1704966640 altar—alter /ˈɔːltə/ bass—base /beis/ bear—bare /bɛə/ erry—bury /ˈberi/ blew—blue /bluː/ boar—bore /bɔː/ born—borne /bɔːn/ bough—bow /bau/ bread—bred /bred/ break—brake /breik/ bridal—bridle /ˈbraidl/ caught—court /kɔːt/ cell—sell /sel/ cereal—serial /ˈsiəriəl/ chord—cord /kɔːd/ complement—compliment /ˈkɔmplimənt/ coarse—course /kɔːs/ core—corps /kɔː/ council—counsel /ˈkaunsl/ creak—creek /kriːk/ cue—queue /kjuː/ curb—kerb /kəːb/ currant—current /ˈkʌrənt/ cymbal—symbol /ˈsimbl/ dear—deer /diə/ dew—due /djuː/ die—dye /dai/ draught—draft /drɑːft/ earn—urn /əːn/ fare—fair /fɛə/ feat—feet /fiːt/ fir—fur /fəː/ flaw—floor /flɔː/ flea—flee /fliː/ flour—flower /ˈflauə/ fort—fought /fɔːt/ foul—fowl /faul/ gorilla—guerrilla /ɡəˈrilə/ grate—great /ɡreit/ hair—hare /hɛə/ hangar—hanger /ˈhæŋə(r)/ heal—heel /hiːl/ heard—herd /həːd/ here—hear /hiə/ heroin—heroine /ˈherəuin/ hoarse—horse /hɔːs/ hole—whole /həul/ key—quay /kiː/ knead—need /niːd/ knew—new /njuː/ knight—night /nait/ knot—not /nɔt/ know—no /nəu/ lain—lane /lein/ leak—leek /liːk/ lessen—lesson /ˈlesn/ loan—lone /ləun/ made—maid /meid/ mail—male /meil/ main—mane /mein/ maize—maze /meiz/ medal—meddle /ˈmedl/ minor—miner /ˈmainə/ moan—mown /məun/ morning—mourning /ˈmɔːniŋ/ naval—navel /ˈneivl/ none—nun /nʌn/ one—won /wʌn/ packed—pact /pækt/ pain—pane /pein/ peace—piece /piːs/ peal—peel /piːl/ pedal—peddle /ˈpedl/ peer—pier /piə/ place—plaice /pleis/ plain—plane /plein/ poll—pole /pəul/ pore—pour /pɔː/ pray—prey /prei/ principal—principle /ˈprinsəpl/ profit—prophet /ˈprɔfit/ raise—raze /reiz/ rap—wrap /ræp/ raw—roar /rɔː/ retch—wretch /retʃ/ ring—wring /riŋ/ road—rode /rəud/ role—roll /rəul/ root—route /ruːt/ sail—sale /seil/ sauce—source /sɔːs/ scene—seen /siːn/ sea—see /siː/ seam—seem /siːm/ shear—sheer /ʃiə/ sole—soul /səul/ some—sum /sʌm/ son—sun /sʌn/ stair—stare /stɛə/ stake—steak /steik/ stalk—stork /stɔːk/ stationary—stationery /ˈsteiʃənəri/ steel—steal /stiːl/ storey—story /ˈstɔːri/ tail—tale /teil/ tear—tier /tiə/ there—their /ðɛə/ threw—through /θruː/ throne—thrown /θrəun/ toe—tow /təu/ too—two /tuː/ vain—vein /vein/ wail—whale /weil/ waist—waste /weist/ wait—weight /weit/ war—wore /wɔː/ warn—worn /wɔːn/ way—weigh /wei/ week—weak /wiːk/ whether—weather /ˈweðə/ witch—which /witʃ/ whine—wine /wain/ 另外,read的现在式和reed同音,过去式与red同音;lead(铅)与lead的过去式led同音。还有不少三个词同音的情况,如:
1704966642 awe—oar—ore /ɔː/ buy—by—bye /bai/ cent—sent—scent /sent/ cite—site—sight /sait/ flew—flu—flue /fluː/ meat—meet—mete /miːt/ pair—pare—pear /pɛə/ peak—peek—pique /piːk/ rain—reign—rein /rein/ rite—right—write /rait/ saw—soar—sore /sɔː/ so—sew—sow /səu/ ware—wear—where /wɛə/ 以上都是从英式读音看的,若从美式读音看,则情况不一定如此。一则美国人/r/音是读出来的,fort和fought的读法自然不一样。又如wh-在美式英语中都读/hw/音,wail和whale的读法也就不一样了。
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1704966645 932 Words with Two Pronunciations
1704966647 有不少英语单词可有两种读法,这有几种主要情况。
1704966649 同形异义词:
1704966651 有不少词,形式相同,意义不同,有时读音也不同,现举例如下:
1704966653 bow /bau/ v. He bowed and left the room.他鞠了一躬,离开了房间。 /bəu/ n. They hunted with bows and arrows.他们用弓箭打猎。 lead /liːd/ v. A path leads up the hill.一条小路通向山上。 /led/ n. Lead is a heavy metal.铅是一种很重的金属。 live /liv/ v. Where does he live?他住哪儿? /laiv/ adj. We saw a live rattlesnake.我们看见一条活的响尾蛇。 minute /ˈminit/ n. Just a minute.请等一会儿。 /maiˈnjuːt/ adj. The area affected is minute.受影响的地区很小。 row /rəu/ n. They were standing in a row.他们站成一排。 /rau/ n. He had a row with his wife.他和妻子吵了一架。 sow /səu/ v. We sowed our vegetable seeds yesterday.昨天我们种下了菜子。 /sau/ n. He bought a sow in the market.他在市场上买了一头母猪。 tear /tɛə/ v. Why did you tear the letter into pieces?你为什么把信撕碎? /tiə/ n. He laughed till the tears came.他笑得眼泪都流出来了。 wind /waind/ v. The stream winds through the valley.溪流蜿蜒流过河谷。 /wind/ n. A gentle wind was blowing.吹来一阵和风。 wound /wuːnd/ v. He was wounded in the leg.他腿部受了伤。 /waund/ v. She wound a blanket round the child.她给孩子裹上一床毯子。 有些词词类转换后重音也跟着改变,如:
