1705041831 哎呀,我不爱你了
1705041833 即便你在意,我也不在意。
1705041835 (潘华凌 译)
1705041839 [1]本杰明·迪斯累里(Benjamin Disrae1i, 1804—1881)是英国首相(1868,1874—1880)、保守党领袖和作家,写过小说和政论作品,其政府奉行殖民主义扩张政策。
1705041843 [2]休谟(David Hume, 1711—1776)是英国哲学家、经济学家、历史学家,不可知论的代表人物,认为知觉是认识的唯一对象,否认感觉是外部世界的反映,主要著作有《人性论》《人类理智研究》等。
1705041847 [3]贝克莱(George Berke1ey, 1685—1753)是爱尔兰基督教新教主教、唯心主义哲学家,认为“存在即被感知”,存在的只是我的感觉和自我,著有《视觉新论》《人类和知识原理》等。
1705041851 [4]实用主义(Pragmatism)是19世纪末产生于美国的现代唯心主义哲学思潮。到了20世纪初,成为一种主流思潮,对法律、政治、教育、社会、宗教和艺术的研究产生了很大的影响。
1705041855 [5]此处原文为意大利语,这是有关翻译问题的一句妙语,意为“翻译者,背叛者”。用英语表述则为“The trans1ator, a traitor”或“The trans1ator is a betrayer”, “The trans1ator is a traitor”。
1705041857 西南联大英文课(英汉双语版) [:1705033862]
1705041858 37 BISMARCK
1705041860 By Emil Ludwig
1705041863 BISMARCK, by Emil Ludwig, in his Genius and Character , New York, Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1927, pp. 41-52.
1705041867 Emil Ludwig (1881-1948), German biographer and dramatist, widely known for his studies of Bismarck (1912), Napoleon (1924), William Hohenzollern (1925) and Lincoln (1929).
1705041869 Earthly majesty is always akin to the fallen angel, who is proud and unhappy, beautiful but troubled, and whose plans and efforts, though vast, are denied success .
1705041871 Powerful frame! How much was Bismarck indebted to his physique although he hardly ever came to actual tests of fist and muscle! His body and his accomplishments were identical:the will of a giant vibrant with the electric charge of magnetic nerves. He was like those mastiffs of his which, precisely because of this resemblance, he loved: strong and nervous, heavy and somber, formidable, and unrelenting towards an offender—loyal to but one person, his master, yet devoted to him until death. Bismarck was as powerful, as nervous, and as dangerous as his dogs.
1705041873 Like every strong man, he once saved his own life. An assassin in Unter den Linden had fired one shot at him and was about to fire a second, this time at closer range. It would have been fatal, had not Bismarck seized the man’s right hand and hurled the weapon to the ground. On another occasion, when he was younger, he had plunged into the water after a man who was drowning—and for the rest of his life, among all the insignia of honor which “go with the make-up of a minister,” he took pride only in the medal commemorating this rescue. Again, he saved Prussia, when the king was about to yield to popular pressure and to abdicate, by taking hold of the king’s scabbard and literally shaking him into a mood of self-defense.
1705041875 None of these three equally important acts would have been possible without the assistance of his powerful physique. Wherever he went, he was the biggest man present. At a court ball, when he was in his twenties, his stature elicited the admiration of his first master. Emperors of the French and of the Russians, kings, princes, and princesses—all were impressed to see him stoop as he came through the door and then draw himself up again to his full height. Generals and politicians, most of them his opponents for one reason or another, were often astounded, and even terrified by his build.
1705041877 And yet his intimates, and sometimes mere government clerks, had seen the giant collapse, convulsed with weeping, tortured with despair, his features twitching and distorted. This is the other side of Bismarck, an aspect of him which the Germans readily gloss over, but without which the nationalistic side of his character could never have been effectual.
1705041879 For while the spirit of history was still undecided whether or not to unite the German race after a thousand years of dissent, it produced a man whose own impulses were so rent that he alone was capable of coping with this other division. His own personal struggle, a restless oscillation between pathos and criticism, duty and power, flight and aggression, loyalty and vengeance, had its parallel for him in the condition of Germany; and this almost mystical, yet natural kinship gave him both the desire and the courage to battle for national integration. Almost unknown to himself, a powerful stream of emotion was flowing beneath the craftiness of the politician. This produced a vision, a kind of dream, which gave him consistency of purpose despite the seeming opportunism of his methods. And he could work only at white heat; rapidly, in barely eight years, Bismarck the Prussian forged Germany.
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