1705037464 Adam . According to Genesis, the first book of the Bible, “God created man in his own image” on the sixth day. This man was Adam.
1705037466 Eve . Later God took a rib from Adam and made of it a woman, to be the mate of man. “Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.”
1705037468 monitors, persons who offer advice or serves warning; senior schoolboys placed in authority of the class.
1705037470 susceptible, made sensitive to; exposed to; given over to.
1705037472 Test-Acts . In English history, the Test-Act was a statute passed in 1673 requiring persons holding office, civil or military, or positions of trust under the crown, to take the oaths of supremacy and allegiance, renounce under oath the right to take arms against the king, and receive communion under the Church of England. This act was partially repealed in 1828.
1705037474 Those who take honors, those who win distinction, such as academic distinction.
1705037476 “Poll.” In Cambridge University, England, the poll (collective) are the students who “go up” for, or obtain, a pass or ordinary degree (poll degree), that is, a degree without honors.
1705037478 plucked . Originally an English university slang meaning rejection from the university for some deficiency or misdemeanor; but, now only, rejection for failure to pass in an examination.
1705037480 extermination, utter destruction; death.
1705037482 compulsory education, the system of education in which every child is enforced or compelled to attend school.
1705037484 visited as sharply, punished as severely and suddenly.
1705037486 boxed, strucked with the hand or fist, especially on the ear or on the side of the head.
1705037488 intervenes, interferes; breaks in to take a part.
1705037490 artificial education, education that is artificial because it is obtained by human skill and labor, in opposition to natural education.
1705037492 anticipation, act of introducing beforehand; an education that teaches the students beforehand how to make use of natural education.
1705037494 spin the gossamers, deal with very delicate matters, perhaps somewhat airy. A gossamer is a light filmy substance, like the webs of small spiders, floating in calm air or spread over grass.
1705037496 forge the anchors, deal with coarser matters, undoubtedly more stable and substantial. Anchors are used to moor ships to the bottom of the sea, and are heavy and large.
1705037498 stunted ascetic . An ascetic is one who devotes himself to a solitary and contemplative life, with rigorous discipline of the self, as by celibacy, fasting, and self-mortification. Such extreme self-denial stunts or checks the otherwise normal man and his development.
1705037500 to come to heel, to obey, just as a hunting dog is trained to follow closely at the heel of his master when commanded to do so.
1705037502 the servant of a tender conscience, obeying a moral sense of right and wrong that is easily touched or moved.
1705037504 to hate all vileness . A man who has had a liberal education is one who has learned that not only must he not be satisfied merely to be good, but also that he must take an aggressive attitude and hate all evil, try to eradicate evil.
1705037506 beneficent mother, mother doing good or showing active kindness.
1705037508 her mouthpiece, spokesman, one who speaks for Nature.
1705037510 her conscious self, Nature represented as conscious, through his conscious thought; Nature shown as being aware of external things, Nature with mental faculties alive and awake because he is wide awake.
1705037512 her minister, the person employed by Nature to carry out her purposes; her agent.
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