1702398667 18. Maggie Haberman, “Ivanka Trump Swayed the President on Family Leave. Congress is a Tougher Sell,” New York Times , May 21, 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/21/us/politics/ivanka-trump-parental-leave-plan.html; Jennifer Steinhauer, “Even Child Care Divides Parties. Ivanka Trump Tries Building a Bridge,” New York Times , March 11, 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/11/us/politics/ivanka-trump-women-policy.html.
1702398669 19. Rosalind Gill and Shani Orgad, “Confidence Culture and the Remaking of Feminism,” New Formations 91 (2017): 16–34; Rosalind Gill and Shani Orgad, “The Confidence Cult(ure),” Australian Feminist Studies 30, no. 86 (2015): 324-344.
1702398671 20. Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, The Confidence Code (New York: Harper Business, 2014), xix.
1702398673 21. Gill and Orgad, “The Confidence Cult(ure).”
1702398675 22. Kay and Shipman, The Confidence Code , 101.
1702398677 23. Sandberg, Lean In , 28.
1702398679 24. 例如,Cara Moore, “How to Be Confident at Work and Get Over Imposter Syndrome in 6 Steps,” Telegraph , March 23, 2016, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/work/how-to-be-confident-at-work-and-get-over-imposter-syndrome-in-6/; Noopur Shukla, “The Hidden Power of Imposter Syndrome,” MIT Management, March 19, 2017, https://emba.mit.edu/the-experience/executive-insights-blog/the-hidden-power-of-imposter-syndrome/; Westminster Briefing, “Supporting Women in the Workplace,” event agenda, Manchester, UK, June 14, 2017, http://www.westminster-briefing.com/fileadmin/westminster-briefing/Agendas/supporting_women.pdf.
1702398681 25. Samantha Simmons, “The Election—Is Imposter Syndrome to Blame?” Huffington Post , June 12, 2017, http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/samantha-simmonds/the-election-is-imposter-_b_17017264.html.
1702398683 26. Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism (London: Verso, 2007), 10.
1702398685 27. Jill Treanor, “Gender Pay Gap Could Take 170 Years to Close, Says World Economic Forum,” Guardian , October 25, 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/ business/2016/oct/25/gender-pay-gap-170-years-to-close-world-economic-forum-equality.
1702398687 28. Al Jazeera, “WEF: Gender Wage Gap Will not Close for 170 Years,” Al Jazeera , October 26, 2016, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/10/index-gender-wage-gap-close-170-years-161026071909666.html.
1702398689 29. Associated Press, “Report: Women Won’t Earn as Much as Men for 170 Years,” October 26, 2016, https://apnews.com/114bfd7fb7f94d3085d353b94db689ab.
1702398691 30. Lauren Davidson, “Gender Equality Will Happen—but Not Until 2095,” Telegraph , October 24, 2014, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11191348/Gender-equality-will-happen-but-not-until-2095.html.
1702398693 31. Barbra Cruikshank, “Revolutions Within: Self-Government and Self-Esteem,” Economy and Society 22, no. 3 (1993); Nikolas Rose, Inventing Ourselves: Psychology, Power, Personhood (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998); William Davies, The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold Us Well-Being (London: Verso, 2015).
1702398695 32. Gill and Orgad, “Confidence Culture and the Remaking.”
1702398697 33. Catherine Rottenberg, “Happiness and the Liberal Imagination: How Superwoman Became Balanced,” Feminist Studies 40, no. 1 (2014): 156.
1702398699 34. Black Career Women’s Network, https://bcwnetwork.com/; cited in Gill and Orgad, “Confidence Culture and the Remaking,” 21.
1702398701 35. Gill and Orgad, “Confidence Culture and the Remaking.”
1702398703 36. Trump, Women Who Work , 131.
1702398705 37. 例如,Angela Ahrendts, “Apple’s Angela Ahrendts: Always Be Present,” Leaders and Daughters , March 6, 2017, http://leadersanddaughters.com/2017/03/06/always-be-present-read-the-signs-stay-in-your-lane-and-never-back-up-more-than-you-have-too/; Dana Smithers, “Enjoy the Present Moment,” Law of Attraction Blog , March 12, 2014, http://www.empoweredwomeninbusiness.com/enjoy-the-present-moment/.
1702398707 38. Catherine Rottenberg, The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 130, 132.
1702398709 39. Rachel Aroesti, “Take That, Patriarchy! The Horrific, Cack-Handed ‘Feminism’ of Netflix’s Girlboss,” Guardian , May 10, 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2017/may/10/girlboss-netflix-horrific-cack-handed-feminism-sophia-amoruso. 对主导当代大众女性主义的进步论的相关批判,参见Clare Hemmings, “Resisting Popular Feminisms: Gender, Sexuality And The Lure of The Modern,” Gender, Place & Culture , 1–15 (2018)。
1702398711 40. McKinsey & Company, “Women Matter 2: Female Leadership, a Competitive Edge for the Future,” 2008, 17.
1702398713 41. Jessica Mairs, “Women Are the Salt of Our Lives. They Give it Flavour,” De Zeen , February 17, 2017, https://www.dezeen.com/2017/02/17/women-salt-lives-architecture-gender-discrimination-santiago-calatrava/.
1702398715 42. Erika Rackley, “So, Lord Sumption Says to Be Patient—Well Have a Diverse Bench … in 2062,” Guardian , November 20, 2012, https://www.theguardian.com/law/2012/nov/20/judiciary-uk-supreme-court.
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