1705001412 ● nurse作名词是“护士”,作动词便是“看护”。
1705001414 ● 病是好了,却有别的麻烦来了。
1705001416 Antonapoulos was not ill any more, but a change had come in him. He was irritable and no longer content to spend the evenings quietly in their home. When he would wish to go out Singer followed along close behind him. Antonapoulos would go into a restaurant, and while they sat at the table he slyly put lumps of sugar, or a peppershaker, or pieces of silverware in his pocket. Singer always paid for what he took and there was no disturbance. At home he scolded Antonapoulos, but the Greek only looked at him with a bland smile.
1705001418 ● irritable:容易发脾气的。close(副词):贴近地。slyly:偷偷摸摸地,鬼鬼祟祟地。peppershaker:内盛胡椒,盖上有细孔的小瓶。
1705001420 ● disturbance:纷扰。偷走的东西有人给付帐,不会有什么吵闹了。
1705001422 ● bland:温文的(按:此字带一点“油腔滑调”的意思)。
1705001424 The months went on and these habits of Antonapoulos grew worse. One day at noon he walked calmly out of the fruit store of his cousin and urinated in public against the wall of the First National Bank Building across the street. At times he would meet people on the sidewalk whose faces did not please him, and he would bump into these persons and push at them with his elbows and stomach. He walked into a store one day and hauled out a floor lamp without paying for it, and another time he tried to take an electric train he had seen in a showcase.
1705001426 ● in public:当众。urinated(动词):小便;urine(名词):尿。
1705001428 ● bump:撞(上去)。stomach:肚皮。肥人腹大,亦可用以撞人。
1705001430 ● hauled out:拖出来。不是偷偷摸摸地拿,而是明目张胆地拖了。electric train:电动火车(玩具)。he had seen in a showcase是定语从句。showcase:商店陈列货物之玻璃柜。
1705001432 For Singer this was a time of great distress. He was in a constant state of agitation. The money he had saved in the bank was spent for bail and fines. All of his efforts and money were used to keep his friend out of jail because of such charges as theft, committing public indecencies, and assault and battery.
1705001434 ● distress:痛苦。agitation:激动。bail:保释。fines:罚款。charges:罪名。committing public indecencies:在公共场所做不体面的事,指上段的当众便溺。assault and battery(法律名词):殴打罪,指街头撞人。
1705001436 The Greek cousin for whom Antonapoulos worked did not enter into these troubles at all. Charles Parker (for that was the name this cousin had taken) let Antonapoulos stay on at the store, but he watched him always with his pale, tight face and he made no effort to help him. Singer had a strange feeling about Charles Parker. He began to dislike him.
1705001438 ● 上文讲Antonapoulos是在他的一个亲戚所开的糖果铺里做事的,亲戚也是希腊人,名字拼起来大约也很长,Charles Parker是他到美国后新起的名字。
1705001440 ● 那亲戚坐视Antonapoulos屡蹈法网,而不加援手。Singer渐表不满。
1705001442 Singer lived in continual turmoil and worry. But Antonapoulos was always bland, and no matter what happened the gentle, flaccid smile was still on his face.
1705001444 ● turmoil:(心里的)动乱,意义同前面的agitation差不多。worry:担忧。
1705001446 ● no matter what happened:不论出了什么事。flaccid:(肌肉)松松的。
1705001448 And then the final trouble came to Singer.
1705001450 One afternoon he had come to meet Antonapoulos at the fruit store when Charles Parker handed him a letter. The letter explained that Charles Parker had made arrangements for his cousin to be taken to the state insane asylum two hundred miles away. Charles Parker had used his influence in the town and the details were already settled. Antonapoulos was to leave and to be admitted into the asylum the next week.
1705001452 ● made arrangements:办手续。state:州立的。insane asylum:疯人院(第一个字的解释是“疯人的”,第二个字的解释是“收容所”)。
1705001454 ● influence:势力(面子、朋友交情等)。随随便便送一个人进疯人院,恐怕不容易。Charles Parker利用了他在镇上的一点势力,才办妥的。details were already settled:各项手续都已办妥。
1705001456 Singer read the letter several times, and for a while he could not think. Charles Parker was talking to him across the counter, but he did not even try to read his lips and understand. At last Singer wrote on the little pad he always carried in his pocket:
1705001458 You cannot do this. Antonapoulos must stay with me.
1705001460 ● counter:(糖果铺里的)柜台。
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