1705037615 impaired, weakened; damaged.
1705037617 popular education, education for the mass of people; democratic education.
1705037619 of the moment, of the time that affords an opportunity; of the present.
1705037621 Plato (427-347 B.C.), the eminent Greek philosopher, made such a statement in his Republic .
1705037623 laborious, laboring; doing unskilled labor.
1705037625 model commonwealth, the body of people constituting a state or politically organized community that serves as an example for imitation. Plato’s Republic is an attempt at presenting such an organization.
1705037627 extraordinary, beyond or out of the common order or method; not usual, customary, regular, or ordinary.
1705037629 one generation ago . Around 1865 when the American Civil War ended. The average time in which children are ready to replace parents is reckoned at one third of a century or at thirty years as a time measure.
1705037631 our Southern States, the southern states of the United States of America.
1705037633 feudal society . In medieval Europe, society was based on the relation between vassal and superior arising from the holding of lands in feud.
1705037635 clergy, the body of men set apart, by due ordination, to the service of God, in the Christian church, in distinction from the laity.
1705037637 Napoleonic wars . The wars against the encroachments of Napoleon were fought in the years between 1799 and 1815.
1705037639 twenty-seven years old, that is, since 1870.
1705037641 meteorology, the science or the branch of physics treating of the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially its variations of heat and moisture, its winds and storms, and others.
1705037643 entwined, twisted or wreathed together or around; included.
1705037645 mythologies . Mythology treats of myths, which are stories, the origins of which are forgotten, that ostensibly relate historical events, which are usually of such character as to serve to some practice, belief, institution, or natural phenomenon. A myth may be a person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable. Here, the reference is to the myths of Greece and Rome, and those of the Teutonic tribes—to such stories as those of Zeus and his Olympian comrades.
1705037647 Old Testament stories, stories from the Old Testament of the Bible, such as the story of the crossing of the Red Sea, that of the sun and moon standing still at the command of Joshua and others too numerous to relate.
1705037649 fairy tales, as those given in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales.
1705037651 historical romances, those of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, of Charlemagne and his Twelve Peers, of Æneas and his wanderings and many others.
1705037653 perverse, turned away from the right; willfully erring; wicked;perverted.
1705037655 infiltration, penetrating gradually.
1705037657 porridge, a food made by boiling some leguminous or farinaceous substance in water or milk to form a broth or thin pudding.
1705037659 assimilate, absorb or appropriate as nourishment.
1705037661 urban, of or pertaining to a city or town.
1705037663 precept, any commandment, instruction, or order intended as a rule of action or conduct, especially a command respecting moral conduct.
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