1705008102 ● It is simply there中的It代替continuous music等等。fill the vacuum:填补空虚。
1705008104 ● 人的奇思妙想,可以说是内心的音乐。但是近代人只倚赖外面的杂声,以填补精神的空虚。外面的杂声停止之时,我们内心没有音乐去取代杂声的地位。
1705008106 ● 如何应付寂寞,也成了一种学问。古人是知道的,今人必须重新学习,如何在寂寞之中,充实内心生活。
1705008108 It is a difficult lesson to learn today—to leave one’s friends and family and deliberately practice the art of solitude for an hour or day or a week. I find there is a quality to being alone that is incredibly precious. Life rushes back into the void, richer, more vivid, fuller than before.
1705008110 ● deliberately:故意地。practice:美国人拿practice当动词用,英国人则用practise。practice the art of solitude:实习独处之道。
1705008112 ● being alone两个字连起来,是一名词短语,前面已经说过了。
1705008114 ● 介词to这样的用法,《简明牛津字典》里有一个例句:
1705008116 There is a moral to it.(这件事情里有一个教训;我们可以从这件事情得到一个教训。)
1705008118 这里是:我发现在寂寞里有一种性质——一种不可思议(令人难信)的宝贵的性质。
1705008120 ● Life:在寂寞之时,我们可以思想。我们想起各种问题,各种人物,好像生命又涌回到这段空虚里来。这时的生命,较之我们平日的生活更为丰富,更为生动,更为充实。
1705008122 For a full day and two nights I have been alone. I lay on the beach under the stars at night alone. I made my breakfast alone. Alone I watched the gulls at the end of the pier, dip and wheel and dive for the scraps I threw them. A morning’s work at my desk, and then, a late picnic lunch alone, on the beach. And it seemed to me, separated from my own species, that I was nearer to others: the sandpiper, running in little unfrightened steps down the shining beach ahead of me; the slowly flapping pelicans over my head, coasting down wind; the old gull, hunched up, grouchy, surveying the horizon. I felt a kind of impersonal kinship with them and a joy in that kinship. Beauty of earth and sea and air meant more to me. I was in harmony with it, melted into the universe, lost in it, as one is lost in a canticle of praise, swelling from an unknown crowd in a cathedral. “Praise ye the Lord, all the fishes of the sea—all ye birds of the air—all ye children of men—Praise ye the Lord!”
1705008124 ● 这一段作者讲她自己practice the art of solitude的经验。
1705008126 ● 前三句都用alone结尾,第四句用alone开头。这是造句变化之法。gulls:海鸥。pier:码头。dip:以身浸水。wheel:盘旋地飞。dive:俯冲。三个动词都是不定式。在watched后面的不定式动词是不要用to的。scraps:碎片(食物)。
1705008128 ● A morning’s work:这是不完全句子。separated from my own species:与我同类隔绝;离开人群。我因此和别种动物更为接近。
1705008130 ● sandpiper:矶鹞。unfrightened:见人不畏,本是形容鸟的,但是作者用来形容steps,鸟的动作(奔跑)因此更为传神。shining:此字乃是画龙点睛之笔。得此字而全景乃耀然光亮矣。
1705008132 ● flapping:拍翅的。pelicans:塘鹅。coasting:(乘风)滑翔(而下)。
1705008134 ● hunched up:弓着背。grouchy:心有不平的、牢骚满腹的样子。surveying the horizon:仔细地看着天边。
1705008136 ● kinship:“民胞物与”、“众生皆我类也”之感。
1705008138 ● melted(过去分词):融化消失(形容主语)。
1705008140 ● canticle:赞美歌。swelling:(乐声)扬起。
1705008142 ● ye:古式的you,所引歌似出自《圣经·旧约·但以理书》第三章,但圣经语句与此处所引略有不同。
1705008144 Yes, I felt closer to my fellow men too, even in my solitude. For it is not physical solitude that actually separates one from other men, not physical isolation, but spiritual isolation. It is not the desert island nor the stony wilderness that cuts you from the people you love. It is the wilderness in the mind, the desert wastes in the heart through which one wanders lost and a stranger. When one is a stranger to oneself, then one is estranged from others too. If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others. How often in a large city, shaking hand with my friends, I have felt the wilderness stretching between us. Both of us were wandering in arid wastes, having lost the springs that nourished us or having found them dry. Only when one is connected to one’s own core is one connected to others, I am beginning to discover. And, for me, the core, the inner spring, can best be refound through solitude.
1705008146 ● physical solitude:外表的(物质的)寂寞。下一句desert island,stony wilderness即说明所谓physical solitude,physical isolation。
1705008148 ● 本段的两个desert都是形容词。
1705008150 ● 前面说separates one from other men,接着说cuts you from the people you love,这是用字的变化。
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