1705038335 noblesse oblige, nobility obliges, —often used to denote the obligation of the honorable and generous behavior associated with high rank or birth.
1705038337 corporate, united, combined into one group; group.
1705038339 class-consciousness, thoughts and feelings that belong to us as a class.
1705038341 “Les intellectuels,” applied ironically by the “red bloods” to Zola, Clemenceau and other intellectual leaders of France who stood up for Dreyfus.
1705038343 ironically, expressing a sort of humor, ridicule, or light sarcasm, which adopts a mode of speech the intended implication of which is the opposite of the literal sense of the words, as when expressions of praise are used where blame is meant.
1705038345 “red blood,” the anti-Semitic and other strongly nationalistic groups in France which were in favor of keeping Dreyfus in Devil’s Island (the French penal colony), primarily because he is a Jew. These men brought the strongest pressure to bear on the officials to prevent them from reopening the case, especially in 1896.
1705038347 anti-Dreyfus craze . Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), a captain in the French army, of Jewish parentage, was accused of selling army secrets and convicted in 1894. In 1896 evidence was shown that Major Esterhazy was the traitor. The affair became a public issue. Only the decline of nationalism permitted the eventual reversal of the verdict in 1906. In the World War, Dreyfus rose to the rank of lieutenant general and was awarded the Legion of Honor. Zola, for his famous attack on the government “J’accuse,” was imprisoned. Clemenceau also fought for the condemned man.
1705038349 satirize, bring ridicule; assail with satire.
1705038351 judicious pilot, sensible and prudent guide through a difficult or unknown course.
1705038353 tiller, a lever of wood or metal fitted to the rudder-head and used for turning the rudder of a ship from side to side.
1705038355 distraught, crazed with grief; beset with doubt or mental conflict.
1705038357 leeways, the lateral movements of a ship to the leeward of her course;the deviations from the course indicated by the line of her keel which she makes by drifting to leeward.
1705038359 tack, to change the direction of a vessel when sailing closely-hauled, by putting the helm alee and shifting the sails so that she will come up into the wind and then fall off on the other side until she proceeds at about the same angle to the wind as before, but on the opposite tack—a tack on a vessel is the direction in which the vessel sails.
1705038361 tug, a laborious pulling or straining; hence, a severe stress.
1705038363 warp, pull ship by means of a rope; haul along by a rope.
1705038365 yeast cake for democracy’s dough . A yeast cake is a mealy or doughy cake impregnated with live germs of the yeast plant, used for raising bread. Dough refers to the soft mass of moistened flour or meal, kneaded or unkneaded, but not yet baked. Hence the clause means that we must be the uplifters, the persons to improve and move the mass of humanity.
1705038367 double reefs, doubling over or together of those parts of a sail which are taken in or let out by means of the reef points, in order to regulate the size of the sail.
1705038369 canvas, a sail or a collection of sails of a vessel; a coarse, heavy cloth of hemp or flax, spread to catch the wind by means of which a vessel is driven forward in the water.
1705038371 Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894), Scottish essayist, romancer, and poet.
1705038373 eradicate, root out; pluck up by the roots; destroy utterly.
1705038375 Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U. S. A. America’s foremost seat of learning, founded in 1636. William James was professor of psychology and philosophy at Harvard.
1705038377 sterilized conceit, personal vanity that has been rid of microbes even;conceit that is very particular and exclusive.
1705038379 Edith Wyatt (1873-1958), American author. Her home is in Chicago. Her Every One His Own Way was printed in 1901.
1705038381 a couple, a wedded or engaged pair.
1705038383 Richard Elliot, one of the main characters in Edith Wyatt’s book.
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