1705034438 Taking away the empty bowl, my grandmother looked at me, and said seriously and in a businesslike manner, “Really, Shih-hua, it would not be bad if your mother bore you a sister or a brother every year; then you would eat chicken quite often.”
1705034440 A month later, our house was buzzing with relatives. Such a lot of them. My mother was walking about, sweet and affable, but still white and thin, although she had not worked all that month. She entered the sitting room with my little sister in her arms, and all the relatives, one after another, came up to her and touched the little big-eyed girl, whose small stomach was covered with a red flannel apron—a protection against the cold. The relatives argued about whose nose the little girl was going to have, whose eyes, whose mouth. They wished her good fortune.
1705034442 “May she grow up to be as intelligent as her mother.”
1705034444 “May she become a good hostess.”
1705034446 “May she be the most beautiful bride in Hsien-Shih.”
1705034448 “She will be a famous authoress.”
1705034450 This last wish was expressed by my elder uncle. I knew it because, being himself fond of writing, he always said the same thing to every new-born baby.
1705034452 The inspection was over, the little girl was wrapped up again and carried away. The relatives presented my mother with gifts. There were eggs in woven baskets, cackling hens, bags of sugar, selected rice—beautiful rice, which one would like to string on a thread and wear for a necklace, so beautiful it was—and sweets… .
1705034454 My grandmother glanced from the bag of sweets to me, and began laughing again.
1705034456 The procession of relatives moved to the dining room. At the table, the return gifts from our family were distributed, each relative receiving two red eggs. I was sad; we did not have enough money, so I could not stick a gilt-paper hieroglyphic meaning “luck” on the eggs.
1705034458 A year later, on my sister’s birthday the same relatives again crowded into our house. A red tablecloth was put on a table in the sitting room, and all sorts of objects were spread out: a needle and thread, a saucepan, a teapot, a paint-brush, an inkpot, a knife, a book of verses, a book of stories, a flexible fencing-foil, a piece of printed silk.
1705034460 Then the little girl, who, in her embarrassment, was trying to stick her foot into her mouth, was brought to the table, to see what object she would pick up first. If she takes a brush, she will be an authoress; if she grabs at a saucepan, she will be a housewife; if she touches silk, she will be a well-dressed woman; if she picks up a foil, she will make herself famous as a heroine or a chieftain.
1705034462 I don’t know what object my little sister chose. Judging by the fact that she is now in Peking University, and shows a great deal of interest in literature, she must have chosen a brush or a book. However, she was a niece of two teachers. So many books and so much stationery were piled up that day on the red cloth that the insignificant needle and thread had no chance of getting into the hands of little Shih-kuen.
1705034464 In those days, she was the important person in the house. But I did not mind. I was grown up. I was six years older than she.
1705034466 Notes
1705034468 European method of holidays, having one day of rest a week.
1705034470 public schools, in our country, the schools established by the city, provincial, or national government where every qualified person can get a free education; the opposites of private school which are maintained by private individuals or bodies for the education of private students.
1705034472 springs or places where water wells up from the earth are rare (hard to find), because so few, in a desert.
1705034474 one week day, any day in the week but not Sunday.
1705034476 cover, the quilt or bed-cover.
1705034478 Why little balls and wrinkles ?
1705034480 some sweets, some sweet candy for the new-born baby to eat. Of course we know that babies of that age do not eat candy, but how was the little brother to know that? It was cruel of the grandmother to laugh at the young lad. Still, we must excuse her for she was only an ignorant old woman.
1705034482 paid dearly, suffered much teasing; was often teased because of his mention of going to the store to get the baby some candy.
1705034484 On what occasion did the grandmother tease him, a little later in the story?
1705034486 dowry, the money, goods, or estate which a woman brings with her to her husband in marriage; dot.
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