1705008240 ● alumni:校友(复数)。男校友单数是alumnus。
1705008242 ● Lincoln和Cadillac都是美国高级汽车的牌子。parked:停放(汽车)。driveway:汽车道。
1705008244 ● Rolls即Rolls Royce,是英国高级汽车的牌子,比Lincoln,Cadillac还要华贵,那个人不好意思坐了来看比球。
1705008246 ● 这个兄弟会会员人才济济,校友中还有阔人。希望这位Betty小姐听见了心动,远道赶来参加舞会。
1705008248 Well, I guess all this fraternity stuff doesn’t mean very much to you, being an Eastern girl, but I just thought I would tell you a few things as I wanted to ask you if you could come out here for Junior Prom, as my guest. I know what you will think, too far. Well, it is pretty far but not if you come by plane. If you flew to Chicago I could meet you there in my car and it is only a pleasant drive from Chicago. We would be here in plenty of time for the tea dance Friday afternoon. (I hope your folks have no objection to flying.)
1705008250 ● an Eastern girl:东部学校里的小姐。美国东部学校似乎不大注重兄弟会(或姊妹会)。例如哈佛和耶鲁两大学的本科学生,也仿英国牛津、剑桥那样,住在不同的colleges里面,这个college不像中国的College of Arts,College of Science那样,以学科来分;主要的是座宿舍,各college的学生在导师的训导之下,过有益身心的团体生活。
1705008252 ● what you will think:我知道你有什么推托了——路太远了,怎么好来呢?
1705008254 ● pretty far:路是很远。(pretty是副词。)但是你若坐飞机来,就不远了。
1705008256 ● If you flew…:此句为虚拟式。it is:我们到学校去。
1705008258 ● tea dance:茶舞(非正式的)。your folks:你家里人。
1705008260 As to where you would stay while here you would stay at the Kappa house (Kappa Kappa Gamma). That is the best sorority on the campus and is just around the corner literally from our house. We and the Kappas have an arrangement that the men the Kappas bring to Prom stay at our house and the women we bring stay at the Kappa house. You would like the Kappas. A lot of them get their clothes in the East and have their own cars. Some of the other sororities call the Kappas a hi-hat crowd but I don’t think that is fair. Several times during the year we have joint dances, informals, with the Kappas and you would not want to meet a nicer crowd.
1705008262 ● while here:当你在这儿的时候。would stay(虚拟式):女朋友来不来还没一定。
1705008264 ● sorority:姊妹会,女学生所组织的。自备宿舍与兄弟会相仿。
1705008266 ● Kappa Kappa Gamma:三个希腊字母,是某一姊妹会之名。简称Kappa,会员也叫Kappa,复数是Kappas。
1705008268 ● around the corner:在附近转角处。美国人说话中常说just around the corner,表示“就在附近”。但是有时候言过其实,并不很近的地方也可以说它是just around the corner。
1705008270 ● literally:照字面直解地,并不言过其实地。说是:just around the corner,我的意思就是“在附近转角处”。
1705008272 ● arrangement:协定。
1705008274 ● the women we bring:women这个字在美国大学里用得较广,女生常被称为women。一个人只要不是child(此字不分男女性),总可以说是man或woman。
1705008276 ● clothes in the East:东部的服饰趣味比较高雅。美国男人的西装也以东部八大学(所谓“长春藤联盟”Ivy League)学生所穿的最为标准。
1705008278 ● hi-hat:势利眼的。美国近来常有人把high写作hi。crowd:此字不单是“群众”,亦有“团体”之意。本文前文有Any crowd that will have you之句。
1705008280 ● joint dances:联合舞会(他的兄弟会和她们的姊妹会)。informals想是和dances“同位”,这种舞会是非正式的。
1705008282 ● nicer:注意它的比较级。该姊妹会的人太好了,你不再想认识“更好”的人了。nice除了“高贵讲究”之外,也有对人和蔼可亲之意。
1705008284 Well, how’s about it? You have plenty of time to think it over and I wish you would let me know the minute you decide. You could be back in Northampton Sunday night I believe. They are trying very hard to get Tommy Dorsey for Prom. It will be announced next week. The program is tea dances Friday afternoon and joint dinner at our house (Kappas and their guests and our guests and we). There be a basketball game that night but we can miss that as it is only a freshman game. There is also a Glee Club concert before Prom and that may be good. Then Prom until four and then breakfast party at the Kappa house. The next day (Saturday) there is nothing special doing till the tea dances when every house has open house and then Buffet supper at the Kappa house. After that the ‘varsity basketball game and after the game informal dancing at the gym. It has to be informal as there is a faculty rule that dancing has to end at 12 midnight Saturday night.
1705008286 ● the minute you decide:一有决定,烦请即刻赐示。
1705008288 ● Northampton:在麻州,即该女生的Smith College所在地。
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