1702398557 38. Smith, “Gig Work, Online.”
1702398559 39. Mina Haq, “The Face of ‘Gig’ Work is Increasingly Female—and Empowered, Survey Finds,” USA Today , April 4, 2017, https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/04/04/women-gig-work-equal-pay-day-side-gigs-uber/99878986/.
1702398561 40. 例如,Manon DeFelice, “Why Women Can—and Should—Cash In on the Gig Economy,” Forbes , March 15, 2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/manondefelice/2017/03/15/why-women-can-and-should-cash-in-on-the-gig-economy/#2b9a6f341fb3; Jenny Galluzzo, “How the Gig Economy Is Changing Work for Women,” Entrepreneur , October 12, 2016, https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/282693; Amanda Schneider “GigaMom: How the ‘Gig Economy’ Is Opening Up Opportunities for Women Who Love Work and Life,” Huffington Post , April 15, 2017, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amanda-schneider/gigamom-how-the-gig-econo_b_9691588.html; Michelle Wright, “The Gig Economy—A Helpful Spur for Female Entrepreneurs?” Huffington Post , February 15, 2016, http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/michellewright/the-gig-economy-_b_9235512.html.
1702398563 41. Kate Lewis, Candice Harris, Rachel Morrison, and Marcus Ho, “The Entrepreneur-ship-Motherhood Nexus: A Longitudinal Investigation from a Boundaryless Career Perspective,” Career Development International 20, no. 1 (2015): 23.
1702398565 42. CNN Money, cited in Ursula Huws, “Logged Labour: A New Paradigm of Work Organisation?” Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation 10 (2016): 12-13.
1702398567 43. Jason Malinak, Etsy-preneurship: Everything You Need to Know to Turn Your Handmade Hobby into a Thriving Business (Hoboken, NJ: Jon Wiley, 2013).
1702398569 44. Sheryl Nance-Nash, “How I (Successfully!) Started an Etsy Store,” Muse , https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-i-successfully-started-an-etsy-store (accessed June 13, 2018). “美国运通开放论坛”(American Express Open Forum)上一篇文章也以类似的鼓励口吻,叫女人“从成功的‘妈妈企业家’身上……汲取灵感和建议”。Samantha Cortez, “How 3 Stay-at-Home Moms Balance Business and Family,” American Express, August 12, 2012, http://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/how-3-stay-at-home-moms-balance-business-and-family/.
1702398571 45. Brittany Frey, Handcrafted Brunette blog, February 17, 2017, https://www.truthinkapparel.com/single-post/2017/02/17/Handcrafted-Brunette. Last accessed October 24, 2017.
1702398573 46. Duffy and Hund, “‘Having It All’ on Social Media,” 8.
1702398575 47. Susan Luckman, “Women’s Micro-entrepreneurial Homeworking: A ‘Magical Solution to the Work–Life Relationship?” Australian Feminist Studies 30, no. 84 (2015): 154, 148. 另见Michele White, “Working eBay and Etsy: Selling Stay-at-Home Mothers,” Producing Women: The Internet, Traditional Femininity, Queerness, and Creativity (Abingdon/New York: Taylor & Francis, 2015), 33–64; Julie A. Wilson and Emily Chivers Yochim, Mothering through Precarity: Women’s Work and Digital Media (Durham, NC/London: Duke University Press, 2017).
1702398577 48. White, “Working eBay and Etsy.”
1702398579 49. Duffy and Hund, “‘Having It All.’”
1702398581 50. Angela McRobbie, Be Creative: Making a Living in the New Culture Industries , (Cambridge: Polity, 2016), 89.
1702398583 51. Duffy and Hund, “‘Having It All,’” 4.
1702398585 52. “‘Having It All,’” 5.
1702398587 53. Brooke Duffy, “The Romance of Work: Gender and Aspirational Labour in the Digital Culture Industries,” International Journal of Cultural Studies 19, no. 4 (2016): 454.
1702398589 54. Elizabeth Nathanson, “Dressed for Economic Distress: Blogging and the ‘New’ Pleasures of Fashion,” in Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in an Age of Austerity , ed. D. Negra and Y. Tasker (Durham, NC/London: Duke University Press, 2014), 39. 另见Doris Ruth Eikhof, Juliette Summers, and Sara Carter, “Women Doing Their Own Thing: Media Representations of Female Entrepreneurship,” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 19 (2013): 547-564. 这则对于英国女性杂志上女企业家介绍的评论认为,这类再现既反映也延续了创业活动中存在的性别不平等。
1702398591 55. Anne-Marie Slaughter, Unfinished Business: Women, Men, Work, Family (London: Oneworld, 2015), 210.
1702398593 56. Slaughter, Unfinished Business , 211.
1702398595 57. 伦敦校区入学的160名家长中,85%是母亲。Lucy Tobin, “How the Google Campus Creche Is Revolutionising Workplace Childcare,” Evening Standard , October 20, 2016, https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/how-google-campus-creche-is-revolutionising-workplace-childcare-a3374221.html.
1702398597 58. Tobin, “Google Campus Creche.”
1702398599 59. Lucy Tobin, “Bringing Up Baby (While Launching an Online Empire),” Evening Standard , October 20, 2016, 38.
1702398601 60. Friedan, Feminine Mystique , 345.
1702398603 61. Taylor, “A New Mystique?” 175.
1702398605 62. Taylor, “A New Mystique?” 174.
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