Photo by Steve Petteway
11 Paying respects
Photo by Franz Jantzen
All illustrations are from the Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States with the exception of the photograph of William O. Douglas, which is from the Library of Congress.
美国最高法院通识读本 Acknowledgments
Steve Petteway, the Supreme Court’s photographer, was generous with his time in helping me select most of the photographs that appear in this book. This is my second book to benefit from Steve’s professional enthusiasm, and I thank him once again. I thank Sanford Levinson for his comments on the manuscript, and my husband and fellow law teacher, Eugene Fidell, for having read each chapter as it emerged. My editor, Nancy Toff, recruited me for this project and helped me to envision a world full of curious English-speaking readers who want to know more about the U.S. Supreme Court. I’m glad she did.
美国最高法院通识读本 Chapter 1Origins
“The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”
With those words—the opening sentence of the Constitution’s Article Ⅲ—the document’s Framers announced the birth of an institution then unknown to the world, a national court with the authority to decide cases “arising under” the country’s Constitution and laws. Precisely what that authority would mean in practice—what the Supreme Court’s role would be with respect to the two elected branches of the new government—was far from clear when the Constitution was drafted in 1787. That role remains disputed even today, when Supreme Court nominees are routinely asked by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to disavow all interest in using the Court’s authority in a manner that might be described as “judicial activism.”
This book is not intended primarily as a work of history. Its aim is to enable readers to understand how the Supreme Court of the United States operates today. But while detailed knowledge of the Court’s history is not required for that purpose, acquaintance with the Court’s origins helps appreciate the extent to which the Supreme Court that we know today has been the author of its own history. From the beginning, it has filled in the blanks of Article Ⅲ by defining its own power. In the process, the Court has defied Alexander Hamilton’s prediction in Federalist No. 78 (one of the eighty-five essays in the Federalist Papers, written to rally public support for the Constitution’s ratification) that lacking “influence over either the sword or the purse,” and possessing “neither force nor will, but merely judgment,” the judiciary would prove to be the “least dangerous branch.” That process of self-definition continues today.
The Articles of Confederation that the new United States ratified in 1781 provided neither a national judicial system nor an executive branch. (There was a single national court, the Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture, with jurisdiction limited to disputes over captured ships. The Congress also had the power to establish special courts to resolve boundary disputes between states; such a court had only sat once.) Every state had its own system of courts, as the states do today. Citizens of the new nation had feared that a federal court system with general jurisdiction would threaten the sovereignty of the loosely confederated states. But to the delegates who assembled in Philadelphia in 1787 to revise the national charter, the absence of a national judicial system was one of the decentralized government’s more obvious failings.
The Constitutional Convention quickly agreed to the proposal of Governor Edmund Randolph of Virginia for a national government of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Randolph’s resolution “that a national Judiciary be established” passed unanimously. Debating and defining the powers of Congress in Article I and of the president in Article II consumed much of the delegates’ attention and energy. Central provisions of Article III were the product of compromise and, in its fewer than five hundred words, the article left important questions unresolved. Lacking agreement on a role for lower courts, for example, the delegates simply left it to Congress to decide how to structure them. The number of justices remained unspecified. Article III itself makes no reference to the office of chief justice, to whom the Constitution(in Article I) assigns only one specific duty, that of presiding over a Senate trial in a presidential impeachment. The convention debated at length over how the members of the Supreme Court should be selected, eventually settling on nomination by the president and confirmation by the Senate. By providing that federal judges “shall hold their offices during good Behaviour,” the delegates intended to protect judicial independence.
But independence to do what, exactly? The delegates were aware that the supreme courts of several states were exercising the power of judicial review, invalidating legislative acts that, in the judges’ view, violated provisions of the state’s constitution. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, interpreting the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780, had invoked this power to declare slavery unconstitutional within the commonwealth. Courts in Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island had also exercised judicial review, sometimes generating public controversy, during the pre-Constitution period.