1704966655 contest /ˈkɔntest/ n. Did you enter the contest?你参加比赛了吗? /kənˈtest/ v. They contested every inch of the ground.他们争夺每一寸土地。 contract /ˈkɔntrækt/ n. We made a contract with them.我们和他们订了一份契约。 /kənˈtrækt/ v. They contracted to build that bridge.他们订了合同修那座桥。 record /ˈrekɔːd/ n. Play some records of dance music, please.请放些跳舞的音乐唱片。 /riˈkɔːd/ v. The programme was recorded.节目录下来了。 suspect /ˈsʌspekt/ n. Several suspects were arrested.有几名嫌疑犯被捕。 /səˈspekt/ v. I suspected that he had been in jail.我怀疑他蹲过监狱。 这类词很多,下面是一些常见的这种词:
1704966657 abstract accent ally combine conduct conflict conscript construct contest contrast convert convict defect desert dictate discount escort export extract frequent import increase insult intrigue object perfect permit present produce progress project prospect protest rebel record recount refund reject reprint subject survey suspect torment transfer transport 另外有些词用作不同词类时,读音有少许变化,例如:
1704966659 advocate /ˈædvəkeit/ v. He advocated a change of policy.他主张改变政策 /ˈædvəki(ə)t/ n. He was an advocate of free trade.他提倡自由贸易。 associate /əˈsəuʃieit/ v. I didn’t want to associate with it.我不愿和它发生联系。 /əˈsəuʃiət/ n. They are business associates.他们是商业上的伙伴。 duplicate /ˈdjuːplikeit/ v. Please duplicate this letter.请把这信复印一份。 /ˈdjuːpliki(ə)t/ n. Keep a duplicate of the lette.保留这封信的复印件。 separate /ˈsepəreit/ v. She soon separated from him.她不久和他分手了。 /ˈsepəri(ə)t/ adj. The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们分床睡。 下面这些词都有这个现象:
1704966661 advocate appropriate approximate articulate associate consummate degenerate delegate deliberate designate duplicate elaborate estimate graduate initiate intimate moderate separate subordinate 此外,有一些以-se结尾的词,在作动词时读/z/,作名词或形容词时读/s/,如:
1704966663 作名词或形容词 作动词 house /haus/ (n.) /hauz/ use /juːs/ (n.) /juːz/ abuse /əˈbjuːs/ (n.) /əˈbjuːz/ excuse /ikˈskjuːs/ (n.) /ikˈskjuːz/ misuse /ˈmisjuːs/ (n.) /ˈmisjuːz/ refuse /ˈrefjuːs/ (n.) /riˈfjuːz/ close /kləus/ (adj.) /kləuz/ diffuse /diˈfjuːs/ (adj.) /diˈfjuːz/ 还有一些词,随着词类的不同,读音也不同,如:
1704966665 张道真英语用法(大众珍藏版·第二版) [:1704917957]
1704966666 content /ˈkɔntent/ n. /kənˈtent/ adj./v. attribute /ˈætribjuːt/ n. /əˈtribjuːt/ v. implement /ˈimplimənt/ n. /ˈimpliment/ v. complement /ˈkɔmplimənt/ n. /ˈkɔmpliment/ v. mouth /mauθ/ n. /mauð/ v. lives /laivz/ n. /livz/ v. overall /ˈəuvərɔːl/ n. /ˌəuvərˈɔːl/ adj. overflow /ˈəuvəfləu/ n. /ˌəuvəˈfləu/ v. overthrow /ˈəuvəθrəu/ n. /ˌəuvəˈθrəu/ v. underground /ˈʌndəɡraund/ adj. /ˌʌndəˈɡraund/ adv. upset /ˈʌpset/ n. /ʌpˈset/ v. 933 work—job—occupation—employment—profession—task
1704966668 work可作动词和名词。作动词时主要表示“工作”:
1704966670 Henry works in a bank.亨利在一家银行工作。
1704966672 Miss Diana has been working very well.戴安娜小姐一直工作得很好。
1704966674 They worked on until late in the afternoon.他们工作到下午很晚的时候。
1704966676 作名词时也主要表示“工作”:
1704966678 I cannot find work in this town.我无法在这座城市找到工作。
1704966680 The machine can do the work of three men.这台机器能干三个人的工作。
1704966682 When his work wasn’t going right, he was restless.工作进行不顺利时他感到不安。
1704966684 还可表示具体的工作、职务、活计等:
1704966686 I go to work at 9.我9点上班。
1704966688 He left work at 5:30.他5点半下班。
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