1705133145 Ethical debaters generate growth and development, understanding themselves as citizens of the world whose actions and interactive participation with one another can proceed with reasoning and thoughtfulness. Ethical debaters grow an authentic value for reasoned debate that seeks to include multiple voices in an intelligent, spirited, and active exploration of the best human responses to contention in local and global issues. As these debaters conduct themselves within their code of ethics, they emerge as vital forces toward developing a just, responsible, and sustainable world.
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1705133148 2.4 Summary
1705133150 To debate well means to debate ethically. Philosophers from both China and the United States write about the importance of using morality and good conduct in debate and in speaking. Debaters should choose their behaviors both at debate tournaments and in debate activities and develop a code of ethics to improve their debate demeanor.
1705133152 Ethics in debate involve issues of use of evidence, reasoning, and arguments. However, the more complicated issues arise from conflict between the goal of winning a debate (sometimes at any cost) and the goal of authentically addressing a social need through reasoned interaction. Students can strengthen their ethical themes through thoughtful discussion and individual case contemplation. Debaters can expect to improve their ethical positions through experience and mastery of skill.
1705133154 Choices about arguments and reasoning patterns also confront choices between winning at all costs or accomplishing a thoughtful and useful debate. “True” statements do not necessarily constitute ethical statements because speakers can selectively sort through evidence to persuade an audience through implication. Ethical debaters use a high standard of an elevated, straightforward clash of ideas as the guide to ethical use of argument and reasoning.
1705133156 Establishing mutual equality entails working with a variety of team members, listening to speakers who present opposing ideas, and taking notes efficiently. Ethical debaters also will strive to demonstrate respect in word, manner, and action. Respect accorded to adjudicators does not preclude debaters from conversing closely with them about decisions. Results of these conversations can provide debaters with new and useful information about argument and reasoning choices in like situations.
1705133158 Ethical debaters seek a clash of ideas in the debate, not a clash of personalities. Working to investigate those clashes at the most critical points of the conflict generates useful and provocative debates. Students can use periodic debate tournaments to grow, hone, and practice their ethical skills. As a global citizen faced with the predictable conflicts that will arise from the diversity of people inhabiting the earth, an ethical debater will operate as vital force toward finding means to avoid violence as a solution to those conflicts, working toward dealing with contradictions through thoughtful means.
1705133160 一场好的辩论必须要恪守道德的原则。中美两国的哲学家都强调过道德和正义在辩论与演讲中的重要性。辩手们不管是在比赛还是训练中,都要注意自己的言行,培养道德准则,从而提高辩论的水平。
1705133162 辩论中的道德问题涉及到论据的使用以及推理和论证的过程。然而,赢得辩论(有时不惜任何代价)和通过理性互动解决社会需求这两个不同目标产生的冲突会导致问题复杂化。辩手们可以在深入讨论和个案思考中更加坚定自己的道德立场,在积累辩论经验和技巧的同时提高自己的道德水平。
1705133164 在选择论证和推理模式时,也常常需要在不计代价地获得胜利和成就深入实用的辩论间做出抉择。“真实”的论点不一定是道德的,因为辩手可以选择性地整理、组织论据,从而引导并最终说服观众。道德的辩手以高尚的、道德的思想交锋这一高标准要求自己,并以此指导道德的论证和推理。
1705133166 建立辩手之间相互平等的关系,需要辩手们与不同的队友合作,听取不同意见,甚至高效地记录下来。道德的辩手们在语言和肢体动作上尽力展现自己的尊重。要尊重裁判,但这并不妨碍辩手和裁判就辩论结果进行交流。这些交流将给辩手提供新鲜有用的信息,使其今后在类似场合得以合理选择论证和推理方式。
1705133168 有道德的辩手在辩论中追求思想的交锋,而不会发起人身攻击。研究最关键的冲突才能呈现一场实用且有启发性的辩论。辩手们可以通过定期参加比赛的方式,来提高自己在辩论中的道德水平。未来世界很有可能因为人与人之间的差异而产生各种可预见的问题。此时,作为世界公民的有道德的辩手可以承担起寻找解决办法的重任,帮助人们用周到的手段处理矛盾,避免暴力。
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1705133171 2.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 2
1705133173 Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining these key terms and concepts:
1705133175 · Chengyan
1705133177 · Ethos
1705133179 · Four features of debate
1705133181 · Role of adjudicator
1705133183 · Ethical guidelines for the use of evidence
1705133185 · Ethical guidelines for arguments and reasoning
1705133187 · Mutual equality
1705133189 · Clash of ideas
1705133191 · Global citizen
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