1705036201 resolutely, decidedly; steadfastly; full of resolution and determination.
1705036203 life went out, they were no longer alive; they were killed.
1705036205 sun went down, night came, when it was the custom in ancient times to stop the battle. After a night of rest, the battle was continued the next morning.
1705036207 vise, a tool or device having two jaws, closing by a screw, lever, cam,and the like. Here, the jaws of the ants are compared to the jaws of the vise.
1705036209 adversary, opponent; enemy.
1705036211 feelers, organs in the ant for testing things by touch or for searching for food. You might call them the arms of the ants.
1705036213 to go by the board, to go over the board or side of the ship; hence, figuratively, to suffer complete destruction or overthrow.
1705036215 dashed, flung; threw; knocked.
1705036217 divested, taken away from him; removed from him.
1705036219 members, feelers and other parts of ants.
1705036221 pertinacity, stubbornness; obstinacy. That species of dog known as bulldog, with its large jaws and stocky body, is noted for its stubbornness. Once a bulldog has his jaws on any part of your anatomy, he will not let loose, even if beaten to death with a stick.
1705036223 manifested, showed; displayed.
1705036225 dispatched, put to death; sent out of the world.
1705036227 return with his shield or upon it . This is the well-known charge or parting instruction of a Spartan mother to her son upon his departure to war. The meaning of the mother is very clear. Her son was either to return from the war victorious and honored, or to die fighting bravely for his country. It was the custom then to place the bodies of dead heroes upon their shields to convey their corpse home for burial. Return with your shield victorious and alive; or, be carried back upon your shield, honored among the dead. This story comes down to us through Plutarch, in whose “Apothegms of the Laconian Women,” the story appears thus: “Another (Spartan mother) on handing her boy his shield, exhorting him, said, ‘My son, either this or upon this.’” This truly Laconic exhortation is generally extended to read as Thoreau gives it. Sparta is in Laconia, in the southern part of ancient Greece. The Spartans were noted for their military organization and vigorous discipline and steady valor. The Spartans were likewise known for expressing much in a few words. This concise mode of expressing oneself is now called “laconic.”
1705036229 three united for life . The two red ants and the one black ant were biting one at the other and were so closely embraced together that they seemed to make one ant instead of being three separate ants.
1705036231 locks and cements serve the purpose of linking things together or of fusing them. Now, however, these three ants were fused together closer than any cement could fuse them, and locked tighter together than any lock could unite them. They have found an attraction that is superior to the attraction of locks and cement, that puts the other things to shame.
1705036233 eminent, high above the ground, in an elevated position.
1705036235 excite the show, make the show more exciting; rouse the fighters to a more fervent pitch of excitement.
1705036237 Questions
1705036239 1. Show by what means Thoreau magnifies the battle of the ants so as to decrease the difference between ants and men.
1705036241 参考译文
1705036243 【作品简介】
1705036245 《红蚂蚁大战黑蚂蚁》一文选自亨利·戴维·梭罗所著《瓦尔登湖》的第十二章《禽兽为邻》。
1705036247 【作者简介】
1705036249 亨利·戴维·梭罗(1817—1862),美国哲学家。梭罗在马萨诸塞州瓦尔登的瓦尔登湖附近的森林给自己盖了个小屋,干的活儿只够维持生存就适可而止。他把大部分时间都花在了观察周围的事物上。
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