1705000722 In Dexter there is a great whistle which is blown when a freeze threatens. It is known everywhere as Mr. Perkins’ whistle. Now it sounded out in the clear night, blast after blast. Over the countryside lights appeared in the windows of the farms. Men and women ran out into the fields and covered up their plants with whatever they had, while Mr. Perkins’ whistle blew and blew.
1705000724 ● 题意至本段始点明。whistle指工厂、火车、轮船上所用之汽笛,这里的汽笛是作“防冻警报”之用。blown:呜(笛作响)。threatens:将来袭击。
1705000726 ● Mr. Perkins上文已介绍,是番茄田的主人。首两句用现在式,表示这是每年经常之事。blast:汽笛一阵地响。
1705000728 ● lights appeared…:听到汽笛声,农民纷纷起床为番茄防冻。屋内种种忙乱,小说家让我们看见的,只是窗上露出光来而已,描写何等经济。
1705000730 ● whatever they had:有什么(他们就用什么盖上去)。包括衣服被褥等。
1705000732 Sara felt herself waking. She knew that Mr. Perkins’ whistle was blowing, what it meant—and that it now remained for her to get Jason and go out to the field. A soft laxity, an illusion of warmth, flowed stubbornly down her body, and for a few moments she continued to lie still.
1705000734 ● waking:将醒未醒。她觉得自己在醒回来,是尚未全醒也。神知在寤寐之间,最难描写,作者本段着墨不多,而慵倦疏懒之状,已跃然纸上。
1705000736 ● 第二句knew的宾语是that…,what…,that…三个noun clauses。
1705000738 ● A soft laxity(懒洋洋的感觉),an illusion of warmth(钻在被窝中睡,似乎温暖,其实并不真温暖):这种感觉都是朦胧恍惚,若有若无;动词flowed(如水之流,贯注全身):也只显得不用力量,顺应自然。可是副词stubbornly之意为坚决地,用力地。懒洋洋的感觉虽懒虽软,却真有力量叫人起不了床,stubbornly一字安得妙。
1705000740 Then she was sitting up and seizing her husband by the shoulders, without saying a word, rocking him back and forth. It took all her strength to wake him. He coughed, his roaring was over, and he sat up. He said nothing either, and they both sat with bent heads and listened for the whistle. After a silence it blew again, a long, rising blast.
1705000742 ● without saying a word:上文已说过,老夫妻俩是很少交谈的,此处再提一句。
1705000744 ● rock(动词):摇。roaring:鼾声。listened for…:谛听,而声音尚未来。rising:声音由低升高。
1705000746 Promptly Sara and Jason got out of bed. They were both fully dressed, because of the cold, and only needed to put on their shoes. Jason lighted the lantern, and Sara gathered the bedclothes over her arm and followed him out.
1705000748 ● They were both fully dressed:这句话的predicate并不表示一个动作,只是一种状态:“他们是穿好衣服的”(和衣而卧)。
1705000750 ● over her arm:挽在臂上。bedclothes:被褥,包括枕头。
1705000752 Everything was white, and everything looked vast and extensive to them as they walked over to the frozen field. Stooping over the little plants, Jason and Sara touched them and touched the earth. For their own knowledge, by their hands, they found everything to be true—the cold, the rightness of the warning, the need to act. Over the sticks set in among the plants they laid the quilts one by one, spreading them with a slow ingenuity. Jason took off his coat and laid it over the small tender plants by the side of the house. Then he glanced at Sara, and she reached down and pulled her dress off over her head. Her hair fell down out of its pins, and she began at once to tremble violently. The skirt was luckily long and full, and all the rest of the plants were covered by it.
1705000754 ● stooping:俯身。For their own knowledge=for all they knew:据他们所知。For=regarding,so far as concerns:就……而言(《简明牛津字典》)。
1705000756 ● 破折号后三个名词,都是everything的同位语,found的宾语。“他们发现这些都是真的:冷是真的,发警报真有理由,他们也真该行动。”警报的“正当性”(rightness)和行动的需要(need)都是真的。抽象名词在中国语法习惯里用得较少。中文常用形容词或动词的地方,英文可以用抽象名词来表达,这是学英文的人所应该注意的。
1705000758 ● set是过去分词。over the sticks形容laid。他们把被单一层一层地铺在插在番茄秧间的小竿上。ingenuity:灵巧。
1705000760 ● Jason把自己的外套(可能是大衣)脱下了,铺在番茄上,再对Sara一望(glance),这一望使得Sara也非脱不可。她的女式衣服(dress),像运动背心一样,穿上要从头上套进去,脱下也得要过头。脱衣服的时候,把发针(pins)弄松了,头发披了下来。
1705000762 ● 末句luckily一字用得最为沉痛。上面刚说到:衣服脱掉,冷得发抖;这里接着说:亏得(或幸喜)衣服的下幅(skirt)长而肥大,把没有盖到的番茄秧统统盖上了。真是luckily吗?这里用这样一个反语(irony),胜过许多慷慨激昂的牢骚。
1705000764 Then Sara and Jason stood for a moment and stared almost idly at the field and up at the sky.
1705000766 There was no wind. There was only the intense whiteness of moonlight. Why did this calm cold sink into them like the teeth of a trap? They bent their shoulders and walked silently back into the house.
1705000768 ● teeth of a trap:捕鼠(兽)机的刀齿。
1705000770 The room was not much warmer. They had forgotten to shut the door behind them when the whistle was blowing so hard. They sat down to wait for morning.
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