1705034067 Was there sense in stripping the coat off one’s back to feed one’s belly? If Farmer Liu did not feed his belly (stomach), he would starve to death; if he stripped the coat off his back and sold the clothes for money to buy food for his belly, he would freeze to death from the cold. Farmer Liu thought that it was more sensible for him to keep his clothes on and try to get food by some other means, by killing his starving buffalo, for example. So he killed the animal.
1705034069 faces set, faces took on a hard expression, became motionless as in death.
1705034071 last, utmost; extreme; supreme; greatest.
1705034073 down the river . What river must this be that flows by great cities ?
1705034075 his own father, his neighbor’s own father.
1705034077 hard, hard-hearted; not easily influenced emotionally; unfeeling.
1705034079 cold. Two meanings: cold in the sense of low temperature, for in winter the ground is actually very cold; cold in the emotional sense, in that the earth was not sympathetic, was unfeeling, unmoved, apathetic.
1705034081 shrimps, 虾.
1705034083 dysentery, 赤痢—a disease of the bowels, with inflamed mucous membrane and intestinal glands, griping pains, and mucous and bloody evacuations.
1705034085 sprouting dandelions, dandelions which were beginning to put forth shoots, to grow. The dandelion is a yellow-flowered composite plant with widely toothed leaves. It grows wild, especially in well-kept lawns, where it is a pest. Sprouting dandelions show that spring was coming.
1705034087 heavily, sadly; despondently; dolefully; melancholicly.
1705034089 as a leaf tossed upon the flood . This is a mode of expressing abstract (not concrete) ideas by words which suggest pictures or images and is known as a figure of speech . This particular figure of speech that we give here is a simile , which is an imaginative comparison between objects essentially unlike, except in certain aspects, and declares that A is like B, or, “he felt helpless as a leaf tossed upon the flood.” A simile may be condensed into a metaphor , which imaginatively identifies one object with another, and ascribes to the one qualities of the other. A metaphor assumes that A is B, or, “he was a leaf tossed upon the flood.” A metaphor may usually be expanded into a simile.
1705034091 he could be grateful for nothing . Why could he be grateful for nothing? Why was he comforted by nothing? Why did tears come now when they had not even come when he buried his old mother?
1705034093 Questions
1705034095 1. How did Farmer Liu know that spring was coming? In other years what signs could he have pointed to?
1705034097 2. What had seemed to him “the last sacrifice”?
1705034099 3. What further sacrifices did he have to make?
1705034101 4. Summarize all that the winter’s famine had taken?
1705034103 5. Why the title “Barren Spring”?
1705034105 参考译文
1705034107 【作品简介】
1705034109 《贫瘠的春天》一文选自赛珍珠所著《第一任妻子和其他故事》,纽约约翰·戴出版公司1933年出版,279—283页。
1705034111 【作者简介】
1705034113 赛珍珠(1892—1973),美国小说家,因其父母曾在中国传教而生长于中国。她的首任丈夫卜凯曾任金陵大学(现南京大学前身)农业经济学教授。赛珍珠在其1935年出版的为母亲所写的传记《流亡者》中提及了自己的这段早年经历。是年,她与卜凯离婚,并嫁给后来的丈夫,约翰·戴出版公司的所有人理查德·沃尔什。她以赛珍珠的笔名创作的小说《大地》1931年获普利策奖,被评为当年在美国出版的最佳小说,也被认为是赛珍珠关于中国的小说中最出色的一部。
1705034115 西南联大英文课(英汉双语版) [:1705033791]
1705034116 1 贫瘠的春天
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