1704513954 第12章将聚焦于对创新的融资:为什么股权和风险资本融资非常适合支持前沿创新;为什么机构投资者与慈善家也在鼓励承担风险方面发挥了不可或缺的作用;为什么政府可能过分专注对大企业的研发补贴,结果伤害了更具创新力的中小企业?
1704513956 第13章将聚焦于创新同全球化之间的关系,不仅是产品的全球化,也包括人的全球化:来自中国的进口增加如何影响发达国家的就业与创新;为什么出口市场的扩张会刺激创新,为什么投资与创新是比保护主义更有效的维持价值链控制的方式;为什么技术移民对迁入国的创新做出了巨大贡献?
1704513958 第14章将从历史角度分析,能够同时投资创新并管理相应风险的政府是如何建立起来的:战争风险与国际竞争如何促进了致力于教育、研究和产业政策的国家逐渐兴起;战争与重大经济危机如何推动各国政府采纳相应政策,以保护个人免受创造性破坏的内在风险,或保护企业免受经济周期波动的风险。
1704513960 第15章将分析,对行政机构的制衡如何制止妨碍新创新活动进入的滥权和腐败。我们将介绍几种可以监督行政权力使用的宪法工具。但在许多情形下,如果没有民间社会的干预,这些工具仍不能发挥实际效用:民间社会为什么以及如何充当权力分立与行政权力监督的最终保障;为什么“市场—政府—民间社会”这个三角结构对创新经济的正常运转不可或缺?
1704513962 最后,基于之前各章的分析与讨论,本书结语部分将邀请读者一起思考资本主义的未来:为什么我们不能抛弃资本主义,而应该对其进行改革,以实现可持续和更公平的繁荣?
1704513964 在结束这一引言部分的时候,我们再做三点补充。第一,我们将以特定的熊彼特研究范式或者说创造性破坏范式,来探讨与增长过程有关的谜团和问题。如前文所述,其他研究方法也曾被用来考察经济增长过程。但归根到底,正是经济思想史中的创造性破坏过程筛选出了最能经受时间考验的模型与范式。第二,在分析和推理的表述中,我们将依据:(1)启发性的经验证据,意指解释变量与被解释变量之间的简单相关性;(2)更靠近因果解释的经验证据,包括利用控制变量和工具变量,借助自然实验或随机实验等方法。在任何场合,我们都将尽可能明确地告知读者,有关的经验事实只是启示性的,还是有更直接的因果关系。第三,我们选择用众多图表来描述某些论证,目的是让某些不那么直观的内容变得更加清晰、友好和有趣。
1704513966 [1]Joseph A. Schumpeter,Capitalism,SocialismandDemocracy, 3rd ed. (1950; New York: Harper Collins, 2008).
1704513968 [2]这一名言来自《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》(Theses on Feuerbach),由马克思于1845年撰写,但直至1888年才由恩格斯帮助出版。近期的英文译文来自Karl Marx,“Theses on Feuerbach,”trans. W. Lough, Marxists internet archive, 2002,https: // www. marxists. org/ archive/ marx/ works/ 1845/ theses/ theses. htm.
1704513970 [3]Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton,“High Income Improves Evaluation of Life but Not Emotional Well-Being,”Proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences107, no. 38(2010):16489 -16493.
1704513972 [4]关于发展指标的关键内容,可以参见Joseph Stiglitz, Amartya Sen, and Jean Fitoussi,“Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress,” CMEPSP, Paris, 2009, https: // www. uio. no/ studier/ emner/ sv/oekonomi/ ECON4270/ h09/ Report%20in%20English. pdf.
1704513974 [5]See Robert Solow,“A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth,”QuarterlyJournalofEconomics70, no. 1(1956):65 -94.
1704513976 [6]罗默发展出了一种不包含创造性破坏的创新引领增长模型。See Paul Romer,“Endogenous Technological Change,”JournalofPoliticalEconomy98, no. 5(1990):71 -102.对于从索洛模型到熊彼特模型的增长理论综述,可参考下列文献: Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman,InnovationandGrowthintheGlobalEconomy(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991); Elhanen Helpman, ed. ,General Purpose Technologies and Economic Growth(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,1998); Charles I. Jones,IntroductiontoEconomicGrowth(New York: W. W.Norton, 1998); Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin,EconomicGrowth(New York: McGraw Hill, 1995); Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt,EndogenousGrowthTheory(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998); Daron Acemoglu,IntroductiontoModernEconomicGrowth(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009); Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt,TheEconomicsofGrowth(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,2009); and Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, and Peter Howitt,“What Do We Learn from Schumpeterian Growth Theory?” inHandbookofEconomicGrowth, ed. Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf, vol. 2,515 -563(Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2014).最新的熊彼特模型版本纳入了企业的动态作用;最早由Tor Jakob Klette与Samuel Kortum提出,参见Tor J. Klette and Samuel Kortum,“Innovating Firms and Aggregate Innovation,”JournalofPoliticalEconomy112, no. 5(2004):986 -1018;后续研究做了进一步发展,尤其是Ufuk Akcigit及其合作者的成果。
1704513978 [7]该模型于1987—1988学年在麻省理工学院提出,当时阿吉翁刚担任助理教授,彼得·豪伊特(Peter Howitt)从加拿大西大略大学来此做访问学者。Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt, “A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction,”Econometrica60, no. 2(1992):323 -351; Aghion, Akcigit,and Howitt,“What Do We Learn from Schumpeterian Growth Theory?”
