1704973527 None of this was easy. But we made progress because of our belief in those core principles, which have served as our compass through the darkest of storms. That is why Lincoln could stand up in the midst of civil war and declare it a struggle to see whether any nation, conceived in liberty, and “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” could long endure. That is why Dr. Martin Luther King could stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and ask that our nations live out the true meaning of its creed. That’s why immigrants from China to Kenya could find a home on our shores; why opportunity is available to all who would work for it; and why someone like me, who less than 50 years ago would have had trouble voting in some parts of America, is now able to serve as its President.
1704973529 我认为各国应该沿着属于自己的发展道路前进。中国是一个古老的国度,有着深厚的文化底蕴。相对而言,美国还很年轻,其文化取决于投奔到这块土地的文化各异的移民,还取决于指导我们民主的建国纲领。
1704973531 这些纲领对人类事务提出了一个宏观愿景,体现了几个核心原则——人人生来平等,享受若干基本原则:政府应当反映人民的意志并满足人民的愿望;商务开放,信息公开;保障司法公正。
1704973533 当然,我们国家的发展并非一帆风顺。多年来,我们千方百计地兑现人民的承诺,缔造一个更加完善的联邦。我们经过痛苦的内战,将一部分人从奴隶制中解放出来。经过相当长的一段时间,妇女才获得了选举权,劳工获得了组织权,才使来自世界各地的移民全部被接纳。即使是在废除奴隶制后,非裔美国人仍需与种族隔离和不公平的待遇作斗争,直至最终获得完全平等的权利。
1704973535 因此,取得这些成就并非轻而易举。我们取得了进步,是因为我们对指引我们走出最黑暗的暴风雨的核心原则笃信不疑。因此,林肯能够挺身而出,在内战期间宣布:斗争的目的是为了验证一个以自由和人人平等为宗旨的国家能否长久存在。因此,马丁·路德·金能够伫立在林肯纪念碑前的台阶之上,诘问我们国家是否能真正实践其立国信条的真谛。因此,来自中国、肯尼亚等国的移民能够定居美国。因此,机会总是留给孜孜以求的人。因此,在不到50年前,美国的某些地方连投票都会遭遇种种困难的人,现在却可以出任总统。
1704973543 救救我的十年囧英文 [:1704967311]
1704973544 救救我的十年囧英文 7.罗琳在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的讲话
1704973549 The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned.
1704973551 So give a Time Turner, I would tell my 21-year-old self that personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a check-list of achievement. Your qualifications, your CV, are not your life, though you will meet many people of my age and older who confuse the two. Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicisstudes.
1704973553 Now you might think that I chose my second theme, the importance of imagination, because of the part it played in rebuilding my life, but that is not wholly so. Though I personally will defend the value of bedtime stories to my last gasp, I have learned to value imagination in a much broader sense. Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.
1704973555 在挫折中,你会变得更聪明、更坚强,这也意味着你从此拥有了独立生存的能力。只有通过了逆境的考验,你才会真正了解自己和周围的人所赋予你的力量。这些都是历经艰辛才能获得的宝贵财富,比任何资格证书都更有价值。
1704973557 如果时光倒流,我会告诉21岁的自己,一个人的幸福在懂得,生活不只是一份漂亮的成绩单;你的资格证书、个人简历也不是你的生活——尽管你会看到很多与我同龄,甚至比我还大的人将这些东西与幸福划等号。生活艰难而复杂,出乎任何人的掌控;只有谦逊地认识到这一点,你才能安然度过生活中的潮起潮落。
1704973559 至于为什么选择第二个主题——想象力的重要性,你们可能会认为是因为它在我生活的重建过程中所起到的作用,但事实并非完全如此。虽然我愿誓死捍卫睡前故事对孩子想象力的重要性,但自己对想象力的理解已经更广泛了。想象力是人类独有的设想未知的能力,它还是所有发明创造的源泉。事实证明,想象力是最富变革性和启示性的力量,也正是这种力量会让我们同情他人的不幸遭遇——即使我们并未经历过。
1704973564 救救我的十年囧英文 [:1704967312]
1704973565 救救我的十年囧英文 8.朱棣文在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲(节选)
1704973570 My address will follow the classical sonata form of commencement addresses. The first movements, just presented, were light-hearted remarks. This next movement consists of unsolicited advice, which is rarely valued, seldom remembered, never followed. As Oscar Wilde said, “The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.” So, here comes the advice.
1704973572 First, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible. Thank your parents and friends who supported you, thank your professors who were inspirational, and especially thank the other professors whose less-than-brilliant lectures forced you to teach yourself. Going forward, the ability to teach yourself is the hallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success. To your fellow students who have added immeasurably to your education during those late night discussion, hug them. Also, of course, thank Harvard. Should you forget, there’s an alumni association to remind you.
1704973574 Second, in your future life, cultivate a generous spirit. In all negotiations, don’t bargain for the last, little advantage. Leave the change on the table. In your collaborations, always remember that “credit” is not a conserved quality. In a successful collaboration, everybody gets 90 percent of the credit.
1704973576 毕业典礼演讲都遵循古典奏鸣曲的结构,我的演讲也不例外。刚才是第一乐章——轻快地闲谈。接下来的第二乐章是送上门的忠告。这样的忠告很少有价值,几乎注定被忘记,永远不会被实践。但是,就像王尔德说的:“对于忠告,你所能做的,就是把它送给别人,因为它对你没有任何用处。”所以,下面就是我的忠告。
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