1702599912 I noted with interest your advertisement for a Production Assistant in today’s Daily Times … 我在今天的《每日时报》看到贵公司征生产助理的广告,非常感兴趣……
1702599914 Further to your advertisement for a computer operator in last week’s ‘Dataweek’.
1702599916 关于贵公司于上周《信息周刊》征计算机操作员的广告。
1702599918 My name is Jaqueline Matthews and I am 19. I left school last year and since then I have been working for J.G. Telford and Sons. I am very hard-working and quick with numbers so I am sure I would be able to do the job to your satisfaction …
1702599920 我的名字是杰奎琳·马修斯,今年19岁。去年从学校毕业后,我就一直在泰尔福父子企业工作。我是个认真勤奋的人,对数字反应很快,所以我相信自己能够胜任这份工作……
1702599922 With reference to your advertisement for a management trainee advertised in yesterday’s paper I would like to apply for the position as I have a BTEC NVQ Advanced level in Business and one year’s experience as a sales clerk and am now taking a course leading to the HNC in Business which amongst other things includes Accounting, Statistics and Production Methods all of which you have mentioned in your advertisement …
1702599924 贵公司于昨天报纸上刊登征管理实习生一职,本人欲应聘该职缺,我具有BTEC NVQ商科进阶级,以及担任售货员的一年经验,现在正在继续进修,欲取得商科国家高等教育证书,修习科目包括会计、统计、生产方法等,都是贵公司在广告上提到的必备资格……
1702599926 正文
1702599928 I am 32 years of age, and I am currently working as a Production Control Assistant. Before this I worked as a Progress Chaser at Bellings Ltd and then I got a similar job with Selco Fittings. I am responsible for making sure that the right components are being produced at the right time, which means that I have a lot of experience of organising and planning. I have jot go married and I went to Chillingworth Comprehensive which is on the outskirts of Manchester near Bletchton. I enjoyed art and woodwork but I was not very god at games. I have a clean driving licence and I am in good health. If you need more information I shall obviously be happy to provide it. Also I have 5 GCSEs and would be available for interview at any time.
1702599930 我今年32岁,目前担任生产管理助理。之前我在贝林斯公司担任过进度追踪员,之后在费庭公司做过类似的工作。我的职责是确保正确的部件在进度内制造出来,这表示我在组织和计划方面累积了丰富的经验。我刚结婚,以前在吉陵伍斯综合中学就读,学校在曼彻斯特的郊区,靠近布雷慈顿。我的兴趣是艺术和木工,运动方面较弱。我持有驾照,不曾违规,健康状况良好。如果您需要更多的信息,我非常乐意提供。此外,我考过五科GCSE,任何时候都可面试。
1702599932 You will see from the attached curriculum vitae that I have five years’ experience of various aspects of office work. In particular, my last job gave me the opportunity to gain some valuable practice in interviewing and the chance to discover that I should like to specialise in personnel work.
1702599934 您从随信附上的履历即可看到,我在各种办公室工作上累积了五年的经验。尤其是最后一份工作让我有机会在实际采访方面得到宝贵的经验,并领悟到自己想专门从事人事方面的工作。
1702599936 I enjoyed my course very much. It was very good and we studied all the business subjects so I have the qualifications which you are asking for.
1702599938 我在大学读书读得很快乐。我们系的课很好,所有商科的科目我们都修了,所以我具备贵公司所要求的资格。
1702599940 I am very ambitious and for a long time now have been looking for the right job which will use my talent to the full. I am not prepared to do a monotonous or routine job and feel that perhaps the job you are advertising is the one for me.
1702599942 我非常有野心,长久以来一直在寻找适合的工作,让我全力发挥自己的潜力。我不愿意做单调乏味或一成不变的工作,因此觉得贵公司在招聘的职缺可能会很适合我。
1702599944 I want to work for your company because I have checked up and found you are a very successful company. You produce a wide range of products and have a good export record.
1702599946 我很想在贵公司工作,因为我查过了,发现贵公司是一间非常成功的企业。你们生产非常多样的产品,出口数量也很大。
1702599948 结尾
1702599950 Thanking you in anticipation. Yours faithfully,
1702599952 在此先谢谢您。敬祝时祺
1702599954 If you consider that my qualifications are suitable, I could be available for interview at any time.
1702599956 如果您觉得我的资历合适,我随时都可以去面试。
1702599958 I would be grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible as I have a lot of applications in progress at the moment.
1702599960 有任何消息,请您尽早通知我,因为我还同时应聘很多其他工作。
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