1702427256 2.Facebook的应用程序旨在展示过去一年的高光时刻。看到死去孩子的脸会带来痛苦情绪,我们的意图是,不要淡化了这种痛苦。李·汉弗莱斯在她的“媒介记录”(media accounting)理论中讨论了Facebook对记忆的算法管理。参阅Lee Humphreys,The Qualified Self:Social Media and the Accounting of Everyday Life(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2018),85–90。
1702427258 3.R. H. Coase, “The Nature of the Firm,”Economica 4, no. 16(1937): 388, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0335.1937.tb00002.x.
1702427260 4.Mason and Suri, “Amazon’s Mechanical Turk,”1–23.
1702427262 5.对于这一框架的创造性的、关键的批评,参阅Ilana Gershon,Downand Out in the New Economy:How People Find(or Don’t Find)Work Today(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2017);MelissaGregg,Work’s Intimacy(Cambridge,England:Polity,2011);Melissa Gregg,Counterproductive:Time Management in the Knowledge Economy(Durham,NC:Duke University Press,2018);Gina Neff,Venture Labor:Work and the Burden of Risk in Innovative Industries(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2012);Trebor Scholz,Uberworked and Underpaid:How Workers Are Disrupting the Digital Economy(Cambridge,England:Polity,2016)。
1702427264 6.结果表明,许多工人通过网络共享利润丰厚的任务以及声誉良好的请求者的信息。有了这些额外的信息,保持连接的工人就能在其他工人听说之前开始做高质量的任务。在极端情况下,孤立的工人可能还没有发现任务,保持连接的工人就已经把所有高薪任务做完了,从而使孤立的工人挨饿。因此,我们推测,加入社交网络可能会给工人带来优势。参阅Ming Yin et al.,“The Communication Network Within the Crowd,”in WWW ’16:Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web(Geneva,Switzerland:International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee,2016),1293–1303,https://doi.org/10.1145/2872427.2883036。
1702427266 7.工人被随机分配到下文提及的待遇中。参阅Ming Yin,Siddharth Suri,and Mary L. Gray,“Running Out of Time:The Impact and Value of Flexibility in On-Demand Crowdwork,”in CHI’18:Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(New York:ACM,2018),1–11,https://doi.org/10.1145/3173574.3174004。
1702427268 8.Ibid.工人被随机安排到六种待遇中的一种(2种期限×3种工资标准)。
1702427270 9.Sara Horowitz, “Special Report: The Costs of Nonpayment,”Freelancers Union Blog, accessed May 8, 2018, http://blog.freelancersunion.org/2015/12/10/costs-nonpayment/.
1702427272 10.Steven Hill, How (Not) to Regulate Disruptive Business Models (Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2016).
1702427274 11.Cathy O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy (New York: Crown, 2016), 21.
1702427276 12.Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, “Analyzing the Amazon Mechanical Turk Marketplace,”XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 17, no. 2 (December 1, 2010): 16, https://doi.org/10.1145/1869086.1869094.
1702427278 13.Sara Constance Kingsley, Mary L. Gray, and Siddharth Suri, “Accounting for Market Frictions and Power Asymmetries in Online Labor Markets,”Policy & Internet 7, no. 4 (December 1, 2015): 383–400, https://doi.org/10.1002/poi3.111. See also Arindrajit Dube et al., “Monopsony in Online Labor Markets,”American Economic Review: Insights (forthcoming).
1702427280 14.John Horton,“Online Labor Markets,”in Internet and Network Economics:6th International Workshop,WINE 2010,Stanford,CA,USA,December 13–17,2010,Proceedings,Lecture Notes in Computer Science(New York:Springer,2011). Horton建议:“市场创建者的影响无孔不入,以至于他们在市场中的角色更接近政府的角色……他们决定了市场允许的行动空间,如允许什么样的契约形式以及谁拥有决策权。”我们同意他的观点。
1702427282 15.Juliet B. Schor and Craig J. Thompson, Sustainable Lifestyles and the Quest for Plenitude: Case Studies of the New Economy (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014).
1702427284 销声匿迹:数字化工作的真正未来 [:1702424989]
1702427285 第四章 努力工作(不只)为钱
1702427287 1.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2016 (Washington, DC: Federal Reserve Board, May 2017); Neal Gabler, “The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans,”The Atlantic, May 2016, https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/05/my-secret-shame/476415/.
1702427289 2.布鲁克·埃琳·达菲(Brooke Erin Duffy)把这种混合着激情项目和投资组合的形式称为“有抱负的劳动”(aspirational labor)。参阅Brooke Erin Duffy,(Not)Getting Paid to Do What You Love:Gender,Social Media,and Aspirational Work(New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,2017)。
1702427291 3.Weil, The Fissured Workplace; Dean Baker, Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer (Washington, DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research, 2016); Herzenberg, Alic, and Wial, New Rules.
1702427293 4.Weil, The Fissured Workplace.
1702427295 5.Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling, 3rd ed. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012).
1702427297 6.Neff, Venture Labor; Ursula Huws, Labor in the Global Digital Economy: The Cybertariat Comes of Age (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2014); Alice E. Marwick, Status Update: Celebrity, Publicity, and Branding in the Social Media Age (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2013).
1702427299 7.Jay Shambaugh Nantz et al., Thirteen Facts About Wage Growth(Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, September 25, 2017), https://www.brookings.edu/research/thirteen-facts-about-wage-growth/.
1702427301 8.Lawrence Mishel, Elise Gould, and Josh Bivens, Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts (Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute, 2015), http://www.epi.org/publication/charting-wage-stagnation/.
1702427303 9.National Low Income Housing Coalition, “Out of Reach”(Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition, 2018), http://nlihc.org/oor; Susan J. Lambert, Peter J. Fugiel, and Julia R. Henly, “Precarious Work Schedules Among Early-Career Employees in the US: A National Snapshot,”research brief (Chicago: EINet, University of Chicago, 2014), 24; Dan Clawson and Naomi Gerstel, Unequal Time: Gender, Class, and Familyin Employment Schedules (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2014); Bridget Ansel and Heather Boushey, Modernizing U.S. Labor Standards for 21st-Century Families, The Hamilton Project(Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2017), 25; Lydia DePillis, “The Next Labor Fight Is Over When You Work, Not How Much You Make,”Wonkblog, Washington Post, May 8, 2015, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/05/08/the-next-labor-fight-is-over-when-you-work-not-how-much-you-make/; Robert Reich, “How the New Flexible Economy Is Making Workers’ Lives Hell,”Robert Reich (blog), April 20, 2015, http://robertreich.org/post/116924386855.
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