1704908251 15.The Empire of Business, pp. 79-81; cf. pp. 145-7.
1704908253 16. Kirkland: op. cit., pp. 93-4.
1704908255 17. Wyllie: op. cit., p. 113; see pp. 107-15, 该文献简要记录了1890年以后商业圈对教育的改观。
1704908257 18. 见Frances W. Gregory and Irene D. Neu: “The American Industrial Elite in the 1870’s: Their Social Origins,” in William Miller, ed.: Men in Business (Cambridge, Mass., 1952), p. 203, 请比较19世纪70年代和20世纪最初十年的情况,见William Miller in “American Historians and the Business Elite,” The Journal of Economic History, Vol. IX (November, 1949), pp. 184-208. 在19世纪70年代,37%的企业家都接受过一些大学教育;在20世纪最初十年,这个数字是41%。关于企业官僚化,见Miller’s essay: “The Business Elite in Business Bureaucracies,” in Men in Business, pp. 286-305.
1704908259 19. Mabel Newcomer: The Big Business Executive (New York, 1955), p. 69. 1950年,该书作者指出:“虽然大学生刚毕业进入大公司时可能只是做些低阶非决策性事务,但大家都认为大学文凭已是能够在大公司出人头地的门票。”另见Joseph A. Kahl: The American Class Structure, p. 93. 这份研究指出:“如果我们对于当代美国社会要提出一个能代替老旧的马克思区分阶级的标准,那必然会是大学文凭。”      偶尔,老板们还是会采用白手起家时代的若干观念,例如把一位要培养成管理者的新人,特别是老板的儿子或是女婿之类的年轻人,放到最基层的位置去镀个金,但是给予快速轮调升迁。这叫作由下到上的历练。
1704908261 20. William H. Whyte, Jr.: The Organization Man (Anchor ed., 1956), p. 88.
1704908263 21. Thorstein Veblen: The Higher Learning in America (New York, 1918), p. 204; Abraham Flexner: Universities: American, English, German (New York, 1930), pp. 162-72.
1704908265 22. Peter F. Drucker: “The Graduate Business School,” Fortune, Vol. XLII (August, 1950), p. 116. 关于这些学校及其问题的概括性叙述,见L. C. Marshall, ed.: The Collegiate School of Business (Chicago, 1928); and Frank C. Pierson et. al.: The Education of American Businessmen: A Study of University-College Programs in Business Administration (New York, 1959).
1704908267 23. Ibid., pp. 150, 1$2, 227-8, 233, 235, and chapter 16 passim.
1704908269 24.A Guide to Confident Living (New York, 1948), p. 55.
1704908271 25. Ibid., pp. viii, 14, 108, 148, 165.
1704908273 26. “Religious Realism in the Twentieth Century,” in D. C. Macintosh, ed.: Religious Realism (New York, 1931), pp. 425-6.
1704908275 27.Popular Religion: Inspirational Books in America (Chicago, 1958), pp. 16-4; 本段的引文在pp. 1, 6, 7, 44, 51n., 58, 61n., 63, 90, 91n., 106, 107.
1704908277 28.A Guide to Confident Living, pp. 46, 55.
1704908279 29.Handbook of the New Thought (New York, 1917), pp. 122-3.
1704908281 30. 本段及后面几段的引文见The Return to Religion (1936; Pocket Book ed., 1943), pp. 9, 12, 14, 17, 19, 35, 44-5, 54-61, 67, 69, 71, 73, 78-9, 115-16, 147-9, 157.
1704908283 第十一章 其他领域所发生的智识无用论争辩
1704908285 1. John Taylor: Arator (Georgetown, 1813), pp. 76-7; Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America (New York, 1945), Vol. II, p. 157;在我的书The Age of Reform第二章中,我曾讨论美国农业中的商业气味。
1704908287 2. 关于农业杂志,见Albert L. Demaree: The American Agricultural Press, 1819-1860 (New York, 1941), pp. 17-19; 关于图书和杂志,见Paul W. Gates: The Farmer’s Age: Agriculture, 1815-1860 (New York, 1960), pp. 343, 356.
1704908289 3. 关于农业博览会,见Gates: op. cit., pp. 312-15; cf. W. C. Neely: The Agricultural Fair (New York, 1935), pp. 30, 35, 42-5, 71, 183; and P. W. Bidwell and J. I. Falconer: History of Agriculture in the Northern United States (Washington, 1925), pp. 186-93.
1704908291 4. Carl Van Doren: Benjamin Franklin (New York, 1938), p. 178; Bidwell and Falconer: op. cit., p. 119; Avery O. Craven: Edmund Ruffin, Southerner (New York, 1932), p. 58; Hany J. Carman, ed.: Jesse Buel: Agricultural Reformer (New York, 1947), p. 10; Demaree: op. cit., p. 38; James F. W. Johnston: Notes on North America: Agricultural, Economic, and Social (Edinburgh, 1851), Vol. II, p. 281.
1704908293 5. Demaree: op. cit., pp. 4-6, 10, 48-9. 关于浪费的开垦行为,见Gates: op. cit., who makes the necessary regional and ethnic qualifications.
1704908295 6. Richard Bardolph: Agricultural Literature and the Early Illinois Farmer (Urbana, Illinois, 1948), p. 14; cf. pp. 13, 103.
1704908297 7. Carman: op. cit., pp. 249-50. 这些犀利的话语,见pp. 234-54, and Buel’s remarks “On the Necessity and Means of Improving Our Husbandry,” pp. 8-21.
1704908299 8. Carman: op. cit., p. 53. 还有一位编辑针对农民极为务实的心态做了回应,见:“An Apology for ‘Book Farmers,’” Farmer’s Register, Vol. II. (June, 1834), pp. 16-19; cf. “Book Farming,” Farmer’s Register, Vol. I (May, 1834), p. 743.
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