1704622995 [7]Kathy He, Randall Morck, and Bernard Yeung, “Corporate Stability and Economic Growth” (New York University, working paper).
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1704622999 [9]D. Acemoglu, S. Johnson, and J. Robison, “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Study,” American Economic Review 91 (2001): 1369-1401, on the differences in the nature of European rule based on mortality rates.
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1704623007 [13]伯莱斯先生(Mr. Bryce,国际历史研究大会的主席)在1913年4月3日的讲话,转引自E. Powell, The Evolution of the Money Market (1385-1915): A Historical and Analytical Study of the Rise and Development of Finance as a Centralized Coordinated Force (London: The Financial News, 1915), 704。
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1704623011 [1]参见Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1987), 229, 转引自Daniel Fischel, Payback: The Conspiracy to Destroy Michael Milken and His Revolution (New York: Harper Business, 1995)。
1704623013 [2]Louis D. Brandeis, Other People’s Money (Washington, DC: National Home Library Foundation, 1933), 1.
1704623015 [3]J. Stiglitz and A. Weiss, “Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information,” American Economic Review 71 (1981): 393-410.
1704623017 [4]有关抵押的研究,参见Yuk Shee Chan and Ajan V. Thakor, “Collateral and Competitive Equilibria with Moral Hazard and Private Information,” Journal of Finance 42 (1987): 345-364;D. Besanko and A. Thakor, “Collateral and Rationing: Sorting Equilibria in Monopolistic and Competitive Credit Markets,” International Economic Review 28 (1987):671-689。
1704623019 [5]其实,达成这笔交易需要夏洛克对那名商人怀有仇恨,否则他就不会真正去索取那一磅肉,那么追偿抵押品的威胁就不可信了。
1704623021 [6]T. Jappelli, M. Pagano, and M.Bianco, “Courts and Banks: Effects of Judicial Enforcement of Credit Markets,” CEPR working paper no. 3347, April 2002. Similar studies include M. Chiuri and T. Jappelli, “Credit Market Imperfections and Home Ownership: A Comparative Study,” CEPR discussion paper no. 2717, 2001; D. Fabbri and Mario Padula, “Judicial Costs and Household Debt,”working paper, Center for Studies in Economics and Finance, University of Salerno, Italy, 2001; Lee Alston, “Farm Foreclosure Moratorium Legislation: A Lesson from the Past,” American Economic Review 74, no. 3 (1984): 445-458; and R. Gropp, J. Scholz, and M. White, “Personal Bankruptcy and Credit Supply and Demand,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 112 (1997): 217-251.
1704623023 [7]Gropp, Scholz, and White, “Personal Bankruptcy and Credit Supply and Demand,” 217-251.
1704623025 [8]Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else (New York: Basic Books, 2000).
1704623027 [9]M. Petersen and R. Rajan, “The Benefits of Lending Relationships: Evidence from Small Business Data,” Journal of Finance 49 (1994): 3-37.
1704623029 [10]Luigi Guiso and Luigi Zingales, “ The Rise of Bank Relationships,” University of Chicago, WP, 1999.
1704623031 [11]Naomi Lamoreaux, Insider Lending: Banks, Personal Connections and Economic Development in Industrial New England (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
1704623033 [12]R. G. Rajan, “Insiders and Outsiders: The Choice between Informed and Arm’s Length Debt,” Journal of Finance 47 (1992): 1367-1400.
1704623035 [13]参见Pujo Committee report, 转引自Brandeis, Other People’s Money, 31。
1704623037 [14]E. J. Hobsbawm, The Age of Capital, 1848-1885 (New York: New American Library, 1979), 242.
1704623039 [15]Harris Corporation, Business History Review, “Founding Dates of the 1994 Fortune 500 U.S. Companies,” spring 1996, 69-90.
1704623041 [16]J. Fear, “German Capitalism,” in Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions, ed. T. McCraw (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1997), 181.
1704623043 [17]R. W. Fogel, The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 112, and the references there.
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