1705047096 b. The only way to get out then was a narrow wooden bridge in the north.
1705047098 转义词,在描写与叙事的文字中,凸现神效,在议论文字中照样立功。请读一段议论性文字:
1705047100 从表面看,家庭平静,如同湖面,波澜不兴。然而,事实上,家庭的表面平静下面存在着急流。外人见不到这种急流,因为,中国人信仰“家丑不可外扬”。他们关起门来争吵或是打架。这个差距是非常自然的,要想绕着走是不可能的。唯一的道路就是面对它。有隔阂就一定会有弥合的办法,这个办法就是理解。
1705047102 Superficially, the family looks as calm as the surface of a lake without any waves. In fact, however, there is some current under the calmness of the family. The current remains hidden from outsiders, because the Chinese believe that “domestic shame should not be made public”. They quarrel and fight with the door shut. The gap is very natural. It is impossible to by-pass it. The only way is to face it. There is always a bridge over the gap, and that bridge is understanding.
1705047104 其实,英语的很多常用表达本身就是用其转义。如在翻译上文的“差距”和“隔阂”的时候,一般都会使用gap一词。而gap的本义却是a hole or opening, as in a wall or fence, made by breaking or parting。以上译文所以有浓郁的英语味,转义词(如current, by-pass, bridge等等)的介入,是原因之一。同样,若将三句中的转义词易作本义词,读之将味同嚼蜡。试比较:
1705047106 a. …there is some current under the calmness of the family.
1705047108 b. …there are quarrels and fights in the family, though it appears to be peaceful.
1705047110 a. It is impossible to by-pass it.
1705047112 b. It is impossible to avoid it intentionally.
1705047114 a. There is always a bridge over the gap.
1705047116 b. There is always a way to solve the problems caused by the gap.
1705047118 Hartwell在论述词语的字面意义及其比喻义之区别时,举有趣例:
1705047120 A college professor tells of talking with a foreign student in her office when a colleague stopped in to ask about a problem. “It’s taken care of,” she replied. “I chewed him out, and it won’t happen again.” “You mean”, gasped the student incredulously, “that you bit him?”
1705047122 笑话源于chewed him out,言者用其转义(to rebuke severely; reprimand,即“责骂”),而闻者(the foreign student)却取其本义(to bite and grind or crush with the teeth,即“用牙齿咬并磨碎”)。这则故事告诉我们,不甚习惯、不善理解、更不善使用英语转义者并非就是以汉语为母语者。可以毫不夸张地说,英语精彩表达,十之八九离不开转义。转义,似魔杖,点石成金,化平淡为神奇;转义,如神祗,呼风唤雨,为人间添绿色。思想不俗的表达,因转义而越加生辉;内容不俗的表达,因转义而顿出文采。
1705047124 在咀嚼中思考,译者理解能力随思维发散而提升。
1705047126 She was fired and perhaps rightly so, for failing to teach fundamentals. Such things must be learned. But she left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and she inflamed me with a curiosity, which has never left. I could not do simple arithmetic but through her I sensed that abstract mathematics was very much like music. When she was relieved, a sadness came over us but the light did not go out. She left her signature on us, the literature of the teacher who writes on minds. I have had many teachers who told me soon-forgotten backs but only three who created in me a new thing, a new attitude and a new hunger. I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned manuscript of the high school teacher. What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person!
1705047128 初读上段,句中的hunger, signature, unsigned manuscript等,给读者错位感,然而,稍经咀嚼,即能辨味。哦,用其转义也!但是就翻译而言,未必所有的英语转义都应该转换成毫无色彩可言的本义。咀嚼后的思考,又让译者产生新启迪。因此,翻译的过程若是对英语的转义现象多留一个心眼,那么,我们就能译出如下译文:
1705047130 她因未能教授基础知识而被解雇了,理由也许是正当的,因为这些知识一定要学,但是她为我们注入了对纯粹的可知世界的热情;她点燃了我求知的热望,这种热情永生而不灭。我虽然不会做简单的算术题,但是她让我感到抽象的数学与音乐非常地相似。当她被解聘时,我们都很难过,但是她所点燃的那片光明并没有消失。我们的精神里有她的签名,我们成了老师的精神作品。许多老师所教的知识,陈腐过时,转眼即忘,而这三位老师在我的心里创造了新精神,新心态,新欲望。在很大程度上,我不正是那位老师未经签名的手稿吗,我想。这样一个人的手里握着永不灭的力量!
1705047132 在审美中学习,译者翻译兴味随审美发现而发展。
1705047134 There are seasons of the heart. There are seasons in our lives, just as there are seasons to all of nature. These seasons cannot be forced any more than one can force the coming of spring by pulling at tender blades of grass to make them grow. It took me a while to understand.
1705047136 上段弥漫着痛定思痛的对人生的观察和判断。四个season的使用,给读者美感。上段文字,舍此还能用什么词汇呢?审美是一种快乐,能够在译文保留这种美,也是一种快乐。如译:
1705047138 心有四季。生活也有四季,就如自然界万物都有春夏秋冬一样。四季无法人为地加以改变,就如一个人无法用拔苗助长的方法强令春天的到来。我经过了好一阵子才懂得了这一点。
1705047140 But after six years of a stormy marriage, Cewe decided to end it.She didn’t want her son to grow up thinking that kind of relationship was normal.
1705047142 此句的stormy,值得玩味,又是一个难以用本义词汇取代的句子。可是又不能如上句那样直译(即译为“暴风雨般的”)。翻译之兴味就在推敲中油然而生:不能直译,是否还能保留stormy之形象呢?如译:
1705047144 在疾风暴雨中走过了六载的婚姻生活的Cewe决定结束这种婚姻。她不愿让儿子在如此家境中长大成人,并认为这样的夫妻关系是正常的。
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