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1702398517 18. 乔·利特勒举了2008年畅销书《餐桌大亨》(Kitchen Table Tycoon )的例子,其封底的宣传语写道:“许多妈妈辞掉正职,开始自己创业,希望能省下托儿费用,并多陪陪孩子。”Littler, Against Meritocracy , 180.
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1702398521 20. Littler, Against Meritocracy ; Stephanie Taylor, “A New Mystique? Working for Yourself in the Neoliberal Economy,” Sociological Review 63 (2015): 175. 如今,英国自营职业者占总人口的七分之一,美国2015年时,自营职业者占总就业人口的10.1%。美国劳工部(Bureau of Labor)数据,“Self-employment in the United States,” March 2016, https://www.bls.gov/spotlight/2016/self-employment-in-the-united-states/pdf/self-employment-in-the-united-states.pdf。
1702398523 21. Taylor, “A New Mystique?” 181.
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1702398533 26. Duberley and Carrigan, “Career Identities,” 631.
1702398535 27. Ekinsmyth, “Challenging the Boundaries”; Taylor, “A New Mystique?”
1702398537 28. Lisa Adkins and Maryanne Dever, “Gender and Labour in New Times: An Introduction,” Australian Feminist Studies 29, no. 79 (2014): 5.
1702398539 29. Issie Lapowseky, “Want More Women Working in Tech? Let Them Stay Home,” Wired , June 4, 2015, http://www.wired.com/2015/04/powertofly/.
1702398541 30. Melissa Gregg, “The Normalisation of Flexible Female Labour in the Information Economy,” Feminist Media Studies 8, no. 3 (2008): 291-292.
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1702398545 32. Heller, “Is the Gig Economy Working?”
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1702398555 37. Brooke Duffy, “Gendering the Labor of Social Media Production,” Feminist Media Studies 15, no. 4 (2015): 710; Erin Duffy and Emily Hund, “‘Having It All’ on Social Media: Entrepreneurial Femininity and Self-Branding Among Fashion Bloggers,” Social Media + Society 1, no. 2 (2015): 2.
1702398557 38. Smith, “Gig Work, Online.”
1702398559 39. Mina Haq, “The Face of ‘Gig’ Work is Increasingly Female—and Empowered, Survey Finds,” USA Today , April 4, 2017, https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/04/04/women-gig-work-equal-pay-day-side-gigs-uber/99878986/.
1702398561 40. 例如,Manon DeFelice, “Why Women Can—and Should—Cash In on the Gig Economy,” Forbes , March 15, 2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/manondefelice/2017/03/15/why-women-can-and-should-cash-in-on-the-gig-economy/#2b9a6f341fb3; Jenny Galluzzo, “How the Gig Economy Is Changing Work for Women,” Entrepreneur , October 12, 2016, https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/282693; Amanda Schneider “GigaMom: How the ‘Gig Economy’ Is Opening Up Opportunities for Women Who Love Work and Life,” Huffington Post , April 15, 2017, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amanda-schneider/gigamom-how-the-gig-econo_b_9691588.html; Michelle Wright, “The Gig Economy—A Helpful Spur for Female Entrepreneurs?” Huffington Post , February 15, 2016, http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/michellewright/the-gig-economy-_b_9235512.html.
1702398563 41. Kate Lewis, Candice Harris, Rachel Morrison, and Marcus Ho, “The Entrepreneur-ship-Motherhood Nexus: A Longitudinal Investigation from a Boundaryless Career Perspective,” Career Development International 20, no. 1 (2015): 23.
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