1703201488 This paper has made use of institutional economics as the basic theoretical tool,in the perspectives of individual rights and social control,it has taken the household registration institutions as a means of control of individuals and personal rights(resources capacity)have been used to influence and control other more resources into the whole framework of the society institution. The main line of this paper is household registration institutions and its historical changes. In the aspects of institutional requirements,supplies,implementation,costs,and competition etc.,the paper has mainly studied and discussed the changes seen in the fields of political and economic institutions,which is in the institutional framework,on land,taxes and labor service levying,hierarchy institutions,and their changes and interactions with the household registration institutions,as well as these influences to individual rights(resources capacity). Furthermore,its study and discussion include how the actions taken by individual and groups(formed by different individuals)influenced to the institutional framework,especially to the household registration institutions. This study is aimed at enabling better choices of directions in respect to formulating reforms of China’s household registration institutions,and as a reference point in helping individuals and the government to make better choices. At meanwhile,by the means of explaining the change of China’s household registration institutions,this paper has tested and refined the related theories of institutional economics.
1703201490 This paper consists of a total of seven chapters,which formed by three parts:theory(Chapter I),history(Chapter II to VI),theory and history(Chapter VII),and what follows is a detailed description of each of these chapters.
1703201492 Chapter I. Introduction. This chapter discusses the background and significance of the research,the theoretical tool made use of,research methods,related concepts and theories,literary reviews,study concept,frame and new innovative approaches.
1703201494 Chapter II. The origins of household registration institutions. This chapter discusses the divergences of interests,trading,rights and institutions in a Robinson Crusoe(one-man)economy,based on the rational economic man and scarcity of resources;second,it discusses the processes of cooperation and groups,social differentiating,and social structure forming. It also discusses the roots of control base on institutional non-neutral,individual differences and preference;third,It discusses the control institutions of that early humans group control of its members.
1703201496 Chapter III. The mode of group controlling. This chapter studies and discusses the start of China used groups as the mode of controlling unit,the differences between different groups in respect to methods of internal control,as well as a series of breakthroughs made in respect to means of group controlling,individual family growth,and finally the end of group controlling mode in the Xia,Shang,and Zhou dynasties.
1703201498 Chapter IV. The household registration institutions coupling of the institutions of land. First,it studies and discusses the household registration institutions was created to fit in the land system reform and competition between kingdoms in Spring and Autumn period,and the effects on tax,labor service levying institutions and social organization that these changes bought about. It also studies and discusses the kingdoms(especially Qin Dynasty)adjusted and improved the institutions under the pressure of competition,and the Western Han Dynasty inherited and revised the Qin’s institutions. The household registration institutions was torn by powerful family,warlords,and separatist regimes from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Southern Dynasty. The different minority regimes according to different standards divided the institutions between Hu and Han in the Northern Dynasty. The household registration institutions last combined with the land system during Sui and the early Tang periods.
1703201500 Chapter V. The household registration institutions coupling of the labor service levying institutions. First,it studies and discusses the decoupling and impact bought about by the household registration institutions and the institutions of land in the late Tang Dynasty,as well as the labor service levying household based development of the household registration institutions during the period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ending in the Song Dynasty;second,it studies and discusses the institutions framework under the nationalities and socioeconomic configuration,as well as the development and change of the household Registration institutional in the Liao,Jin and Yuan dynasties;third,it also studies and discusses the household registration institutions coupling again and decoupling of tax and labor service levying institutions in the Ming Dynasty;forth,it studies and discusses the institutional framework under the nationalities and socioeconomic configuration,and the decoupling and impact bought about by the household registration institutions and labor service levying institutions in early Qing Dynasty.
1703201502 Chapter VI. The way towards to be individual control. First,it studies and discusses the collapse process of Chinese traditional social economy structure and the household registration institutions in the late Qing Dynasty,individual as the control unit began to be incorporated into the control institutions;second,it studies and discusses the household registration institutional was torn by different regimes in the period of the Republic of China,the choice of control unit was in the uncertain between individual and family,and the institutional competitions existed among the Communist Party,the National Party,and other regimes;third,it studies and discusses the traditional institutions were reformed in Republic of China,and the household registration institutions were divided into separate rural and urban institutions,the changes made to left institutions after the reform and the reforms of the urban and rural household registration institutions.
1703201504 Chapter VII. Conclusions and implications. This chapter provides a summary of the feature,trends and implications about the change of household registration institutions.
