1705001312 ● sweater:(羊)毛衫。此字是wore的宾语。over this之this代表 polo shirt。
1705001314 ● immaculate:洁净无垢。soberly:朴素地。
1705001316 Every morning the two friends walked silently together until they reached the main street of the town. Then when they came to a certain fruit and candy store they paused for a moment on the sidewalk outside. The Greek, Spiros Antonapoulos, worked for his cousin, who owned the fruit store. His job was to make candies and sweets, uncrate the fruits, and to keep the place clean. The thin mute, John Singer, nearly always put his hand on his friend’s arm and looked for a second into his face before leaving him. Then after this good-bye Singer crossed the street and walked on alone to the jewelry store where he worked as a silverware engraver.
1705001318 ● paused:稍停。每天早晨,两人一同上班。到了肥哑巴所服务的糖果鲜果店门前,他们必定停一下。停住了,瘦哑巴要同他告别。第五句叙Singer如何的依依不舍:拉着朋友的臂膊,眼睛细细地对他看。天天见面的尚且如此难分难舍,哑巴心里如何寂寞,不言自明。
1705001320 ● crate(名词):篓子。uncrate(动词):从篓中取出。同样的,打开包裹是unpack,解开绳子是unstring。
1705001322 silverware:银器。engraver:刻花匠。
1705001324 In the late afternoon the friends would meet again. Singer came back to the fruit store and waited until Antonapoulos was ready to go home. In the dusk the two mutes walked slowly home together. At home Singer was always talking to Antonapoulos. His hands shaped the words in a swift series of designs. His face was eager and his gray-green eyes sparkled brightly. With his thin, strong hands he told Antonapoulos all that had happened during the day.
1705001326 ● 第四句was always talking表示“停了又说”,“总是在那里说”。
1705001328 ● 哑巴怎么能说话呢?他是用手势代替语言的。series of designs:一连串的手势图样。
1705001330 ● eager:形容迫不及待的神气。眼睛里还发着光。心中有话,即使是很不重要的话,也非吐不可。
1705001332 Antonapoulos sat back lazily and looked at Singer. It was seldom that he ever moved his hands to speak at all—and then it was to say that he wanted to eat or sleep or to drink. These three things he always said with the same vague, fumbling signs. At night, if he were not too drunk, he would kneel down before his bed and pray awhile. Then his plump hands shaped the words “Holy Jesus,” or “God,” or “Darling Mary.” These were the only words Antonapoulos ever said. Singer never knew just how much his friend understood of all the things he told him. But it did not matter.
1705001334 ● 那希腊人只是懒洋洋地坐着,对他的朋友看着。他除了本能的要求之外,似乎没有什么理智活动,也没有什么话要说的。
1705001336 ● at all=in any way:用任何方式,总是用在否定或疑问的句子里。
1705001338 ● vague:模糊的。fumbling:笨拙的(动词fumble:乱摸)。plump:肥厚的。
1705001340 ● it did not matter:也没有什么关系。Singer只管自己把话“说”出来,不管对方“听”不“听”。
1705001342 They shared the upstairs of a small house near the business section of the town. There were two rooms. On the oil stove in the kitchen Antonapoulos cooked all of their meals. There were straight, plain kitchen chairs for Singer and an over-stuffed sofa for Antonapoulos. The bedroom was furnished mainly with a large double bed covered with an eiderdown comfort for the big Greek and a narrow iron cot for Singer.
1705001344 ● shared:合住。business section:商业区。stove:炉子。
1705001346 ● 胖子好吃,菜是他煮的。但是在别的事情上,他总是占便宜。Singer坐的是硬板厨房椅子(straight:直挺挺的。plain:没有垫子椅套等装饰的),胖子坐的是软厚沙发(over-stuffed:垫得满满的),胖子睡大双人床,Singer睡小铁床。
1705001348 ● comfort:床上的被子,普通拼作comforter。eiderdown:鸭绒(eider是一种野鸭,down是鸟的软毛)。cot:小床,如帆布行军床、可折叠的铁床之类。
1705001350 Dinner always took a long time, because Antonapoulos loved food and he was very slow. After they had eaten, the big Greek would lie back on his sofa and slowly lick over each one of his teeth with his tongue—while Singer washed the dishes.
1705001352 ● lick:舔。牙齿一只一只舔过,足见吃得津津有味。胖子非但好吃贪舒服,而且行动迟缓。本段内两见slow。
1705001354 Sometimes in the evening the mutes would play chess. Singer had always greatly enjoyed this game, and years before he had tried to teach it to Antonapoulos. At first his friend could not be interested in the reasons for moving the various pieces about on the board. Then Singer began to keep a bottle of something good under the table to be taken out after each lesson. The Greek never got on to the erratic movements of the knights and sweeping mobility of the queens, but he learned to make a few set, opening moves. He preferred the white pieces and would not play if the black men were given him. After the first moves Singer worked out the game by himself while his friend looked on drowsily. If Singer made brilliant attacks on his own men so that in the end the black king was killed, Antonapoulos was always very proud and pleased.
1705001356 ● 哑巴以下棋为消遣,chess大致与中国象棋相类。
1705001358 ● 棋子叫pieces或men,棋盘叫board。moving the various pieces about:把不同的棋子(车、马、卒等)各处搬动。about(副词)=here and there。那希腊人对于各种棋子走法(如车可走好多格,而卒只可走有限的格子)的理由不感兴趣。
1705001360 ● a bottle of something good:一瓶好东西,指好酒。棋教完以后,Singer拿酒出来给希腊人喝。要把希腊人训练成他的棋友,Singer不惜用酒来引诱。
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