1705053924 在地球上,我们受到大气层及其地球磁场的保护,而在太空中,长时间逗留的宇航员会逐渐患上不可逆的辐射病,除非他们全身都能防护得滴水不漏。谢泼德指挥官很有信心地认为,国际空间站能帮助我们解决这些问题。“国际空间站将对许多有关远距太空探索的问题做出解答。许多事物将在空间站中得到首次尝试,为将来进一步探索提供基础。”
1705053926 本段遣词集中体现了科技文章遣词的第三境界:“破”。
1705053928 本段首句中的long haul是什么意思?《美国传统词典》对其释义明明白白地写:[informal]a long period of time。词典添加的这个informal不可小视!科技文章使用如此informal的词组,不是明显的破吗?
1705053930 如前所说,破在科技文章中多为往下破格,孰料,本段就出现了向上破格的例子。gradual but irreversible radiation sickness中的irreversible便是一例。很多词典对其解释是:[律]不能取消的,不能改变的。这个“律”告诉我们,irreversible本来就是一个法律用词,因而,属庄重语体。从正式语体遣词到庄重语体遣词,应是往上破格。
1705053932 当含有俚语性质的long haul和法律专用形容词的irreversible出现在同一句中,行文活泼,文采灿烂。
1705053934 Stepping stones
1705053936 太空起降点
1705053938 Saturn V is still the most powerful rocket ever built. But even this vast 3,000 tonne giant carried only enough fuel to send a tiny manned capsule with just three men on a 250,000 mile journey—a mere drop in the cosmic ocean. It is over a quarter of a century since the last man stood on the Moon (commander Gene Cernan on the Apollo 17 mission in 1972), and it seems that it will be another quarter of a century before we return to build a permanently manned base there. Bob Forward—who earns his living from designing spaceships of the future—believes we’ll have to find a cheap way of reaching the Moon before we think of living there. His slingshot concept may seem radical at the start of the 21st century, but it is certainly ingenious.” If you have something rotating quite fast around another thing on the end of a string, it has a tendency to fly away. You have to decide when to let go (from Earth-orbit) and—like a trapeze artist catching his partner—you have to decide when to catch the payload (in lunar orbit).” A lunar base would become a viable stepping stone to deep space. In the 1990s, the Clementine and Lunar Prospector spacecraft detected and broken down to make liquid oxygen and hydrogen rocket fuel needed to blast off into deep space.
1705053940 土星5号仍是迄今所造成威力最大的运载火箭。但即便是这样重达3000吨的庞然大物,添加充足的燃料,最多也只能运送一个仅容3人的小型太空舱完成一次25万英里的太空航程——这一距离只是宇宙的沧海一粟。人类最近一次登上月球(1972年,由阿波罗17宇宙飞船航天任务指挥官吉恩·瑟南登月成功)距今已经超过25年。而我们似乎还需要再过25年,才能重返月球,在那儿建造一座长期驻人的基地。鲍勃·福沃德以设计未来的宇宙飞船为业。他认为,我们打算在月球上驻人之前,必须找到一个通往月球的便捷之法。他提出的弹射飞行概念也许在21世纪初被视作天方夜谭,但这绝对是极富创意的。“如果让某一物体围绕着另一端的物体飞速旋转,这个旋转着的物体便有飞离的趋势。你得决定何时脱离(地球轨道),还得决定何时(在月球轨道上)接收运载火箭,就像高空秋千表演者接住他的同伴那样。”月球基地将成为通往外层太空的一个可供居住的“跳板”。20世纪90年代,克莱门廷月球勘探者号宇宙飞船在月球地表之下探测到冰冻的水源。我们可以开采这些冰冻水源,将之融化并分解成液体氧和氢,它们是发射火箭进入外层空间所需燃料的必要组成部分。
1705053942 本段出现颇让读者意外的句子:…who earns his living from designing spaceships of the future。一个设计未来太空船的专家为了earn his living——“混口饭吃”。如此搭配,的确出人意料!earn his living是十分口语化的表达,是向下破格的遣词手法。其正式庄重的英语表达应该由his profession取代,因而,此句可改写为whose profession is designing spaceships of the future。翻译时,是应将“破”保留,还是向上回归?试想,假若译作“以设计未来的宇宙飞船混口饭吃”,实在难合汉语表达的审美习惯。译成“以设计未来的宇宙飞船为业”尚还差强人意。由此可见,原文中的“破”,在译文中是保留,还是舍弃,要视译入语是否接受,是否符合译入语的审美习惯而定。
1705053944 But before we leave the Solar System on our interstellar quest we will have to conquer it. Mars will become our first target. Whether we’ll reach it directly from Earth, from Earth’s orbit or from the Moon is anyone’s guess but Mars is far from being a barren desert like the Moon.
