·海顿(Richard Hayton)指出,首相卡梅伦“把[传统]家庭放在政策议程和公共形象建设的核心位置”,曾多次重申家庭是补救“破败的英国社会”、重建社会结构的根本机制。在一些核心方面,卡梅伦(和特雷莎·梅)的政策和言辞明显沿袭了其前任邓肯·史密斯(Duncan Smith)和迈克尔·霍华德(Michael Howard)的做法。(史密斯和霍华德均为英国保守党领袖,卡梅伦于2005年接任。——译者注)Hayton, “Conservative Party Modernisation,” 497.
1702398397 24. Gillian Pascall, “Women and the Family in the British Welfare State: The Thatcher/Major Legacy,” Social Policy & Administration 31, no. 3 (1997): 294.
1702398399 25. Pascall, “Women and the Family,” 295.
1702398401 26. Thomson et al., Making Modern Mothers .
1702398403 27. Thomson et al., Making Modern Mothers . 另见De Benedictis, “‘Feral’ Parents.”。
1702398405 28. “Interview: Rebecca Asher, producer and writer,” April 3, 2011, http://www.scotsman.com/lifestyle/culture/books/interview-rebecca-asher-producer-and-writer-1-1572297; 另见Rebecca Asher, Shattered: Modern Motherhood and the Illusion of Equality (New York: Vintage, 2011), 90。
1702398407 29. 2013年,杰奎琳·斯科特(Jacqueline Scott)和伊丽莎白·克利里(Elizabeth Clery)为英国国家社会研究中心(NatCen)所做的英国社会态度调查显示,认为主妇和职工一样获得自我实现的人数比例变化不大(从1989年的41%增长到2012年的45%)。由此推测,关于妇女对现实中承担照护角色的看法和经历,公众认知的改变更加有限。Scott and Clery, “Gender Roles: An Incomplete Revolution?” NatCen Social Research, 2013, http://www.bsa.natcen.ac.uk/media/38457/bsa30_gender_roles_final.pdf. 2014年,舆观调查网(YouGov)为庆祝国际妇女节而做的一项国际综合调查发现,全世界妇女中绝大多数都把生儿育女排在事业追求前面,虽然也有不少人,尤其是年轻妇女,希望两者兼得。英国妇女中约五分之四认为生儿育女比事业追求更重要,而美国妇女则有71%赞同“母职优先”的观点。William Jordan, “Most Women Put Motherhood Ahead of Career,” YouGov.UK, March 7, 2014, https://yougov.co.uk/news/2014/03/07/mult-country-survey-most-women-put-motherhood-ahea/.
1702398409 30. Thomson et al., Making Modern Mothers , 4, 5.
1702398411 31. Douglas and Michaels, The Mommy Myth , 4; 关于当代新的媒体再现的讨论,参见Rebecca Feasey, From Happy Homemaker to Desperate Housewives: Motherhood and Popular Television (London: Anthem, 2012); Hundley and Hayden, Mediated Moms ; Emily Nussbaum, “Shedding Her Skin: The Good Wife’s Thrilling Transformation,” New Yorker , October 13, 2014, http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/10/13/shedding-skin; Kathleen Rowe Karlyn, “Feminist Dialectics and Unrepentant Mothers: What I Didn’t Say, and Why,” keynote lecture at the University of Warwick, UK, Television for Women Conference, 2013; Shani Orgad, “The Cruel Optimism of The Good Wife : The Fantastic Working Mother on the Fantastical Treadmill,” Television and New Media 18, no. 2 (2017): 165–183; Walters and Harrison, “Not Ready to Make Nice.”。
1702398413 32. 这几部电视剧在Douglas and Michaels, The Mommy Myth , 215中有讨论。
1702398415 33. Walters and Harrison, “Not Ready to Make Nice,” 38.
1702398417 34. 艾丽西亚·弗洛里克成熟、自信,“大方地展示自我,有着清爽的职业范儿”(Walters and Harrison, “Not Ready to Make Nice,” 47)。我在另一篇文章里(Orgad, “The Cruel Optimism”)谈到,剧中经常出现她在家或办公室工作而孩子们在吃晚饭,或者她接电话谈公务时没能顾得上孩子需求的镜头,哪怕孩子们直接凑到了她跟前。工作严苛以及与老板的婚外情占据她的心神,致使她错过了孩子们的成长,包括一些严重的问题,比如儿子女友流产,她直到几个月后才发现。但与此同时,该剧又把艾丽西亚描绘成一个慈爱的母亲,她和孩子们感情深厚,陪他们度过了许多亲密时光。
1702398419 35. 贝蒂·德雷珀完全不在乎她的孩子;她对孩子的养育“顶多算马马虎虎,常常直接对孩子寻求关心的举动视而不见”(Walters and Harrison, “Not Ready to Make Nice,” 41)。但这并不是单纯想展示她当妈妈的失职;相反,可以部分理解为她对于20世纪50年代不得不顺应的压迫性“女性奥秘”的反抗。(Walters and Harrison, “Not Ready to Make Nice,” 42)。
1702398421 36. 《丽塔老师》讲述了一位当副校长的单亲妈妈的故事。她完全背离了“高强度母职”的准则,甚至对此毫不在意。她心直口快,生活乱糟糟,见色忘义,常常不顾他人感受,以至于忽视了自己的孩子;但她被塑造成一个不守规矩和矛盾的人,而不是一个“坏妈妈”。关于其他媒介再现的类似讨论,参见Sharon R. Mazzarella, “It Is What It Is: Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’s ‘Mama’ June Shannon as Unruly Mother,” in Mediated Moms , ed. Hundley and Hayden, 123–142。
1702398423 37. Walters and Harrison, “Not Ready to Make Nice,” 39; 另见Hundley and Hayden, Mediated Moms ; Karlyn, “Feminist Dialectics.”。
1702398425 38. FiatUK, “‘The Motherhood’Feat.Fiat 500L,” YouTube, December 13, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNVde5HPhYo; Dove US, “Baby Dove | #RealMoms,” YouTube, April 5, 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dE9AnU3MaI.
1702398427 39. Palmer-Mehta and Shuler, “‘Devil Mammas.’”在另一项对与酒精摄入相关的妈咪博客和妈咪书籍的研究中,塔莎·杜布里尼(Tasha Dubriwny)发现,这些博文有一个重要特点,那就是发泄对照顾孩子的不满。“妈妈们揭露照料孩子的失落感这点,”杜布里尼写道,“至少驳倒了一条母职机制赖以运作的基本原则,那就是,女人天生就适合做养儿养女的琐事,而且乐在其中。”Tasha Dubriwny, “Mommy Blogs and a Disruptive Possibilities of Transgressive Drinking,” in Mediated Moms , ed. Hundley and Hayden, 214. 另见Leslie Husbands, “Blogging the Maternal: Self-Representations of the Pregnant and Postpartum Body,” Atlantis , 32, no. 2 (2008): 68–79; Julie A. Wilson and Emily Chivers Yochim, Mothering through Precarity: Women’s Work and Digital Media (Durham, NC/London: Duke University Press, 2017); Sarah Pedersen, “The Good, the Bad and the ‘Good Enough’ Mother on the UK Parenting Forum Mumsnet,” Women’s Studies International Forum , 59 (2016): 32–38.
1702398429 40. 另见Lisa Baraitser, Maternal Encounters: The Ethics of Interruption , Women and Psychology series (New York: Routledge, 2008).
1702398431 41. Kuperberg and Stone, Media Depiction , 512.
1702398433 42. Eli Zaretsky, Capitalism, the Family and Personal Life (London: Pluto, 1976).
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