1702910965 [516]John B.Judis,“Clueless in Gaza:New Evidence That Bush Under-mined a Two-State Solution,”New Republic, February 18,2013;David Rose,“The Gaza Bombshell,”Vanity Fair, March 3,2008;Graham Usher,“The Democratic Resistance:Hamas, Fatah, and the Palestinian Elections,”Journal of Palestine Studies 35,no.3(Spring 2006):20—36.
1702910967 [517]Rosato,“The Flawed Logic of Democratic Peace Theory,”p.591.罗萨托指出,美国政府在世界各地进行秘密干预的一个原因是,它试图对自己的公众隐瞒这种干预。林赛·奥罗克提出了同样的观点,Lindsey O’Rourke, Covert Regime Change:America’s Secret Cold War(Ithaca, NY:Cornell Univer-sity Press,2018)。
1702910969 [518]Christopher Layne,“Kant or Cant:The Myth of the Democratic Peace,”International Security 19,no.2(Fall 1994):5—49.
1702910971 [519]Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars:A Moral Argument with Histori-cal Illustrations(New York:Basic Books,2007).
1702910973 [520]多伊尔赞同用康德的话来表述这一点。Doyle,“Kant, Liberal Lega-cies, and Foreign Affairs,”part 2,p.344.正义战争理论与民主和平论的重叠体现在下面这本书中:John Rawls, The Law of Peoples:With“The Idea of Pub-lic Reason Revisited”(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1991)。例如,罗尔斯对正义战争理论的讨论依赖于Walzer’s Just and Unjust Wars。参见Rawls, The Law of Peoples, pp.94—105。
1702910975 [521]Alexander B.Downes, Targeting Civilians in War(Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press,2008),p.3.对于民主国家杀害大量平民的进一步证据,参见Robert A.Pape, Bombing to Win:Air Power and Coercion in War(Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press,1996);Benjamin Valentino, Paul Huth, and Dy-lan Balch-Lindsay,“‘Draining the Sea’:Mass Killing and Guerrilla Warfare,”International Organization 58,no.2(Spring 2004):375—407。
1702910977 [522]John Tirman, The Deaths of Others:The Fate of Civilians in America’s Wars(New York:Oxford University Press,2011),引用封底文字。
1702910979 [523]Geoffrey P.R.Wallace, Life and Death in Captivity:The Abuse of Prisoners during War(Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press,2015).
1702910981 [524]Doyle,“Liberalism and World Politics,”p.1159.也可参见Larry Dia-mond,“Facing Up to the Democratic Recession,”Journal of Democracy 26,no.1(January 2015):141—155;Ethan B.Kapstein and Nathan Converse, The Fate of Young Democracies(New York:Cambridge University Press,2008);Juan J.Linz and Alfred Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1996);Ko Maeda,“Two Modes of Democratic Breakdown:A Competing Risk Analysis of Democratic Durability,”Journal of Politics 72,no.4(October 2010):1129—1143;Dan Slater, Benjamin Smith, and Gautam Nair,“Economic Origins of Democratic Breakdown?The Redistribu-tive Model and the Postcolonial State,”Perspectives on Politics 12,no.2(June 2014):353—374。
1702910983 [525]事实上,三位著名学者认为当代“美国有倒退的危险”。Robert Mick-ey, Steven Levitsky, and Lucan A.Way,“Is America Still Safe for Democra-cy?”Foreign Affairs 96,no.3(May/June 2017):20—29.也可参见Steven Lev-itsky and Daniel Ziblatt, How Democracies Die(New York:Crown,2018)。
1702910985 [526]Jonathan Kirshner, Appeasing Bankers:Financial Caution on the Road to War(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2007);Beth Simmons,“Pax Mercatoria and the Theory of the State,”in Economic Interdependence and Inter-national Conflict, ed.Edward D.Mansfield and Brian M.Pollins(Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,2003),pp.31—43;Etel Solingen,“Internationali-zation, Coalitions, and Regional Conflict and Cooperation,”in Mansfield and Pollins, Economic Interdependence and International Conflict, pp.60—68.
1702910987 [527]Norman Angell, The Great Illusion:A Study of the Relationship of Mili-tary Power in Nations to Their Economic and Social Advantage(London:William Heinemann,1910).
1702910989 [528]Richard N.Rosecrance, The Rise of the Trading State:Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World(New York:Basic Books,1986).
1702910991 [529]Erik Gartzke,“The Capialist Peace,”American Journal of Poltical Sci-ence 51,no.1(January 2007):166—191;Erik Gartzke, Quan Li, and Charles Boehmer,“Investing in the Peace:Economic Interdependence and International Conflict,”International Organization 55,no.2(Spring 2001):391—438.
1702910993 [530]Patrick J.McDonald, The Invisible Hand of Peace:Capitalism, the War Machine, and International Relations Theory(New York:Cambridge University Press,2009),p.5.
1702910995 [531]Stephen G.Brooks, Producing Security:Multinational Corporations, Globalization, and the Changing Calculus of Conflict(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2005).
1702910997 [532]Dale C.Copeland,“Economic Interdependence and War:A Theory of Trade Expectations,”International Security 20,no.4(Spring 1996):5—41;Copeland, Economic Interdependence and War.
1702910999 [533]John J.Mearsheimer, Conventional Deterrence(Ithaca, NY:Cornell U-niversity Press,1983).
1702911001 [534]有人可能会认为,这一体系中其他经济上相互依存的国家将努力阻止这两个竞争对手的相互斗争,因为担心随后的战争会损害中立国家的经济。然而,正如尤金·霍尔茨和达里尔·普雷斯所指出的:“战争对中立国家造成的成本通常被夸大了;事实上,许多中立国从战争引起的经济变化中的获利微乎其微。”Eugene Gholz and Darryl G.Press,“The Effects of Wars on Neutral Counties:Why It Doesn’t Pay to Preserve the Peace,”Security Studies 10,no.4(Summer 2001):3.
1702911003 [535]Jack S.Levy and Katherine Barbieri,“Trading with the Enemy during Wartime,”Security Studies 13,no.3(Spring 2004):2,7.也见Charles H.Anderton and John R.Carter,“The Impact of War on Trade:An Interrupted Time-Series Study,”Journal of Peace Research 38,no.4(July 2001):445—457;Katherine Barbieri and Jack S.Levy,“Sleeping with the Enemy:The Im-pact of War on Trade,”Journal of Peace Research 36,no.4(July 1999):463—479;Katherine Barbieri and Jack S.Levy,“The Trade-Disruption Hypothesis and the Liberal Economic Theory of Peace,”in Globalization and Armed Conflict, ed.Gerald Schneider, Katherine Barbieri, and Nils Petter Gleditsch(Lanham, MD:Rowman&Littlefield,2003),pp.277—298。
1702911005 [536]值得注意的是,任何一个国家如果在经济上依赖于它担心可能会与之斗争的国家,都可以减少这种依赖,以便在发生战争时保护自己。James Mor-row,“How Could Trade Affect Conflict?”Journal of Peace Research 36,no.4(July 1999):481—489.也可参见Albert O.Hirschman, National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade(Berkeley:University of California Press,1980),pp.v—xii。
1702911007 [537]Peter Liberman, Does Conquest Pay?The Exploitation of Occupied In-dustrial Societies(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,1998).
1702911009 [538]Dale C.Copeland, The Origins of Major War(Ithaca, NY:Cornell U-niversity Press,2000),chaps.3—4.
1702911011 [539]短语“少了一颗钉子”出自著名的《莱茵兰寓言》,通常被认为是本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)所作:
1702911013 少了一颗钉子,丢了一块蹄铁;
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