Although the delegates appear to have assumed that the federal courts would exercise some form of judicial review over federal and state laws, Article III says nothing explicit on the subject. It states in broad terms that the federal courts’ judicial power“shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties.” It then goes on to list specific types of disputes over which the federal courts may exercise jurisdiction: cases between states; cases between a state and citizens of another state, or between citizens of different states; “controversies to which the United States shall be a party”; admiralty and maritime disputes; cases involving ambassadors and other foreign diplomats; and cases between a state or its citizens and the government or residents of a foreign state.
For the Supreme Court specifically, Article III makes a distinction between “original” and “appellate” jurisdiction—between the Supreme Court as a court of first resort for cases involving states or foreign diplomats, and the Court as the recipient of appeals from lower courts in all other cases. Given the initial absence of lower courts, this distinction must have seemed quite arcane to readers of the judiciary article. It would shortly prove highly significant.
Once the Constitution was ratified, Congress quickly turned to the task of setting up a court system within the Article III framework. The Judiciary Act of 1789, often called the First Judiciary Act, established two tiers of lower courts: thirteen district courts that followed state lines, each with its own district judge, and three circuit courts, for the Eastern, Middle, and Southern Circuits. But the Judiciary Act did not provide for judges to staff the circuit courts. Instead, the circuits would be staffed during their two annual sittings by two Supreme Court justices and one district judge. This system required the justices to “ride circuit,” an onerous duty under primitive conditions of interstate transportation, and one that early justices keenly resented. Hannah Cushing, the wife of Justice William Cushing, referred to herself and her husband as “traveling machines.” Despite the justices’ frequent complaints, however, this system lasted, in somewhat modified form, for more than a century, until Congress established fully staffed circuit courts (known today as United States Courts of Appeals, of which there are currently thirteen) in the Evarts Act of 1891.
The first Supreme Court, consisting of five associate justices and Chief Justice John Jay, a prominent New York lawyer from a distinguished family and a co-author of the Federalist Papers, began its work of self-definition almost immediately. Three of the associate justices, John Rutledge of South Carolina, James Wilson of Pennsylvania, and John Blair Jr. of Virginia, had been delegates to the Constitutional Convention. All were acutely aware of the Court’s place in the Constitution’s design of separated powers. (President George Washington later appointed two more Constitutional Convention veterans to the Court, William Paterson of New Jersey and Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut.)
One early turning point came in 1793, when Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson sent the Supreme Court a letter on behalf of President Washington requesting help in resolving questions of interpretation that had arisen under the 1778 treaty between France and the United States. The letter posed twenty-nine specific questions. Judges of the state courts then commonly offered—as several still do—“advisory opinions” of the sort the president sought. But Chief Justice Jay and the associate justices viewed the request as falling outside the jurisdiction of the federal courts. In a letter to the president, the Court responded: “The lines of separation drawn by the Constitution between the three departments of the government—their being in certain respects checks upon each other—and our being judges of a court in the last resort—are considerations which afford strong arguments against the propriety of our extrajudicially deciding the questions alluded to.”
This early rejection of an advisory role established a lasting principle: that the federal courts have the constitutional power to decide only those questions that arise in the context of disputes between opposing parties. The principle is easier to state than to apply, and the Court has spent the subsequent two centuries elaborating on it. Even today, the contours of what is often referred to as the “Article III jurisdiction” of the federal courts remain contested. The important points here are simply these: that questions concerning the federal courts’ jurisdiction are anchored deeply in the nation’s constitutional origins, and that the Supreme Court itself has provided the answers.
The Supreme Court met for the first time on February 2, 1790, in New York City, the country’s first capital. The Court’s meeting place was the Merchants Exchange (sometimes referred to as the Royal Exchange) building in lower Manhattan, the first of several locations that served as a home for the Supreme Court until the justices got their own building on Capitol Hill in 1935.
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