1704953108 A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难中的朋友是真朋友。(作定语)
1704953110 Thanks a lot for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。
1704953112 介词数量不多,却是英语中最活跃的词,大部分句子都离不开它。很多短语或习惯表达都由它构成。翻开一页书你不难找到大量介词。因此掌握介词的用法是学好英语的关键。
1704953114 介词有三大类:
1704953116 简单介词(simple preposition):
1704953118 about across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by down during except for from in like of off on opposite over near past round since through till to towards under until up with per via underneath 合成介词(compound preposition):
1704953120 alongside inside into onto outside throughout upon within without 短语介词(phrasal preposition):
1704953122 according to along with apart from as for as to because of by means of due to in between in front of in spite of instead of in accordance with next to on account of on behalf of on board owing to prior to together with up to with regard to 短语介词和带介词的短语中间的界限不是很清楚的。许多短语,如in addition to,as a result of,in line with,in view of,for the sake of等,说是短语介词也未尝不可。大体上说来,在意思和作用上接近一个介词的,就可当作短语介词,如:
1704953124 in front of接近before
1704953126 in spite of接近despite
1704953128 in addition to接近besides
1704953130 apart from接近besides
1704953132 介词可和许多动词构成短语,甚至构成短语动词,如:
1704953134 accuse…of agree with agree on (about) agree to apologize to…for arrive at (in) ask for believe in belong to (in) care for congratulate…on crash into depend on die of divide into dream off enter into get in (to) get on (off) insist on laugh at (about) listen to look at look after look for operate on pay for prevent from remind…of run into search for shout at smile at speak to suffer from take part (in) talk to (with) think of (about) throw at throw to translate into trip over write to (about) 介词可以和许多形容词连用:
1704953136 afraid of angry with (about) anxious about anxious for blue with (cold) clever at dependent on different from disappointed with disappointed at (about) dressed in frightened of good at ill with impressed by (with) independent of interested in kind to (be) lacking in (be) made of (from) near (to) nice to pleased with polite to proud of responsible for rude to shocked at (by) sorry about sorry for surprised at (by) typical of wrong with 介词还可以跟在许多名词后面,如:
1704953138 attempt at attention to break with (from) capacity for (of) concern for confidence in difficulty with discussion about example of hope of (for) hunger for increase in interest in lack of loyalty to marriage to proof of reason for responsibility for satisfaction with thirst for thought of time for tour of 也可和名词构成许多短语,如:
1704953140 above all (things) at a distance at a loss at all events at first at least at length at most at the end (of) by car (plane, etc.) by chance by the way for example for instance for the sake of in advance in all in any case in fact in public in secret in the end in time in turn in vain of course of one’s own accord on duty on fire on purpose on sale on the contrary on the sly on the whole out of date out of order out of patience out of practice out of touch out of the question to one’s mind to one’s surprise to some extent to the point with child with regard to without doubt 在某些情况下,介词可处于句末,它的宾语放前面。最常见的是由疑问词引导的句子(疑问词就是介词的宾语):
1704953142 Who is the letter for?这信是谁的?
1704953144 What are you talking about?你们在谈什么?
1704953146 Where does the parcel come from?这个包裹是哪里寄来的?
1704953148 Which book are you most interested in?哪本书你最感兴趣?
1704953150 有些定语从句也有这类情况(关系代词是介词的宾语):
1704953152 This is the film (which) she told me about.这就是她跟我谈起的那部电影。
1704953154 That’s something (which) I feel quite proud of.那是我感到自豪的一件事。
1704953156 This is the girl (whom) I fell in love with.这就是我爱上的那个姑娘。
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