1704343509 10. Axelrod, R., & Hamilton, W. (1981). The evolution of cooperation.Science,211(4489), 1390–1396.
1704343511 11. The rains of people playing the Prisoner’s Dilemma were examined in: Rilling,J.K., Sanfey, A.G., Aronson, J.A., Nystrom, L.E., & Cohen, J.D. (2004). Opposing BOLD responses to reciprocated and unreciprocated altruism in putative reward pathways. Neuroreport, 15(16), 2539–2543. Other games requiring cooperation or competition were examined by Decety, J., et al. (2004). The neural bases of cooeration and competition: An fMRI investigation. Neuroimage, 23(2), 744–751.
1704343513 12. Aron, A., Melinat, E., Aron, E.N., Vallone, R.D., & Bator, R.J. (1997). The expeimental generation of interpersonal closeness: A procedure and some preliminary findings.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23(4), 363–377.
1704343515 13. Przybylski, A.K., & Weinstein, N. (2013). Can you connect with me now? How the presence of mobile communication technology influences faceto-face conversation quality. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30(3), 3237–3246.
1704343519 第九章 解决分歧,进入深度交流
1704343521 1. Rapoport, A. (1960). Fights, Games, and Debates. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
1704343523 2. Precisely how our biology allows this contagion is one of the hottest unresolved debates in neuroscience — some believe “mirror neurons” are responsible; others point out that mirror neurons haven’t yet been directly observed in human brains.But the effects aren’t in dispute. We all know that when one person walks into a room in a foul mood, the gloom can spread without a word being spoken.
1704343525 3. Friedman, R., et al. (2010). Motivational synchronicity: Priming motivational orientations with observations of others’ behaviors. Motivation and Emotion, 34(1),34–38.
1704343527 4. Buchanan, T.W., White, C.N., Kralemann, M., & Preston, S.D. (2012). The cotagion of physiological stress: Causes and consequences. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 3.
1704343529 5. Wild, B., et al. (2001). Are emotions contagious? Evoked emotions while viewing emotionally expressive faces: Quality, quantity, time course and gender diffeences. Psychiatry Research, 102(2), 109–24.
1704343531 6. Ross, L.D., Amabile, T.M., & Steinmetz, J.L. (1977). Social roles, social control, and biases in social-perception processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(7), 485–494. See also: Gilbert, D.T., & Malone, P.S. (1995). The corespondence bias. Psychological Bulletin, 117(1), 21–38.
1704343533 7. Gilbert, D.T., Pelham, B.W., & Krull, D.S. (1988). On cognitive busyness: When person perceivers meet persons perceived. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(5), 733–740.
1704343535 8. Ross, L.D., Amabile, T.M., & Steinmetz, J.L. (1977). Social roles, social control,and biases in social-perception processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(7), 485–494.
1704343537 9. Izuma, K., Saito, D.N., & Sadato, N. (2008). Processing of social and monetary rewards in the human striatum. Neuron, 58(2), 284–294.
1704343539 10. Goldin, P.R., McRae, K., Ramel, W., & Gross, J.J. (2008). The neural bases o emotion regulation: Reappraisal and suppression of negative emotion. Biological Psychiatry, 63(6), 577–586.
1704343543 第十章 激发出别人的最佳状态
1704343545 1. See Nancy Kline’s book for more on ways to create an effective thinking envronment for another person: Kline, N. (1999). Time to Think: Listening to Ignite th Human Mind. London: Octopus.
1704343547 2. Deci, E.L., & Ryan, R.M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self- determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227–268.
1704343549 3. Williams, G.C., Gagne, M., Ryan, R.M., & Deci, E.L. (2002). Facilitating autonomous motivation for smoking cessation. Health Psychology, 21(1), 40–50.
1704343551 4. Baumeister, R.F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C., & Vohs, K.D. (2001). Bad is stronger than good. Review of General Psychology, 5(4), 323–370.
1704343553 5. Camerer, C.F., & Thaler, R.H. (1995). Anomalies: Ultimatums, dictators an manners. Journal ofEconomic Perspectives, 9(2), 209–219.
1704343555 6. Tabibnia, G., et al. (2008). The sunny side of fairness: Preference for fairnes activates reward circuitry (and disregarding unfairness activates self- control circuitry). Psychological Science, 19(4), 339–347. For a more general discussion of the way that fairness is treated by the brain, see Rilling, J.K., & A.G. Sanfey (2011). Th neuroscience of social decision-making. Annual Review ofPsychology, 62, 23–48.
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