1705053946 但在我们离开太阳系开始星际间的探索之前,我们首先要征服它。火星将是我们的第一个目标。是从地球直接出发到达火星,还是从地球轨道出发,亦或从月球出发,现在谁也说不准。但可以肯定的是,火星决不会像月球那样一片贫瘠。
1705053948 作者文思鲜活,行文语体不断破格。本段冒出一个口语表达:anyone’s guess,含义是:谁也猜不准的事。另如:Who is coming to have dinner with us is anyone’s guess.(谁来和我们一起吃饭谁也猜不到。)如此文章,不断插入口语表达,文采不俗,但对译者而言,就增累了。不知anyone’s guess含义者,会从正式及庄重的方面去理解,将之误译成“众说纷纭,尚无定论”。
1705053950 Mars probably has plentiful supplies of frozen water below the surface and even has 24-hour days! Unfortunately the atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide, with just a fraction of the Earth’s atmospheric pressure and no protective ultraviolet layer. Martian astronauts will have to live in sealed modules, and wear spacesuits to venture outside. Mars would be a tiny colony, like the remote outposts of the early Earth explorers. Mars itself will probably never be a stepping stone to the stars, but it will help us learn if we can live in such a remote and harsh place for years or even a lifetime.
1705053952 火星地表下层可能蕴藏着丰富的冰冻水源。在火星上,一天甚至还能划分为24个小时!遗憾的是,包围火星的大气中有95%是二氧化碳,火星上的气压只及地球大气压的一小部分,而且没有防紫外线层。火星宇航员必须呆在密闭的太空舱内,只有穿了太空服才能走出舱外。火星会成为一个微型聚居地,就像早期地球探险者组成的边远居住区一样。火星本身也许永远不可能成为飞往周围恒星的起降点,但它有助于我们了解人类是否能够在这样一个距离遥远、条件恶劣的地方生活数年,甚至一生。
1705053954 本段引人注目的单词是venture,意为“冒险”。严格说来,在此上下文中使用venture一词是欠科学的,汉语不赏识如此幽默。即使到舱外工作有危险,汉语也从不会将之说成去“冒险”。venture属于“破”之遣词,往下一破,幽默顿现。但翻译时,须将破格进行还原,译成“走出(舱外)”。
1705053956 It’s only rocket science
1705053958 纯粹火箭学
1705053960 Scientists are already experimenting with propulsion systems that may travel much faster than today’s conventional chemical rockets we use today. Franklin Chang’s plasma rocket may be the answer.” In a plasma rocket you’re continually accelerating,” he explains.
1705053962 科学家们正在研制比传统的化学燃料火箭飞行更快速的推进系统。弗兰克林·张研制的等离子火箭也许为我们提供了答案。“等离子火箭能够做到持续加速,”他解释道。
1705053964 plasma rocket也是借自两个普通名词。deep space不能照普通词汇的字面直译,plasma rocket却能!plasma rocket——等离子体火箭。我们能寻出其中规律吗?
1705053966 A trip to Mars could be cut to 90 days, claims Chang. His rocket harnesses a nuclear process to produce a hot gas plasma. The plasma is magnetically held in a rocket the shape of a bottle and then expelled at very high velocity to provide propulsion. The plasma has to be heated to millions of degrees. Chang believes his system will be too good just to reach Mars. “I think it will quickly be developed for interplanetary travel within our Solar System.” The plasma rocket is now under development at NASA’s Houston laboratories.
1705053968 张声称,到火星的航行能因此而缩短至90天。他设计的火箭能利用核反应过程产生一种高温的气态等离子体。这种等离子体被磁场以瓶状形态控制在火箭内部,然后,以极高的速度喷射而出,从而产生巨大的推进力。这种等离子体必须加热至数百万度的高温。张认为,他研制的推进系统,仅执行飞往火星的任务简直有点“大材小用”。“我想,它很快会被开发运用于太阳系中的星际航行。”等离子火箭目前正在美国国家航空航天局休斯敦实验室中进行研究开发。
1705053970 本段中的His rocket harnesses a nuclear process to produce a hot gas plasma值得我们重视,这是harness的转义过程:1)(名词)马具;挽具→2)(动词)套上马具;套车→3)(动词)支配;利用。
1705053972 遗憾的是,上文的springboard能守其本义(跳板)而译,而本句的harness,只能以其转义译之:利用。
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