1705040871 I looked up from the field over the tops of the oaks that grew on the slope of the valley, to be sure by looking across that I had come to the right field. If I could see, and only just see, the field of the wild roses, then this field and these woods must be the ones that I sought. And sure enough, I saw the unmistakable hills from which I had come, and the woods along the top of them, and above these woods a field. For a moment I could not be sure. So strange it looked, so haunted, —not by shadows, for the sun was long set, but by a certain darkness gathering under the hedges while the gloaming still shone on its center, —that I did not immediately know it. And, as I watched it and recognized it by many landmarks as my very ordinary field, the mystery deepened and deepened, until before the gloaming faded away it was obviously touched by that eeriness that is never found far from the haunt of fabulous things.
1705040873 It was too far to get there to-night, and I looked once more at the field by whose edges I stood, to see if anything lurked at all of the magic that it had. No, nothing; it was all gone. At this moment a rustic boy skipped out of the wood and came over the field towards me. And something about him made him seem so much at home in that field and so knowing of all its neighboring shrubs and shadows that, clinging still to a last vestige of my fancy, I hailed him, and he pricked up his ears. Then I asked, just as I might have asked if the busses were running: “Do the satyrs dance here to-night?”
1705040875 “Here? No!” he said with such certainty that I knew for sure I was wrong.
1705040877 I mumbled something like that I thought they were going to.
1705040879 “No,” he said, shaking his head and pointing away to my field of wild roses, gleaming only faintly now, a dim gray green before nightfall, “they are dancing there to-night.”
1705040881 Notes
1705040883 evanescent, fleeting; quickly fading in impression or appearance.
1705040885 satyrs, Greek woodland deities in human form with horse’s ears and tail (or, as represented by the Romans, with goat’s ears, tail, legs, and budding horns). Satyrs are, in other words, spirits that live in woods.
1705040887 lumber, disused or discarded articles that still take up room.
1705040889 nightingale’s song . The nightingale is noted for the sweet song of the male, often heard at night during the breeding season.
1705040891 hay ripening, in autumn.
1705040893 the likely hour, twilight.
1705040895 in the cool, weather of twilight.
1705040897 road of tar, a road paved with tar or asphalt.
1705040899 the twentieth century, our present civilization with our automobiles, and masses of people going from one place to another, and the great speed with which automobiles are driven on the roads.
1705040901 dogwood, a low shrub of the genus Cornus .
1705040903 idyllic scene, pleasing and picturesque in its natural simplicity.
1705040905 unearthly, supernatural; not of this earth.
1705040907 buttercups, yellow-flowered crowfoot of the genus Ranunculus .
1705040909 dog daisies, plants with fleshy leaves and pink and white flowers, of the aster family.
1705040911 haunted, inhabited with supernatural spirits.
1705040913 gloaming, twilight.
1705040915 landmarks, conspicuous marks on the land that serve to locate or identify the place.
1705040917 eeriness, strangeness, weirdness.
1705040919 rustic boy, country lad.
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