1704864621 Some of the questions asked by media watchers of journalism are:
1704864623 1.Is the quality of information offered adequate to the needs of citizens/audiences according to such criteria as amount,range,depth,accuracy,or balance?
1704864625 2.Do media deal equally and fairly with ethnic,cultural,and other minorities in their representation and access?
1704864627 3.Do media give access to a full range of relevant voices in the society?
1704864629 4.Do media contribute adequately to(national)cultural identity and autonomy?
1704864631 5.Are given media in practice diverse in their information and ideas,representative of the balance of opinion in the society(McQuail(1999)?
1704864633 6.Are news products distributed to ensure extensive reach?
1704864635 Examples of media watch in the U.S.could be found at:
1704864637 ·the Media Monitor of The Center for Media and Public Affairs(http://www.cmpa.com/monitor.htm),and
1704864639 ·the PR watch from the Center for Media and Democracy(http://prwatch.org/),which seeks to“expose corporate spin and government propaganda.”
1704864641 Where content is the object of critique,content analysis and critical textual analysis(inclusive of formalist analysis,semiotic analysis,discourse analysis,narrative analysis,and genre analysis)are methods more recently used.It is informed by critical media studies(e.g.Hall,1972)and critical linguistics(e.g.Fowler,1991,1996).
1704864643 Critique of media technology is informed by the media ecology perspective,which is also known as medium theory(Meyrowitz,1986,1994).Postman(1985)offered a well-known critique of television news as a media genre in the U.S.from this perspective.A media genre is constituted by a particular mix of content and media format elements,the latter of which are linked to the characteristics of the media technology.
1704864645 Media Criticism
1704864647 This level of critique is the most radical of all levels of critique.It targets at the structural relationships or even the whole of the media system itself.The media system is evaluated against a vision of an alternative system structured according to some better principles.But the vision upheld by the media critic commands only a marginal position in the wider opinion of society.
1704864649 Critics contend that the entire media system perpetuates domination of the majority by a minority of power holders in the political,military,and business arenas.In the capitalist system,commercial journalism is critiqued as pursuing revenues and returns for its investors,while failing to provide information to citizens for helping democratic self-government(McChesney & Scott,2004).Key questions asked by media criticism in capitalist systems are:
1704864651 ·Do owners,advertisers,or governments have undue influence on content,especially where this is concealed?
1704864653 ·Are higher degrees of media concentration associated with lower levels of diversity of opinion and information in a given media market?
1704864655 ·Is there a relationship,positive or negative,between media concentration and media quality,however defined(McQuail,1999)?
1704864657 In countries with state-controlled media systems,media criticism would be directed towards issues arising from the mechanisms and processes of state control.With the central concern focused on media institutions,media criticism treats content,work processes,and influence of media on society and culture almost as automatic result of the structural problems being critiqued.
1704864659 This level of critique corresponds roughly to what is sometimes called radical media criticism(Berry,2006;McChesney and Scott,2004).In this tradition,the Marxist political economy perspective is highly influential.Herman and Chomsky’s works around the propaganda model(1988)is a prominent example.Other examples could be found on Free Press(http://www.freepress.net/).However,radical media criticism could be launched from political positions on the left,center,or right.An example of other perspectives given by Berry(2006)is the Buddhist radical perspective.
1704864661 Given its fundamental negation of the media system,changes advocated by media criticism could be accommodated within existing institutions only to a limited degree.
1704864663 Effectiveness of Media Critique
1704864665 The ultimate goal of media criticism is explicitly stated as change to the media system.However,the nature of media criticism,that it is deviant of the values and institutions of society,makes it inherently difficult to effect change.Orlik(2009)dismissed the recommendations of those critics in the U.S.who ignore the capitalist condition(that media institutions need to support the power structure that funds them)as futile.Short of effecting change to the entire system,media critics working on this level often advocate change in media policy.They tend also be advocates and activists in alternative media operations.
1704864667 On a longer term,by exposing the structural interrelationships of the media with other powers in society-either as a system or over individual cases-media criticism could serve to educate the public about the limitations of the media system.It also helps to open up imagination for alternative ways of organizing the media.
1704864669 The function of educating the citizenry is no less important in media watch.As stated earlier,media watch works on the level of legitimate controversy.Media watch could serve the function of helping the public to think through an issue and re-affirm consensus values in a fresh perspective.A piece appearing on the home page of The Media Institute’s web site on 10 May 2009“Policing hate speech:Not the government’s job,”for example,involves the controversy regarding government’s policy over the implementation of the First Amendment in the U.S.Constitution.Some,like the author of the piece,favor no government control.Others would support government action in forbidding the dissemination of hate speech.In real politics,media watch would have the effect of swaying those who are not yet decided on the issue.
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