1705053540 改译:
1705053542 The folks asked about who was in the reign currently, completely in the dark about the fact that the Qin had long been replaced by the Han[4]. let alone that the Han had been succeeded by the Wei[5] and then the Jin. The fisherman went through the history bit by bit with them, which generated a great amount of sighs and regret.
1705053544 Translator’s Notes: [4]206 B. C. to A. D. 220; [5]220-265.
1705053546 9.余人各复延至其家,皆出酒食。停数日,辞去。此中人语云:“不足为外人道也。”既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之。
1705053548 译文1. Then other villagers also invited the fisherman to their homes, where they gave him food and drink. After several days there, the fisherman bid farewell, at which time some villagers told him, “It’s not worth telling people on the outside about us.” The fisherman exited through the opening, found his boat, and retraced his route while leaving markers to find this place again.
1705053550 译文2. Afterwards all the rest invited him to their homes, and all feasted him with wine and food. He stayed there several days and then bade them goodbye; before he departed these people said to him, “Never speak to anyone outside about this!” So he went out, found his boat and went back by the same route as he had come, all along the way leaving marks.
1705053552 细细品读,可发现“此中人语云:‘不足为外人道也。’既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之”隐含转折,“此中人”让渔人为他们保守秘密,岂料,他却“心怀叵测”,一出山洞,就处处留下标记!遗憾的是,以上两译皆未能将此隐含的转折明示,英语是形合语言,如此涵义之转折,务必以明显的逻辑标记(如but)明示。
1705053554 由此可见,不知英汉各自的美,连表层转换都难以转换好。
1705053556 此外,“不足为外人道也”一句,两译皆作字面转换,即表层转换,而以英语为母语者就会觉得此译不合其表达习惯,因为请对方保守秘密时,英语有现成的表达:It is wise not to tell.
1705053558 改译:
1705053560 Afterwards all the rest invited him to their homes, where they all treated him to wine and meals. Several days later, the fisherman was about to leave. Upon farewell, the villagers said to him, “It is wise not to tell.” When out, he found his boat and followed the route he had come by, but leaving marks on his way back.
1705053562 10.及郡下,诣太守说如此。太守即遣人随其往。寻向所志,遂迷不复得路。
1705053564 译文1. Upon his arrival at the prefecture town he went to the prefect and told him what had happened. The prefect immediately sent a person to follow the fisherman and look for the trail markers, but they got lost and never found the way.
1705053566 译文2. When he got to the provincial town he called on the prefect and told him all about his experience. The prefect at once sent men to go with him and follow up the marks he had left. But they became completely confused over the marks and never found the place.
1705053568 英译汉,译文往往该简不简,或架床叠屋,或拖泥带水。似乎有必要疾呼“删繁就简三秋树”。汉译英,译文往往该繁不繁,或骨瘦如柴,或粗枝大叶。似乎有必要学习“添叶吐蕾二月花”。究其原因,也许可归结到这样一个客观事实:“东方人和西方人的思想方式有基本分歧。我人重综合、重归纳、重暗示、重含蓄;西方人则重分析,细微曲折,挖掘惟恐不尽,描写惟恐不周。”(傅雷语)
1705053570 汉译英,即从一种“重暗示、重含蓄”的语言到一种“挖掘惟恐不尽,描写惟恐不周”语言的过渡。这种过渡必然包含措辞由简入繁的变化。
1705053572 从这一点出发,表层转换乃汉译英之大敌。
1705053574 据笔者观察,若是在上句英译添加以下三处斜体字,也许,便可略添其英语味。
1705053576 改译:
1705053578 Once back in town, he visited the governor and reported to him his journey. The latter immediately sent people to go back with him, following the marks he had left behind. However, in the end they lost their way and never found the place again.
1705053580 11.南阳刘子骥,高尚士也;闻之,欣然规往。未果,寻病终。后遂无问津者。
1705053582 译文1. Liu Ziji of Nanyang was a person of noble character. When he heard this story he was happy and planned to visit the Shangri-la, but he died of illness before he could accomplish it. After that no one else ever looked for the place.
1705053584 译文2. Liu Ziji, a scholar of high reputation from Nanyang, heard of this and enthusiastically offered to go out with the fisherman to try again. But he fell ill and died before realizing his plan. After that no one went any more to look for the way.
1705053586 刘子骥,东晋隐士,性好山水,曾入衡山采药,深入忘归。据此,将“高尚士也”译成a person of noble character(如译文1),或是a scholar of high reputation(如译文2),皆表层转换之典型。原文中的“高尚士也”,主要是讲此君性好山水,有探险精神。
1705053588 译文1的planned to visit the Shangri-la〔6〕,值得研究。
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