1705035300 Taoists, 道教徒,followers of one of the chief religious sects of our country.
1705035302 disk, circular object.
1705035304 Li Tai-p‘o, 李太白(701-762), famous poet of the T‘ang dynasty.
1705035306 symposium, ancient Greek drinking party, now more commonly used to denote a philosophical or other friendly discussion.
1705035308 Pi Hsia-yüen, 碧霞云.
1705035310 the Great Bear, 北斗,Ursa Major, the Dipper, a northern constellation of stars seven in number, two of which point to the Pole Star.
1705035312 Psalms, a book of the Old Testament of the Bible, often called the Psalms of David, because they are the songs chanted by King David in praise of his God.
1705035314 Hebraic is the adjective of the noun Hebrew, Jew. Hebraic here refers to the religion of the Jewish people, to the Holy Bible of the Christians, which is a history of the aspirations of the Jewish people. King David, author of the Psalms, Jesus, all the people of the Bible are Hebrews.
1705035316 retorted, said by way of answer.
1705035318 Wordsworth, William (1770-1850), English romantic poet, worshiper of Nature.
1705035320 cult, study and pursuit of worship.
1705035322 mythology, body of myths or primitive tales imaginatively describing or accounting for natural phenomena, especially by personification.
1705035324 suckled, fed from the breast or udder. A pagan is a person who does not acknowledge Jehovah, Christ, nor Allah. The poet says that he would much rather be a pagan brought up in a religious creed that is out of fashion, that is out of date, … .
1705035326 forlorn, forsaken; in pitiful condition.
1705035328 “pro-Chinese,” a foreigner who favors or sides with the Chinese.
1705035330 candid, unprejudiced; free from dissimulation or reserve.
1705035332 insincere paradox . A paradox is a statement that is contrary to the generally accepted opinion, that conflicts with preconceived notions of the reasonable or possible. When Mr. Dickinson makes the statement that China is more civilized than the modern West, he states an opinion that seems to be contrary to the generally accepted opinion that China is not as civilized as the modern West. People suspect that he is not sincere when he makes such a statement.
1705035334 unqualified . You qualify statement by putting limitations to or modifying it. An unqualified sense is a meaning that has not had this limitation or modification put on.
1705035336 irrelevant, not concerned with the matter in hand; not pertinent to.
1705035338 superstructure, what rests on a foundation; a building in relation to its foundations.
1705035340 water-taps, the tubular plug with internal valve by which the flow of water from a pipe can be allowed or checked.
1705035342 sewers, covered underground drains for carrying off the refuse of houses or towns.
1705035344 the Roman Empire, established by Augustus (27 B.C.), divided by Theodosius (A.D. 395) into western and eastern. Western down till 1806.
1705035346 scrofulous, the adjective of the noun scrofula , a constitutional disease with glandular swellings.
1705035348 corrugated iron roofs, iron sheetings bent into wavy ridges, used to cover the roofs of buildings, especially buildings for manufacturing and other industrial purposes.
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