1705133555 By considering the stock issues of ill, blame, and cure, the Government Team can create a list of issues that they may want to introduce in the debate. Those issues can be used to convince the audience of the wisdom of the policy they are advocating. Similarly, the Opposition Team may ask the same questions, but may come up with different answers.
1705133557 As stated earlier, the Government Teams will focus on the first three of the stock issues. The forth issue, cost, is one that may or may not be raised by the Opposition Teams. If the Opposition Teams decide to raise issues related to cost, the Government Teams need to be prepared to respond to those issues.
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1705133560 4.4.4 Opposition Approach to Stock Issues
1705133562 To help them determine what issues are important for them to introduce in the debate, the Opposition Team also will consider the four questions in the categories of ill, blame, cure, and cost. They almost certainly will have different answers to those questions; answers that will help them construct their own arguments as well as anticipate arguments that the Government Team may make. The table below lists the stock issues along with questions that the Opposition Team might want to ask as a part of their analysis.
1705133564 Stock Issues from the Viewpoint of the Opposition
1705133569 The questions above can be used by the Opposition Teams to help them reply to arguments introduced by the Government Team. They also can be used by the Opposition Team to create arguments of their own. The next table illustrates how those stock issues might be used in analyzing potential arguments about the motion regarding smoking in public places.
1705133571 Stock Issues Applied to Smoking in Public Places Opposition Viewpoint
1705133576 Thus, the table above shows how debaters might use the stock issues for a policy motion to create a list of arguments to introduce in the debate. Some of those issues will be used to respond to arguments introduced by the Government Team, and others will be used as independent arguments introduced by the Opposition Team.
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1705133579 4.5 Summary
1705133581 This chapter has introduced the idea of analyzing the motion for debate. Analysis of a motion is divided into analysis of the background of the motion, analysis of the type of topic, analysis regarding definition and interpretation of the motion, and analysis of potential issues. Analysis of issues is focused on stock issues for propositions of value and policy.
1705133583 Although all debaters are aided by clear and careful analysis of the motion, some debaters will focus on certain elements of analysis while others will focus on other elements. For instance, the first speaker supporting the motion will focus on defining and interpreting the motion while the other speakers will focus less on that element. The Government speakers will focus on the stock issues of ill, blame, and cure while the Opposition speakers will focus more on the stock issue of cost.
1705133585 After analyzing the topic to identify potential issues, the debaters are then free to begin to use those issues to construct their speeches for and against the motion. The system used for analysis is not necessarily the system that will be used to construct their arguments, but the identification of those arguments is important to construction of what later will be called a “case” for and against the motion.
1705133587 本章主要介绍了分析辩题的方法,大致分为以下四个部分:分析辩题背景、明确辩题类型、对辩题中的关键概念进行定义并对辩题进行解读,以及对辩题中可能涉及的问题进行分析。其中问题分析这一环节,又可根据价值类和措施类辩题的不同特点来进行常见问题分析。
1705133589 尽管清晰谨慎地分析辩题对所有辩手都至关重要,但他们在分析辩题时的侧重点不同。比如说,正方一辩需要比其他人更加关注辩题中关键词的定义和对辩题的解读。正方辩手们在进行常见问题分析时,需要重点关注问题的现状、成因以及解决方案,而反方则会更关注正方所提供的解决方案的成本及副作用。
1705133591 分析完辩题后,双方辩手们就可以用他们的分析所得来组织发言,支持或反对辩题了。尽管演讲与辩题分析的内容和思路不一定相同,但辩题分析中所涉及到的观点对于之后将要提到的构建立论框架、支持或反对辩题很重要。
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1705133594 4.6 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 4
1705133596 Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining these key terms and concepts:
1705133598 · Stock issues
1705133600 · Stock issues for a value motion
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