1705132647 1.埃里克·巴恩斯(Eric Barns),美国霍巴特和威廉史密斯学院(Hobart and William Smith Colleges)副教授、辩论指导。
1705132649 2.陈向京,西安交通大学外国语学院院长、教授。
1705132651 3.何静,复旦大学讲师、英语辩论队教练。
1705132653 4.杰克逊·米勒(Jackson Miller),美国俄勒冈州林菲尔德学院(Linfield College)教授、辩论指导。
1705132655 5.凯瑟琳·斯普林(Kathleen Spring),美国俄勒冈州林菲尔德学院(Linfield College)助理教授、图书馆馆藏管理负责人。
1705132657 6.罗伯特·崔普(Robert Trapp),美国俄勒冈州威拉米特大学(Willamette University)教授、辩论指导。
1705132659 7.梅丽莎·弗兰克(Melissa Franke),美国西雅图大学(Seattle University)助理教授、辩论指导。
1705132661 8.特蕾莎·格林(Teresa Green),美国俄勒冈州威拉米特大学(Willamette University)中国辩论教育网络项目协调人。
1705132663 9.杨戈,大连民族大学讲师、英语辩论队教练。
1705132665 10.尤娜·基姆齐-格斯(Una Kimokeo-Goes),美国俄勒冈州威拉米特大学(Willamette University)讲师、辩论副指导。
1705132670 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132283]
1705132671 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Acknowledgments
1705132673 This book would not have been possible without the good work of all of the Chinese and U.S. partners of the China Debate Education Network (CDEN). The Chinese partners include: Chen Xiangjing, Chen Ying, Chen Zhengwu, Ji Tingting, Li Chaoyuan, Li Qianmei, Li Yong, Liu Chunyang, Liu Xin, Luo Miao, Ma Shuang, Pei Lei, Sun Lin, Wu Chunxiao, Xu Min, Yang Ge, Yang Xigang, and Zeng Qingxi. The partners from universities in the USA were Eric Barnes, Derek Buescher, Yinqun Cheng, Melissa Franke, Una Kimokeo-Goes, Robert Margesson, and Jackson B. Miller.
1705132675 Teresa Green provided very competent work as our CDEN coordinator. Without her good work I would never have been able to keep things running on schedule.
1705132677 Lu Xing, both a personal and professional friend, author of three books about Chinese rhetoric, provided immense help with parts of the text that dealt specifically with argumentation from a Chinese perspective.
1705132679 I especially want to thank my editor and proof-reader, Sharon Bowker. The book reads better because of her work. Also, because of her proof-reading and editing work, the community will be spared of the many errors I otherwise would have made.
1705132681 I also want to acknowledge the work of David Douglass who worked with me on many aspects of the project and directed the China Advocacy Institute for three years.
1705132686 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132284]
1705132687 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Preface
1705132689 This textbook resulted from work produced by a team of people instrumental in the creation of CDEN over a three-year period from 2012 through 2015. CDEN is a loose association of teachers and students from six universities in the United States and 380 universities in the People’s Republic of China. Over the course of the first three years of CDEN, over 5,700 students and almost 2,000 teachers and judges have participated in debate events held in various provinces of the People’s Republic of China.
1705132691 The formal mission of CDEN is to provide opportunities for Chinese university students along with students from other nations, primarily the United States, to come together in friendly competition to discuss issues of global importance. The goal of CDEN is to transcend individual national viewpoints, developing individuals who learn from one another toward becoming not only citizens of PRC and USA, but global citizens as well. Toward that end, this book is titled Building Global Relations Through Debate.
1705132693 The chapters that follow explain how to participate in a debate format called Worlds-Style debate. The authors of the text present ways readers may become effective debaters, emphasizing that an effective debater is an ethical debater whose goal is to transcend the limited aim of winning the debate toward finding ways to respectfully and effectively manage global conflicts. In this text, the authors teach students to use informed and reasoned bases for creating and then engaging vital and sometimes tense clashes of significant ideas. Using integrity, skill, and high regard for the process and other individuals in the process, these effective debaters argue with reason and evidence to fashion viable ways to manage disagreement toward a peaceful solution.
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