1705041941 Bismarck (1815-1898), the great German statesman, the one man responsible for welding a German nation out of the many German principalities. The fallen angel is, of course, Satan.This brief sentence at the top of the page beautifully describes the Satan given in the opening books of Milton’s Paradise Lost .
1705041943 Powerful frame, strong body or physique.
1705041945 mastiffs, one of a breed of powerful, smooth-coated dogs, valued chiefly as watchdogs.
1705041947 assassin, one who practices secret murder.
1705041949 Unter den Linden, under the linden trees, the name of a street in Berlin, Germany.
1705041951 the king, Frederick William IV (1797-1888), William I, German Kaiser (1871-1888), Prussian king (1861-1888).
1705041953 about to yield in 1862, because of opposition to the king’s army program in Parliament. Bismarck was just then appointed minister-president, and after he had failed to secure approval of the king’s program, he dissolved Parliament, and in direct violation of the constitution, collected and expended state revenue. He assumed control of the entire government and suppressed all opposition.
1705041955 scabbard, sheath of the sword.
1705041957 elicited, drew out or drew forth; evoked.
1705041959 convulsed, shook violently (literally and figuratively).
1705041961 gloss over, cover up; explain away; say as little as possible.
1705041963 after a thousand years of dissent . Charlemagne was able to bring most of the present Germany into the bounds of his empire by his energetic conquest of the Saxons, but the unity of his empire was ephemeral. The breakdown of the state was signalized in the Treaty of Verdun (843) when the three sons of Louis I, the Pious, divided the territories, the eastern portion going to Louis the German. The eastern territories never achieved a real unity; five great duchies, Saxony, Franconia, Lorraine, Bavaria, and Swabia, developed, and were dominant. From that time down to Bismarck’s day, these and many other divisions that later sprang up kept Germany from becoming a united nation.
1705041965 rent, torn apart; dissociated.
1705041967 coping, meeting with; dealing with.
1705041969 oscillation, changing repeatedly back and forth; fluctuation.
1705041971 white heat, great heat; under great compulsion; at a great speed.
1705041973 forged, built up; shaped; made.
1705041975 this realm of music, German musicians and composers, such as Beethoven (1770-1827), Mendelssohn (1809-1847), Schumann (1810-1856), Wagner (1813-1883), and Brahms (1833-1897), and the Austrian Schubert (1797-1828), are well known in the field of music.
1705041977 wariness, state of being cautious; cautiousness.
1705041979 monomaniac, one whose mind is deranged upon a single subject only.
1705041981 primum mobile (first moved), with Aristotle, the highest physical sphere, or heaven of the fixed stars, which is in immediate contact with God, and derives its circular motion, the most perfect of all motions, directly from him; hence, any deep-seated impulse or urge.
1705041983 Napoleon the parvenu . A parvenu is a person of obscure origin who has gained wealth or a high position; an upstart, in other words. Napoleon came from an obscure family, while Bismarck came from a family that had a long history back of it; therefore Napoleon is called the parvenu, while Bismarck is entitled the noble.
1705041985 misanthropy, hatred of mankind.
1705041987 ideologist or artist, idle theorizer or artist (musician, painter and such); philosopher or artist.
1705041989 homo politicus, political man; political being; the practical administrator.
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