1703201506 The innovations of this paper are:1. This paper analyses the household registration institutions change using the theory and methods of institutional economics,and selected the research perspective of individual rights and social control. The household registration institutions change in china can be summarized in four stages:origin,group control,household registration control and individual control. Those will provide an idea for the household registration institutions change research;2. This paper is aimed at enabling better choices of directions in respect to formulating reforms of China’s household registration institutions,and as a reference point in helping individuals and the government to make better choices,through the investigation of principle,development and change of individual rights and social control in the household registration institutions;3. This paper were explained the China’s household registration institutions changes using the relevant theories of system economics,and tested these theories,on this basis,this paper presents some theoretical correction aiming at the existing problems of the part of these theories.
1703201508 The deficiencies of the paper are:1. Because of a lack of greater academic knowledge,too much emphasis is placed on historical processes,the theoretical discussion was not sufficient,as well as abstract and summary;2. The research was confined to China,without international comparisons about the household registration institutions,individual rights and societal controls;3. Because of the complexity of China’s household registration institutions and the length limitation of this paper,some discussion to retain the single evidence,and in this way loose some of its persuasive power.
1703201510 Keywords:the Household Registration Institutions;Individual Rights;Social Control;Intuitional Change
1703201515 中国户籍制度变迁:个人权利与社会控制 [:1703201362]
1703201516 中国户籍制度变迁:个人权利与社会控制 1 导论
1703201518 中国户籍制度变迁:个人权利与社会控制 [:1703201363]
1703201519 1.1 选题的由来和意义
1703201521 中国户籍制度变迁:个人权利与社会控制 [:1703201364]
1703201522 1.1.1 选题的由来
1703201524 回顾中国历史,我们可以发现很多纵贯古今的独特现象,户籍制度就是其中之一。从春秋初管仲相齐开始,以家庭为控制单位的户籍制度正式实施,至今已有几千年的历史。虽然历代户籍制度内容不尽相同,但其功能则大致相同,往往是国家制士处民,征收贡赋,制造器物,规定禄食,兴发力役,组织军旅的基本依据。直到今天,户籍制度仍包括一套与证明身份、配置资源相关的政治、经济制度。不仅影响着生活在这片土地上的每一个人的个人权利和日常生活,而且在未来中国社会发展进程中还可能继续发挥作用。因此,无论是历史的延续性、功能的多样性,还是内容的复杂性,户籍制度在中国社会历史发展进程中的作用和影响都是巨大而独特的。
1703201526 实际上,中国户籍制度不仅是一般意义上的人口信息或人口信息与管理制度,而且是长期与土地制度、赋役制度、等级制度等相互结合,赋予特定户籍或户籍中的特定的个人(群体)特定权利和义务,实质上是通过控制人及其权利(资源能力)进而控制其他资源的一类制度安排和结构。在整个社会制度结构中,户籍制度并不具备核心制度的性质,但由于制度结构中制度安排的相互作用,户籍制度在很大程度上成为个人权利和社会控制的节点,户籍制度的变迁也就一定程度反映了个人权利和社会控制演进的逻辑。
1703201528 由于户籍制度在中国社会历史进程中的重要性,历史学、政治学、法学、行政管理学、社会学和人口学等学科在各自的研究领域内,对户籍制度及其变迁中的某些问题进行了广泛的研究,但也存在一些空白和问题。在理论上,没有从更宏观的层次完整反映和解释户籍制度的起源和变迁;没有完整反映和解释户籍制度变迁与制度环境,特别是与土地制度、赋役制度、等级制度等各自演进和交互作用及其趋势,以及制度变迁过程中的制度需求、制度供给、制度执行、制度成本及制度竞争问题。不能完整反映个人及由不尽相同的个人组成的集团的行动对户籍制度变迁的影响,也就不可能真正反映户籍制度作为个人权利和社会控制节点,作为通过控制人及其权利(资源能力)进而控制其他资源的制度的属性。在方法上,受制度经济学影响,近年来对户籍制度的一些研究也一定程度使用了制度经济学观点,一些研究大量使用了“制度”“制度演进”“制度变迁”等制度经济学的“流行”词汇,但在方法上多数实际不是制度经济学的,对理论本身的检验、修正、补充也较缺乏。
1703201530 对于现行户籍制度及其未来走向,社会各界不可谓不关注,然而改革呼声虽然强烈。特别是现行户籍制度割裂城乡,限制迁徙自由权、平等权和社会流动等弊端,已经成为社会诟病的中心和对改革期待的重要方面,但对“改什么、怎么改、何时改”的意见并不一致。因此,不仅需要从理论上对户籍制度变迁及个人权利和社会控制的演进做出解释,更需要以此为个人、团体、国家在未来的行动提供一定的指导。这样,对户籍制度及其变迁的研究不仅是回顾历史、考察现实的需要,更是关注未来的需要。
1703201532 中国户籍制度变迁:个人权利与社会控制 [:1703201365]
1703201533 1.1.2 研究的意义
1703201535 本研究主要有三方面意义:
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