1705034194 oriental, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, and others of the Far East or the Orient. The Orient is the place where the sun rises, in the east.
1705034196 inscrutable, wholly mysterious, incapable of being penetrated or searched into or understood; incomprehensible; not given to expressing their emotions frankly or candidly. The Occidentals or foreigners from the West generally regard us Orientals of the East as a race of people who do not show our emotions on our faces and are therefore inscrutable or not easily understood by them.
1705034198 banyan tree, an East Indian moraceous tree, the branches of which send out numerous aërial roots that grow down to the soil and form props or additional trunks, often until a single tree covers so large an area that it will shelter thousands of men; so called by the British in allusion to the use of the space sheltered by the tree as a market-place by the native merchants, or banians.
1705034200 wayside shrine, a small place of worship by the side of the road.
1705034202 absurd, silly; weak-minded; foolish.
1705034204 old residents, foreigners who have lived in our country for many years. Sometimes they are called Old China Hands, although, strictly speaking, the term ought to apply to business men who have been here for a long time.
1705034206 with a tolerant shrug of the shoulders, as if you had said something that was absolutely wrong, but that they were making allowances for your being a newcomer to China, and were going through all this bother, really unnecessary bother, of getting you to see the truth of the whole matter.
1705034208 yoke, a frame fitted to a person’s shoulders and back for the carrying of heavy packs; also a pole used for the carrying of suspended baskets.
1705034210 staggering, tottering, swaying, unable to remain steady in walking and standing, because of the heavy loads they were carrying.
1705034212 wears on, continues on and on; drags on.
1705034214 stripped to the waist, naked, without any covering, from head to waist.
1705034216 crouched, bent low or stooped over, with bent legs.
1705034218 out-patients’ room of a hospital, the room in a hospital where the out-patients (outside patients; sick persons who do not live or remain in the hospital) receive treatment.
1705034220 distressing, causing severe physical or mental strain to the onlooker.
1705034222 scars, marks remaining on the body after the wounds or ulcers have been healed.
1705034224 open sores, places where the skin and flesh are ruptured, broken apart, bruised, or diseased, so as to be open to view.
1705034226 bandages, flexible strips of cloth used in wrapping up wounds.
1705034228 dressing, treatment of a wound with remedies, bandages, and other things.
1705034230 the wood of the pole.
1705034232 an odd malformation, an unusual, abnormal growth on the body.
1705034234 hump, an out-swelling protuberance, sometimes swelled or pushed beyond the adjacent or near-by surface. In the case of these coolies, this hump is a deformity, a malformation, caused by using that part of the human body too much for the carrying of excessively heavy burdens; but with camels these humps are regular features. Our Chinese camels have two humps while those of Arabia are one-humped and are called dromedaries.
1705034236 wizened, of shriveled or dried-up appearance.
1705034238 wrinkled . A wrinkle is a furrowlike crease or depression or ridge in the skin, generally that in the brow, and especially of the kind produced by age.
1705034240 apelike, like an ape or monkey. The faces of monkeys are very much wrinkled and wizened.
1705034242 totter, walk unsteadily because of the heavy burdens; stagger.
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