1703370489 [6] Crane Brinton,The Anatomy of Revolution (New York,Vintage,1958).
1703370491 [7] Leon Trotsky,My Life (New York,Scribner’s,1930),p. 337,quoted in Merle Fainsod,How Russia Is Ruled (Cambridge,Harvard University Press,1953),p. 84.
1703370493 [8] Cf. Chalmers Johnson. Revolution and the Social System (Stanford,Hoover Institution,1964),pp. 3—22;Harry Eckstein,“Internal War:The Problem of Anticipation,”in Ithiel de Sola Pool et al.,Social Science Research and National Security (Washington,Smithsonian Institution,1963),pp. 116—118.
1703370495 [9] Pettee,pp. 12,100;Brinton,pp. 100 ff.;Johnson,pp. 5 ff.
1703370497 [10] R.R. Palmer,The Age of the Democratic Revolution,I ,484.
1703370499 [11] Barbara Ward,“‘The City May Be as Lethal as the Bomb,’”New York Times Magazine ,April 19,1964,p. 22.
1703370501 [12] Ernst Halperin,“The Decline of Communism in Latin America,”Atlantic Monthly,215 (May 1965),65.
1703370503 [13] Glaucio A.D. Soares,“The Political Sociology of Uneven Development in Brazil,”in Irving L. Horowitz,ed.,Revolution in Brazil (New York,Dutton,1964),p. 191;Andrew Pearse,“Some Characteristics of Urbanization in the City of Rio de Janeiro,”in Philip Hauser,ed.,Urbanization in Latin America (Paris,UNESCO,1961),p. 196.
1703370505 [14] Angus Campbell et al.,The American Voter (New York,John Wiley,1960),pp. 209—210;Frank Bonilla,“Rio’s Favelas,”American Universities Field Staff Report Service (East Coast South America Series,Vol,8,No.3,February 1,1961),12;John P. Harrison,“The Role of the Intelleetual in Fomenting Change;The University,”in John J. TePaske and Sydney N. Fisher,eds.,Explosive Forcesin Latin America (Columbus,Ohio State University Press,1964),p. 34;Daniel Goldrich,“Toward an Estimate of the Probability of Social Revolutions in Latin America:Some Orienting Concepts and a Case Study.”Centennial Review,6 (Summer 1962),400. 另可见Daniel Goldrich,Raymond B. Pratt,and C.R. Schuller,“The Political Integration of Lower Class Urban Settlements in Chile and Peru:A Provisional Inquiry”(paper presented at Annuai Meeting of the American Political Science Association,New York,September 6—10,1996)。
1703370507 [15] Halperin,p. 66.
1703370509 [16] H. Rotondo,“Psychological and Mental Health Problems of Urbanization Based on Case Studies in Peru,”in Hauser,p. 255.
1703370511 [17] Soares,pp. 191—192;Alfred Stepan,“Political Development Theory:The Latin American Experience,”Journal of International Affairs,20 (1966),229—231;Joseph A. Kahl,“Social Stratification and Values in Metropoli and Provinces:Brazil and Mexico,”America Latina,8 (Jan.-Mar. 1965),33. Cf. John C. Leggett,“Uprootedness and Working-Class Consclousness,”American Journal of Sociology,68 (1963),682 ff.
1703370513 [18] Weiner,The Politics of Scarcity ,pp. 205—206(footnotes omitted),and Weiner,“Urbanization and Political Protest,”Civilisations,17 (1967),44—50.
1703370515 [19] Oscar Handlin,The Uprooted (Boston,Little Brown,1951),p. 267;Will Herberg,Protestant-Catholic-Jew (Garden City,N.Y.,Doubleday,1956),pp. 28—35;Marcus L. Hansen,The Immigrant in American History (Cambridge,Harvard University Press,1940),pp. 92—96.
1703370517 [20] Claude Brown,Testimony,Hearings on Federal Role in Urban Problems ,U.S. Senate,Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization of the Committee on Government Operations,89th Congress,2d Session(1966),Part V,p. 1106;Philip Meyer,A Survey of Attitudes of Detroit Negroes After the Riot of 1967 (Detroit,Detroit Urban League and Detroit Free Press,1967).
1703370519 [21] Kornhauser,The Politics of Mass Society ,pp. 150—151.楷体为原文所有。
1703370521 [22] George E. Lichtblau,“The Politics of Trade Union Leadership in Southern Asia,”World Politics,7 (1954),89—99. Arnold Zack,Labor Training in Developing Countries (New York,Praeger,1964),p. 12;Bruce Millen,The Political Role of Labor in Developing Countries ,pp. 49—52;Robert J. Alexander,Organized Labor in Latin America (New York. Free Press,1965;),p. 13;Marshall R. Singer,The Emerging Elite (Cambridge,M.I.T. Press,1964),pp. 128—136.
1703370523 [23] Gaston V. Rimlinger,“The Legitimation of Protest:A Comparative Study in Labor History,”Comparative Studies in Society and History,2 (April 1960),342—343.
1703370525 [24] Henry A. Landsberger,“The Labor Elite:Is It Revolutionary?”in Seymour Martin Lipset and Aldo Solari,eds.,Elites in Latin America (New York,Oxford University Press,1967),p. 260.
1703370527 [25] Lichtblau,p. 100.
1703370529 [26] Lloyd Fallers,“Equality,Modernity,and Democracy in the New States,”in Clifford Geertz,ed.,Old Societies and New States (New York,The Free Press,1963),p. 188.另可见西奥多·德雷珀(Theodore Draper)的评论,他认为“古巴工会数年来已获得了足够的让步和好处,从而使其成员成为相对的特权阶级”。Castroism:Theory and Practice (New York,Praeger,1965),pp. 76—77。
1703370531 [27] Landsberger,p. 271.
1703370533 [28] Harpern,The Politics of Social Change in the Middle East and North Africa ,p. 75;Draper,p. 79.
1703370535 [29] Bert F. Hoselitz and Myron Weiner,“Economic Development and Political Stability in India,”Dissent,8 (Spring 1961),177;Benjamin B. Ringer and David L. Sills.“Political Extremists in Iran,”Public Opinion Quarterly,10 (1952—1953),693—694.
1703370537 [30] Palmer,I ,483—443.
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