1704513980 [8]Raghuram G. Rajan and Luigi Zingales,SavingCapitalismfromtheCapitalists: Unleashing the Power of Financial Markets to Create Wealth and Spread Opportunity(New York: Crown Business, 2003).
1704513982 [9]这里无法全面介绍用专利来测算创新的大量相关文献,我们想提到该领域的若干先驱人物,例如Pierre Azoulay、Ian Cockburn、Zvi Griliches、Bronwyn Hall、Dietmar Harhoff、Adam Jaffe、Jacques Mairesse、Ariel Pakes、Mark Schankerman、Otto Toivanen、Manuel Trajtenberg、Reinhilde Veugelers等,感兴趣的读者可以去他们的网页上深入了解。
1704513984 [10]U. Akcigit, J. Grigsby, and T. Nicholas,“The Rise of American Ingenuity:Innovation and Inventors of the Golden Age” (NBER Working Paper No. 23047,National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, January 2017).
1704513986 [11]人们或许怀疑这一相关性是偶然形成,但在Akcigit、Grigsby和Nicholas的文章“The Rise of American Ingenuity”中,他们从历史数据发现,创新与增长之间确实具有因果关系。
1704513988 [12]J. Haltiwanger, R. S. Jarmin, and J. Miranda,“Who Creates Jobs? Small versus Large versus Young,”ReviewofEconomicsandStatistics95, no. 2(2013):347 -361.
1704513990 [13]读者可以参考Steve Davis、John Haltiwanger及其合作者关于企业和就业的创造与破坏的开创性研究文献。See, for example, S. J. Davis and J. Haltiwanger,“Measuring Gross Worker and Job Flows,” inLaborStatisticsMeasurementIssues,ed. J. Haltiwanger, M. E. Manser, and R. Topel, 77 -122(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998); S. J. Davis and J. Haltiwanger“Gross Job Flows,” inHandbookofLaborEconomics, ed. O. Ashenfelter and D. Card, vol. 3B, 2711 -2805(Amsterdam: Elsevier/ North-Holland, 1999); Haltiwanger, Jarmin, and Miranda,“Who Creates Jobs?”; R. Decker, J. Haltiwanger, R. Jarmin, and J. Miranda,“The Role of Entrepreneurship in US Job Creation and Economic Dynamism,”JournalofEconomicPerspectives28, no. 3(2014):3 -24;S. J. Davis and J. Haltiwanger,“Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance”(NBER Working Paper No. 20479, National Bureau of Economic Research,Cambridge, MA, September 2014).
1704513992 [14]U. Akcigit and W. R. Kerr,“Growth through Heterogeneous Innovations,”JournalofPoliticalEconomy126, no. 4(2018):1374 -1443.
1704513994 [15]C. T. Hsieh and P. J. Klenow,“The Life Cycle of Plants in India and Mexico,”Quarterly Journal of Economics129, no. 3(2014):1035 -1084.
1704513996 [16]P. Aghion, A. Bergeaud, T. Boppart, and S. Bunel, “Firm Dynamics and Growth Measurement in France,”Journal of the European Economic Association16, no. 4(2018):933 -956.
1704513998 [17]A. Maddison,The World Economy:A Millennial Perspective, Development Centre Studies(Paris: OECD, 2001).
1704514000 [18]See R. Blundell, R. Griffith, and J. Van Reenen,“Dynamic Count Models of Technological Innovation,”EconomicJournal105, no. 429(1995):333 -344;R. Blundell, R. Griffith, and J. Van Reenen,“Market Share, Market Value and Innovation in a Panel of British Manufacturing Firms,”ReviewofEconomicStudies66, no. 3(1999):529 -554; and S. J. Nickell, “Competition and Corporate Performance,”JournalofPoliticalEconomy104, no. 4(1996):724 -746.
1704514002 [19]A. Hansen,“Economic Progress and Declining Population Growth,” presidential address, American Economic Association, December 28,1938,AmericanEconomicReview29, no. 1(1939):1 -15.
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