1704628602 [21]Stephen P. Jenkins,Andrea Brandolini,John Micklewright,and Brian Nolan,eds.,The Great Recession and the Distribution of Household Income (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2013),16-20. 另外,还请参见Anthony B. Atkinson and Salvatore Morelli,“Inequality and Banking Crises: A First Look,” paper prepared for Global Labour Forum 2010,http://www.nuffield.ox.ac.uk/Users/Atkinson/Paper-Inequality%20and%20Banking%20Crises-A%20First%20Look.pdf; Anthony B. Atkinson and Salvatore Morelli,“Economic Crises and Inequality,” Human Development Research Paper 2011/06 (New York:United Nations Development Programme,2011),http://dl4a.org/uploads/pdf/HDRP_2011_06.pdf.
1704628604 [22]Richard M. Titmuss,Problems of Social Policy (London: HMSO and Longmans,Green and Co.,1950),quote p. 506.
1704628606 [23]Claudia Goldin and Robert Margo,“The Great Compression: The Wage Structure in the United States at Mid-Century,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 107(1992): 1-34,quote pp. 23 and 27.
1704628608 [24]Paul Krugman,The Conscience of a Liberal (New York: W. W. Norton,2007),see pp. 47-52.
1704628610 [25]Richard B. Freeman,“The Evolution of the American Labor Market,1948-80,”in Martin Feldstein,ed.,The American Economy in Transition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1980),quote p. 357 and Figure 5.1.
1704628612 [26]Nan L. Maxwell,“Changing Female Labor Force Participation: Influences on Income Inequality and Distribution,” Social Forces 68 (1990): 1251-1266,quotep. 1251.
1704628614 [27]Lynn Karoly and Gary Burtless,“Demographic Change,Rising Earnings Inequality,and the Distribution of Personal Well-Being,1959-1989,” Demography32 (1995): 379-405,quote p. 392.
1704628616 [28]Jeff Larrimore,“Accounting for United States Household Income InequalityTrends: The Changing Importance of Household Structure and Male and Female Earnings Inequality,” Review of Income and Wealth 60 (2014): 683-704.
1704628618 [29]Wojciech Kopczuk and Emmanuel Saez,“Top Wealth Shares in the US,1916-2000: Evidence from the Estate Tax Returns,” National Tax Journal 57 (2004):445-487,longer version in NBER Working Paper 10399.
1704628620 [30]George F. Break,“The Role of Government: Taxes,Transfers,and Spending,” inMartin Feldstein,ed.,The American Economy in Transition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1980),Table 9.17.这些数据指“非衰退国民生产总值(GNP)”的百分比。
1704628622 [31]Karoly and Burtless,“Demographic Change,” quote p. 392.
1704628624 [32]Richard Goode,The Individual Income Tax (Washington,D.C.: Brookings Institution,1964),quote p. 283。这条引用来源于JosephSchumpeter,Capitalism,Socialism and Democracy (New York: Harper andRow,1962),3rd ed.,quote p. 381; and Irving B. Kravis,The Structure of Income(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,1962),quote p. 220。
1704628626 [33]例如,参见此文中的图2.1:Anthony B. Atkinson and Joseph E. Stiglitz,Lectures on Public Economics (New York: McGraw-Hill,1980,reprinted by Princeton University Press,2015)。
1704628628 [34]关于贫困人口比重的数据来源于Anthony B. Atkinson and SalvatoreMorelli,Chartbook of Economic Inequality,http://www.chartbookofeconomicinequality.com/。
1704628630 [35]Thomas Piketty,“Income,Wage,and Wealth Inequality in France,1901-98,” inAnthony B. Atkinson and Thomas Piketty,eds.,Top Incomes,quote p. 50.
1704628632 [36]这些数据来源于Anthony B. Atkinson,“Increased Income Inequality inOECD Countries and the Redistributive Impact of the Government Budget,”in Giovanni A. Cornia,ed.,Inequality,Growth,and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2004),221-248;另外,还请参见Anthony B. Atkinson,“What Is Happening to the Distribution of Income in the UK?” Proceedings of the British Academy 82 (1992): 317-351; Anthony B. Atkinson and John Micklewright,“Turning the Screw: Benefits for the Unemployed 1979-88,” in Andrew Dilnot and Ian Walker,eds.,The Economics of Social Security (Oxford: Oxford University Press,1989),17-51。
1704628634 [37]Richard Hauser,“Personal Primr-und Sekundrverteilung der Einkommenunter dem Einfluss sich ndernen wirtschaftlicher und sozialpolitisch Rahmenbedingungen,” Allgemeines Statistisches Achiv 83 (1999): 88-110 (my translation).
1704628636 [38]Hannu Uusitalo,“Changes in Income Distribution During a Deep Recessionand After” (Helsinki: National Institute for Health and Welfare,STAKES,1999).
1704628638 [39]Secretary-General,“Editorial,” in OECD,Divided We Stand (Paris: OECD,2011),quote p. 18.
1704628640 [40]Michael F. Frster and István G. Tóth,“Cross-Country Evidence of the Multiple Causes of Inequality Changes in the OECD Area,” in Anthony B. Atkinsonand Franois Bourguignon,Handbook of Income Distribution,vol. 2B (Amsterdam: Elsevier,2015),quote p. 1803.
1704628642 [41]OECD,Divided We Stand,quote p. 292;关于覆盖率的数据来源于图7.5,其中包括了一系列失业保险和补助福利,如想了解更多细节,请参见Herwig Immervoll,Pascal Marianna,and Marco Mira D’Ercole,“Benefit Coverage Rates and Household Typologies: Scope and Limitations ofTax-Benefit Indicators,” OECD Social,Employment and Migration Working Paper 20,OECD,Paris,2004。
1704628644 [42]Nicholas Kaldor,“Alternative Theories of Distribution,” Review of Economic Studies 23 (1955-6): 83-100,and “A Model of Economic Growth,”Economic Journal 67 (1957): 591-624。需要指出的是薪酬比重的恒定性没有列入“新”卡尔多事实,请参见 Charles I. Jones andPaul M. Romer,“The New Kaldor Facts: Ideas,Institutions,Population,andHuman Capital,” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2 (2010): 224-245。相反,他们提出了大学毕业/高中毕业工资溢价的恒定性。下一章将探讨这个问题。
1704628646 [43]Klaus Heidensohn,“Labour’s Share in National Income: A Constant?” Manchester School 37 (1969): 295-321,quote p. 304. 下面给出的数据来源于表1。
1704628648 [44]Piketty,Capital,quote p. 221.
1704628650 [45]Loukas Karabarbounis and Brent Neiman,“The Global Decline of the Labor Share,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 129 (2014): 61-103.
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