1702934226 (23) Alexander Wendt, “The Agent-structure Problem in International Relations Theory”, International Organization, Vol. 41, No. 3, Summer 1987.
1702934228 (24) John Mearsheimer, “A Realist Reply”, International Security, Vol. 20, No. 1, Summer 1995.
1702934230 (25) 参阅Robert W. Cox, “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, Millennium: Journal International Studies, 10, No. 2, 1981, pp. 128—137; Steve Smith, “The Self-Images of a Discipline: A Genealogy of International Relations Theory”, Ken Booth and Steve Smith (eds. ), International Relations Theory Today, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995, pp. 25—27.
1702934232 (26) 参阅Yosef Lapid, “The Third Debate: On the Prospects of International Theory in a Post-Positivist Era”, International Studies Quarterly, 33, No. 3, 1999.
1702934234 (27) 参阅尤尔根·哈贝马斯,《认识与兴趣》,郭官义和李黎译,学林出版社,1999年。哈贝马斯大部分著作未被译成汉语,主要的有:“A Postscript to Knowledge and Human Interests”, Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Vol. 3, 1973), pp. 175—185; Theory and Practice trans. by J. Viertel, Beacon Press, 1973; Towards a Rational Society trans. by J. J. Shapiro Beacon Press, 1970 and Legitimation Crisis trans. by T. McCarthy, Beacon Press, 1975. For a discussion of Habermas’s ideas, see J. B. Thompson and D. Held (eds. ), Habermas, Critical Debates, MacMillan, 1982; G. Kortian, Metacritique, The Philosophical Argument of Jurgen Habermas, Cambridge University Press, 1980; R. Guees, Habermas and Critical Theory Oxford University Press, 1982, G. Therborn, “Habermas: A New Eclectic”, New Left Review (No. 67, 1971), pp. 69—83 and F. R. Dallmayr, “Critical Theory Criticized: Habermas’s Knowledge and Human Interests and Its Aftermath”, Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Vol. 2, 1972) .
1702934236 (28) 参阅Max Horkheimer, Critical Theory: Selected Essays Herder and Herder, 1972.
1702934238 (29) 参阅夏基松,《现代西方哲学教程》,上海人民出版社,1985年版,第29—39和417—440页;Mark Neufeld, The Reconstruturing of International Relations Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. 22—28.
1702934240 (30) 关于次数的划分,参考了以下论文:Nick Rengger and Mark Hoffman, “Modernity, Postmodernism and International Relations”, in Joe Doherty and Elspeth Graham and Mo Malelz (eds. ), Postmodernism and the Social Sciences, St. Martin’s Press, 1992, pp. 127—147.
1702934242 (31) Hans Morgenthau, Politics among Nations, Alfred Knorf, 1973, p. xi.
1702934244 (32) 参阅Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicage Press, 1962. 科恩讨论了理论范式问题,把“范式”定义为“一方面它代表某个特定团体成员所共享有的信念、价值、技巧等的总汇;另一方面,它指这一总汇中的一种要素,即作为模式或范例使用的具体解疑方法,解疑方法可以代表明确的规则,作为解决常规科学其余难题的基础”。(第175页)关于西方国际关系理论范式间的争论,可参阅M. Banks, “The Inter-paradigm Debate”, in M. Light and A. J. R. Groom (eds. ), International Relations: A Handbook of Current Theory, Francis Printer, 1985, pp. 7—23.
1702934246 (33) Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics, p. 66.
1702934248 (34) 参阅Yosef Lapid, “The Third Debate: On the Prospects of International Theory in a Post-Positivist Era”, International Studies Quarterly, 33, No. 3, 1999.
