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1702934328 (74) 参阅Ann Tickner, Gender and International Relations: Feminist Perspectives On Achieving Global Security, Colimbia University Press, 1992; Ann Tickner, “Re-visioning”, in Ken Booth and Steve Smith (eds. ), International Relations Theory Today, pp. 175—197.
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1702934336 (78) 参阅Jeffery T. Checkel, “The Constructivist Tum in International Relations Theory”, World Politics, 50, 1998; Ted Hopf, “The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory”, International Security, 23, No. 1, 1998; Richard Price and Christian Reus-Smit, “Dangerous Liaisons? Critical International Theory and Constructivism”, European Journal of International Relations 4. No. 3, 1998.
1702934338 (79) Jim George, Discourse of Global Politics: A Critical (Re) Introduction to International Relations, Lynn Rienner, 1994, p. 24.
1702934340 (80) Alexander Wendt, “Constructing International Politics”, International Security, 20, No. 1, 1995.
1702934342 (81) Richard Price and Christian Reus-Smit, “Dangerous Liaisons? Critical International Theory and Constructivism”, European Journal of International Relations 4. No. 3, 1998.
1702934344 (82) Peter Katzenstein, Robert Keohane and Sephen Krasner (eds. ), Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics, MIT Press, 1999, p. 36.
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