1704381031 17.There is some dispute about how much these firms would have unbundled on their own without antitrust enforcement.Regardless of the motivation, the U.S.outcome was very different from that in other countries.See Ussfilman, “Unbundling IBM.”
1704381033 18.For example, the vice president for electronic component development at Western Electric, which licensed out AT&T’s semiconductor technology, explained, “We realized that if this thing [the transistor] was as big as we thought, we couldn’t keep it to ourselves and we couldn’t make all the technical contributions.It was to our interest to spread it around.If you cast your bread on the water, sometimes it comes back angel food cake.” Tilton, International Diffusion, pp..75–76.
1704381035 19.Appleyard, “How Does Knowledge Flow?”
1704381037 20.Khan, Democratization of Invention.
1704381039 21.The U.S.auto industry long made “knowledge work” the sole domain of professional engineers.Engineers designed the cars, and factory workers made them.Many engineers never set foot on the factory floor; factory workers rarely had meaningful opportunity to correct design errors that made the cars harder to assemble and more prone to defects or reliability problems.In contrast, the Japanese auto industry, especially Toyota, recognized that ordinary factory workers acquired significant knowledge about design and manufacturability on the job.Assembly-line workers participate on Japanese design teams.Moreover, when an assembly worker defects a problem, the worker can stop the assembly line until it is solved; that sort of power was unheard of in Detroit.Japanese automotive engineers begin their employment working on the factory floor and subsequently spend one month a year rotating into alternative jobs.In this way they gain an understanding of the entire process of producing a car.Needless to say, this cultivation of knowledge learned through experience in production allowed the Japanese auto makers to design cars faster with fewer engineering hours, to produce them with less labor, and to make them of higher quality, all at the same time.See Womack, Jones, and Roos, Machine That Changed the World.
1704381041 22.Mike Masnick, “Hacking Society: It’s Time to Measure the Unmeasurable,” Techdirt (blog), April 27, 2012.
1704381043 23.This bias features prominently in the argument by Michele Boldrin and David K.Levine, “Case against Patents.”
1704381045 24.Litman, “Revising Copyright Law”; Litman, Digital Copyright.
1704381047 25.Buchanan and Tullock, Calculus of Consent; Olson, Logic of Collective Action.
1704381049 26.Paul Krugman,“Barons of Broadband.” New York Times, February 16, 2014.http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/17/opinion/krugmanbaronsofbroadband.html?hp&rref=opinion&_r=1.
1704381051 27.Scherer, “Political Economy”; Ja.e and Lerner, Innovation and Its Discontents; Henry and Turner, “Court of Appeals”; Nard and Duffy, “Rethinking Patent Law’s Uniformity Principle”; Dourado and Tabarrok, “Public Choice and Bloomington School.”
1704381053 28.First Street, “Lobbying the America Invents Act,” CQPress, 2011, http:// firststreetresearch..les.wordpress.com/2011/11/firststreetreportlobbyingthe-americainventsact.pdf.
1704381055 29.Judge Paul Michel, speaking at the National Academy of Sciences on February 12, 2013, cited $300 million in lobbying and campaign contributions.
1704381057 30.President Obama himself recognizes that the bill did not adequately deal with the problem of patent trolls; see http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2013/06/04 /takingpatenttrollsprotectamericaninnovation.
1704381059 31.See Zach Carter, “The Spoilsmen: How Congress Corrupted Patent Refirm,” Hu.ngton Post, August 4, 2011, http://www.hu.ngtonpost.com/2011/08/04/patentrefirmcongress_n_906278.html?view=print&comm_ref=false.Subsequently, Senator Schumer recognized the value of this proceeding to other industries and introduced the Patent Quality Improvement Act (S.866), which would extend the same review proceeding to all business method patents, not just financial ones.
1704381061 32.The America Invents Act (AIA) changed the rules to make it harder for patent trolls to.le lawsuits against many unrelated defendants.This means that for some purposes the number of lawsuits might not be the best measure of patent troll activity.Another measure is the number of defendant firms sued.Although the number of defendants declined in 2012, after a sharp spike in 2011 as patent holders sought to file multi-defendant lawsuits prior to the AIA, the number of defendants also rose in 2013 again (by 11 percent), continuing the trend of the previous decade.See James Bessen, “Patent Trolling Was Up 11 Percent Last Year,” Washington Post, The Switch (blog), January 31, 2014, http://www.wash ingtonpost.com/blogs/theswitch/wp/2014/01/31/patent-trolling-was-up-11-percent-last-year/.
1704381063 33.See James Bessen, “How Patent Trolls Doomed Themselves by Targeting Main Street,” Ars Technica, September 12, 2013, http://arstechnica.com /tech-policy/2013/09/op-ed-how-patent-trolls-doomed-themselves-by-targeting-main-street/.
1704381065 34.Executive Office of the President, “Patent Assertion and U.S.Innovation,” June 2013, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/.les/docs/patent_report.pdf.
1704381067 35.Mullin, “How the Patent Trolls Won in Congress.”
1704381069 36.Graddy, “Toward a General Theory of Occupational Regulation.”
1704381071 37.Fox-Grange, “Scope of Practice.”
1704381073 38.Jen DiMascio, “Defense Goes All-in for Incumbents,” Politico, September 27, 2010, http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42733.html.
1704381075 39.Centerfor Responsive Politics, “Defense: Background,” http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/background.php?cycle=2014&ind=D.
1704381077 40.American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), “Federal Spending Bills Contain 2,526 R&D Earmarks, AAAS Analysis Finds,” January 8, 2008, http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-01/aaftfsb010808.php.
1704381079 41.Center for Responsive Politics, “Interest Groups: Lawyers and Lobbyists,” http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?Ind=K.
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