1704908141 28. Forcey: op. cit., pp. 292, 301.
1704908143 29. Paul P. Van Riper指出,这导致对政策制定的一些影响力,他称之为“意识形态上的恩庇”(ideological patronage)。
1704908145 30. 关于特格韦尔的声望和在新政中的角色,有一份未发表的博士论文做了充分的记述,见Bernard Sternsher: Rexford Guy Tugwell and the New Deal, Boston University, 1957. 关于他的职位任命有一场发人深省的争论:Congressional Record, 73rd Congress, 2nd session, pp. 11156-60, 11334-42, 11427-62 (June 12, 13, 14, 1934). See also Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.: The Coming of the New Deal (Boston, 1958), chapter 21; James A. Farley: Behind the Ballots (New York, 1938), pp. 21-20; H. L. Mencken: “Three Years of Dr. Roosevelt,” American Mercury (March, 1936), p. 264. 更为深入地了解新政专家的地位,可参见一份未发表的博士论文,见Richard S. Kirkendal: The New Deal Professors and the Polities of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin, 1958.
1704908147 31.Literary Digest, Vol. CXV (June 3, 1933), p. 8. 事实上,这种组织化的智囊是在1932年总统大选时开始出现的,但是到选举结束时组织就取消了。在本书中,我遵循当时的用法,以此名词统称这一类的现象。
1704908149 32. 关于教授们的建议究竟是怎么被商业领域的权势力量挫败的,见前文提到的Kirkendall的作品。
1704908151 33. H. L. Mencken: “The New Deal Mentality,” American Mercury, Vol. XXXVIII (May, 1936), p. 4.
1704908153 34. Samuel G. Blythe: “Kaleidoscope,” Saturday Evening Post, Vol. CCVI (September 2, 1933), p. 7; Blythe: “Progress on the Potomac,” Saturday Evening Post, December 2, 1933, p. 10; editorials, Saturday Evening Post, December 9, 1933, p. 22, and April 7, 1934, pp. 24-5; William V. Hodges: “Realities Are Coming,” Saturday Evening Post, April. 21, 1934, p. 5.See also Margaret Culkin Banning: “Amateur Year,” Saturday Evening Post, April. 28, 1934; Katherine Dayton: “Capitol Punishments,” Saturday Evening Post, December. 23, 1933.
1704908155 35. “Issues and Men, the Idealist Comes to the Front,” Nation, Vol. CXXXVII (October 4, 1933), p. 371. 请对照《新共和》中的相同观点: “The Brain Trust” (June 7, 1933), pp. 85-6.
1704908157 36. Jonathan Mitchell: “Don’t Shoot the Professors! Why the Government Needs Them,” Harper’s, Vol. CLXVIII (May, 1934), pp. 743, 749.
1704908159 37. Samuel I. Rosenman: Working with Roosevelt (New York, 1952), p. 57.
1704908161 38. 下面几段中的信息和引文是各种社论和信件,来自一份富有启发性的未发表研究,见George A. Hage: Anti-intellectualism in Newspaper Comment on the Elections of 1828 and 1952, University of Minnesota doctoral dissertation, 1958; 也请见该作者的“Anti intellectualism in Press Comment——1828 and 1952,” Journalism Quarterly, Vol. XXXVI (Fall, 1959), pp. 439-46.
1704908163 39.The New York Times, November 3, 1960.
1704908165 第九章 商业与智识
1704908167 1. “The Businessman in Fiction,” Fortune, Vol. XXXVIII (November, 1948), pp. 134-48.
1704908169 2. Mabel Newcomer: The Big Business Executive (New York, 1955), p. 7; 关于企业家地位的衰落,见p. 131.
1704908171 3. Warren G. Harding: “Business Sense in Government,” Nation’s Business, Vol. VIII (November, 1920), p. 13. 柯立芝的话来自1923年美国报纸编辑协会的一场会议讲话,见William Allen White: A Puritan in Babylon (New York, 1938), p. 253.
1704908173 4. Edward Kirkland: Dream and Thought in the Business Community, 1860-1900 (Ithaca, New York, 1956), pp. 81-2, 87.
1704908175 5. 爱默生曾说:“从欧洲来美国的人并不是随机的,大西洋像是一个筛子,只有热爱自由、冒险、灵敏、向往美国的欧洲人才会来到美国。来的欧洲人都是白皮肤、蓝眼睛,黑眼睛、深色皮肤、‘比欧洲还欧洲’的人都被留下来了。”Journals (1851; Boston, Riverside ed., 1912), Vol. VIII, p. 226.
1704908177 6. 可参考托马斯·潘恩在《人权论》(The Rights of Man)中说的:“从美国在各方面的快速进步看来,我们应该可以如此结论:如果欧洲与亚非的政府当时也采取与美国一样的制度,或者不是很早以来就开始腐化的话,那么这些国家一定比他们现在的状况好很多。”Writings, ed. by Moncure D. Conway (New York, 1894), Vol. II, p. 402.
1704908179 7. Arthur A. Ekirch: The Idea of Progress in America, 1815-1860 (New York, 1944), p. 126. 这本书的第四章描绘了美国人如何建立起对于科技的信仰,给了本书很多帮助,不过我认为该作者所说的对“科学”的信仰并不准确,应该说是对于“技术”“应用科学”的信仰。该书对于我们了解美国人在内战前的心态极具启发性。
1704908181 8.Writings, (Boston, 1906), Vol. VI, p. 210 (February 27, 1853).
1704908183 9. Ekirch: op. cit., p. 175.
1704908185 10. Kirkland: op. cit., pp. 86, 106; Irvin G. Wyllie: The Self-Made Man in America (New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1954), p. 104. 福特对自己说这话所做的解释才更值得玩味,他说:“我并没说历史无用,我只是说它对我无用……我根本不需要它。”Allan Nevins: Ford: Expansion and Challenge, 1915-1933 (New York, 1957), p. 138.
1704908187 11.The Ordeal of Mark Twain (New York, 1920), pp. 146-7.
1704908189 12. Emory Holloway and Vernolian Schwarz, eds.: I Sit and Look Out: Editorials from the Brooklyn Daily Times (New York, 1932), p. 133.
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