1705042448 when this part of your character was most predominant . During the reigns of James I (1603-1625) and of Charles I (1625-1648). James became involved in a bitter quarrel with Parliament by increasing the customs duties without its consent. The attempts of Charles to raise revenue by means of forced loans and ship money were among the causes which led to the great civil war in 1642 and to the execution of the king in 1649.
1705042450 inheres, belongs, as attributes, qualities, rights, powers, etc.
1705042452 some sensible object, some concrete object or definite interest:sensible, that which is evident to the senses.
1705042454 criterion, standard of judging; rule or test by which facts, principles, opinions, and conduct are tried in forming a correct judgment respecting them.
1705042456 the great contests for freedom, for example, in 1297, in the reign of Edward I, and in 1628, in the reign of Charles I.
1705042458 the ablest pens, and most eloquent tongues, the best writers, like Pym, Hampden, Selen, St. John, and the most fluent speakers.
1705042460 ancient parchments and blind usages, established practices, the origin of which is lost in antiquity.
1705042462 immediate direct.
1705042464 oracle, authoritative or wise expression.
1705042466 inculcate, teach.
1705042468 mediately or immediately, indirectly, through chosen representatives, or directly, in their own persons.
1705042470 theorem and corollaries, meaning here, your principles of government.
1705042472 pleasing error . Why pleasing error?
1705042474 merely popular, wholly in charge of the people, as in Connecticut and Rhode Island, where even the governors, instead of being appointed by the Crown, were elected by the people.
1705042476 Protestants, Christians who are in protest against the Roman Catholic, the Old Catholic Church, and the Eastern Church.
1705042478 coeval, of the same age; existing during the same period of time, especially time long and remote.
1705042480 the dissidence of dissent, the extreme of dissent or disagreement. Compare, for a similar superlative sense the Hebrew phrase “Holy of Holies.”
1705042482 a variety of denominations, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Quakers, Methodists, Baptists, etc.
1705042484 notwithstanding its legal rights . The Church of England was nominally established in Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina. But the colonists were skilful in evading the maintenance of its endowments. In Virginia it was customary for each parish to hire its incumbent from year to year, so that no freehold in the endowment might be established. By a curious anomaly, the Episcopal Church in America was without bishops at the close of George II’s reign. Lord Halifax, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, proposed to introduce them, but the scheme was received with suspicion by the colonists, and regarded as a part of an attempt to undermine their liberties.
1705042486 that stream of foreigners, those who were not English.
1705042488 dissenters from the establishments of their several countries, such as French Huguenots and Irish Presbyterians.
1705042490 latitude, freedom from confinement or narrow limits; independence of action, thought, opinion, etc.
1705042492 the southern colonies, the thirteen colonies of. America were divided into north and south colonies.
1705042494 has a regular establishment, see note explaining “notwithstanding its legal rights.”
1705042496 they have a vast multitude of slaves . Johnson pertinently asks: “How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty from the drivers of slaves?”
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