1702934250 (35) 关于后实证主义时期的专著和文章举不胜举,主要的有:Cox, R. W. , “Reflections of Some Recent Literature”, Internation Organization, 1979; Ashley, R. K. , The Political Economy of War and Peace: The Sino-Soviet American Triangle and the Modern Security Problematique, 1980; Galtung, J. , The True Worlds, 1980; Alker, H. R. , “Dialectical Foundationof Global Disparities”, International Studies Quarterly, 1981; Cox, R. W. “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, Millennium, Reprinted in Neorealism and its Critics (ed. ), Keohane, 1986; Cox, R. W. , “In Search of International Political Economy: A Review Essay”, New Political Science, 1981; Ashley, R. K. , “Political Realism and Human Interests”, International Studies Quarterly, 1981; Alker, H. R. , “Logic, Dialectics, Politics: Some recent controversies”, in Dialectical Logics for the Political Sciences (ed. ), H. R. Alker. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences of Humanities, 1982; Ashley, R. K. 1983, “The Eye of Power: the Politics of World Modeling”, International Organization, 1983; Ashley, R. K. , “Three Modes of Economism”, International Studies Quarterly, 1983; Mittelman, J. H. , “World Order Studies and International Political Economy”, Alternatives, 1983; Cox, R. W. , “Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method”, Millennium, 1983; Alker. H. R. , and Biersteker, T. K. , “The Dialectics of World Order: Notes for a Future Archaeologist of International Savior Faire”, International Studies Quarterly, 1984; Cox, R. W. , “Postscript 1985”, in Neorealism and its Critics (ed. ), Keohane, 1986; Ashley, R. K. , and R. B. J. Walker. , “Reading Dissidence/Writing the Discipline: Crisis and the Question of Sovereignty in International Studies”, International Studies Quarterly, 1990; Walker, R. B. J. , “History and Structure in the Theory of International Relations”, Millennium, 1987; ——, “Realism, Change and International Political Theory”, International Studies Quarterly; ——, One World, Many Worlds: Struggles for a Just World Peace, 1988; ——, “The Prince and ‘The Pauper’: Tradition, Modernity, and Practice in the Theory of International Relations”, in International/Intertextual Relations, Der Derian, M.J., and Shapiro, J., (eds. ), 1989; ——, Inside/Outside: International Relations as Political Theory, 1993; —— (ed. ), International Theory: Critical Investigation, 1994; George, Jim, Discourses of Global Politics: A Critical (Re) Introduction to International Relations, 1994; Der Derian, J. , and M. J. Shapiro (eds. ), International/Intertextual Relations: Postmodern Readings of World Politics, 1989; Dillon, Michael, Politics of Security: Towards a Political Philosophy of the Continental Thought, 1996.
1702934252 (36) Steve Smith, Kenneth Booth and Marysia Zalemski (eds. ), International Relations—Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 12.
1702934254 (37) Mark Hoffman, “Critical Theory and the Inter-paradigm Dabate”in Hugh Dyer and Leon Mangesation (eds. ), The Study of International Relations St. Martion’s Press, 1989, pp. 70—78.
1702934256 (38) Mark Hoffman, “Critical Theory and the Inter-paradigm Dabate”in Hugh Dyer and Leon Mangesation (eds. ), The Study of International Relations St. Martion’s Press, 1989, pp. 72—73.
1702934258 (39) John Vasquez, “Post-positivist Debate”, pp. 250—251.
1702934260 (40) Ken Booth and Steve Smith, International Relations Theory Today, Cambridge University Press, 1995, p. 74.
1702934262 (41) Mark Hoffman, “Critical Theory and the Inter-paradigm Dabate”in Hugh Dyer and Leon Mangesation (eds. ), The Study of International Relations St. Martion’s Press, 1989, p. 76.
1702934264 (42) Mark Hoffman, “Critical Theory and the Inter-paradigm Dabate”in Hugh Dyer and Leon Mangesation (eds. ), The Study of International Relations St. Martion’s Press, 1989, p. 78.
1702934266 (43) Cornel West, The American Evasion of Philosophy, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1989, p. 201.
1702934268 (44) Steve Smith, “Paradigm Dominance in International Relations: The Development of International Relations as a Social Science”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 16, No. 2, 1987.
1702934270 (45) Mark Hoffman, “Critical Theory and the Inter-paradigm Dabate”in Hugh Dyer and Leon Mangesation (eds. ), The Study of International Relations St. Martion’s Press, 1989, pp. 69—70; 考克斯的代表作品包括:“Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 10, No. 2, 1981; Production, Power, and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History, 1987; “Multilateralism and World Order”, Review of International Studies, 1992; Approaches to World Order, 1995.
1702934272 (46) Ken Booth, “Security in Anarchy: Utopian Realism in Theory and Practice”, International Affairs, 67, No. 3, 1991.
1702934274 (47) Richard Ashley, “Political Realism and Human Interests”, International Studies Quarterly, 25, No. 2, 1981.
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