1705133784 Finally, the Deputy Leader should present one or more new arguments against the motion. Those arguments can be similar to the arguments raised by the Leader of Opposition, yet they should be new ones to give Deputy Leader a more constructive role in the debate.
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1705133787 5.3.5 Member of Government
1705133789 The Member of Government initiates the second half (Lower House) of the debate. The Member of Government needs to defend the general direction taken by the First Government Team and, more importantly, needs to show how the Second Government Team has a new and fresh position or adds something new and dynamic to the debate. In other words, the Member of Government needs to defend the thesis of the First Government Team, while doing so for different reasons. The obligations of the Member of Government can be summarized as follows: 1) defend the general perspective of the First Government Team, 2) continue refuting arguments made by the First Opposition Team, 3) refute any new arguments offered by the Deputy Leader of Opposition, and 4) construct one or more new arguments that are different from but consistent with the case offered by the First Government Team. A more detailed explanation of the responsibilities of both the Member of Government and the Member of Opposition speakers can be found in Chapter 8.
1705133791 The first responsibility of the Member of the Government is to defend the general direction of the debate initiated by the First Government Team. In so doing, the Member of Government demonstrates a sense of loyalty to the other team defending the motion. This part of the Member’s speech is important but need not be time-consuming. One minute or less devoted to this aspect of the speech will probably be sufficient.
1705133793 Second, the Member of Government should continue refuting arguments made by the First Opposition Team. The Member of Government should not use the same refutation as provided by debaters of the First Government Team, but should introduce new points of refutation unique to the Second Government Team.
1705133795 Third, and related to the second obligation, the Member of Government should refute new arguments presented by the Deputy Leader of Opposition. If the Deputy Leader’s arguments are not refuted at this time, the First Government Team will likely have no other opportunity to do so.
1705133797 Finally, the Member of Government should develop one or more arguments that are different from but consistent with the arguments offered by the First Government Team. Those new arguments are usually referred to as “extensions” because they have the effect of extending or advancing the debate. The extension is one of the most important tasks of the Member of Government’s speech because it provides an opportunity to distinguish the Second Government Team from the First Government while simultaneously remaining consistent with the overall approach of the First Government.
1705133799 Debaters supporting each side of the motion (Government and Opposition) will be judged not only in comparison with debaters from the other side, but in comparison to the other team on their side. An extension argument allows an adjudicator to compare the Second Government Team to the First Government.
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1705133802 5.3.6 Member of Opposition
1705133804 The Member of Opposition begins the second half of the debate for the Opposition side. Like the Second Government Team, the goal of the Second Opposition Team is to remain consistent with the First Opposition team while presenting a perspective unique to the Second Opposition. To accomplish this goal, the Member of Opposition needs to fulfill several roles: 1) defend the general direction taken by the First Opposition Team, 2) briefly continue the refutation of the case of the First Government, 3) provide more specific refutation of the arguments introduced by the Member of Government, and 4) present one or more new arguments that are consistent with, yet different from, those presented by the First Opposition Team.
1705133806 First, the Member of Opposition should defend the general perspective taken by the First Opposition Team. This need not be a time-consuming enterprise, but its accomplishment will show how the Member of Opposition is being loyal to the arguments of the First Opposition Team. An important point that should not be missed is that the Member of Opposition’s arguments must be consistent with the stance offered by the Leader of Opposition. If the Leader of Opposition defended the status quo, so must the Member of Opposition. If the Leader of Opposition presented and defended an alternative or counter-proposal, the Member of Opposition must also defend that stance. Of course, the Member needs to defend the Opposition stance by using new and unique arguments, and must remain loyal to the stance adopted by the Leader.
1705133808 Second, the Member of Opposition should briefly continue the refutation of the case presented by the First Government Team. Again, this continued refutation should be brief and should involve new points of refutation not yet considered by members of the First Opposition Team.
1705133810 Third, the Member of Opposition should present more specific refutation of the arguments introduced by the Member of Government. Refutation of the Member of Government’s arguments is an important task because those are completely new arguments supporting the Government side and have not yet been joined by the Opposition side.
1705133812 Finally, the Member of Opposition should present an extension—an argument consistent with yet different from that presented by the First Opposition Team. Like the Government’s extension, presenting the Opposition’s extension is an important responsibility of the Member of Opposition because it allows the Second Opposition Team to show its loyalty while clearly differentiating themselves from the First Opposition Team.
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1705133815 5.3.7 Government Whip
1705133817 The Whip speakers for both teams have the responsibility to close the debate for their respective sides. The Government Whip should accomplish three goals: 1) refute the extension offered by the Member of Opposition, 2) rebuild the extension offered by the Member of Government, and 3) summarize the debate from the perspective of the Government side. More will be said about Whip speeches in Chapter 9.
1705133819 The first responsibility of the Government Whip is to refute the extension offered by the Member of Opposition. The Government Team will not yet have discussed this extension; therefore, its refutation is an important responsibility of the Government Whip.
1705133821 The second responsibility of the Government Whip is to defend and rebuild the extension offered by the Member of Government. The Member of Government’s extension is a very important part of the Second Government’s case and, in all likelihood, will have been refuted by the Member of Opposition. Therefore, defending this extension is important to the overall case of the Second Opposition Team. Sometimes, rather than providing an explicit defense and rebuilding of the Member of Government’s extension, the Government Whip may decide to include that defense as a part of the overall summary.
1705133823 The final and, perhaps, most important responsibility of the Government Whip is to summarize the debate from the perspective of the Government side. The summary may be accomplished in a number of ways. The summary can examine the issues as addressed by both teams; it can regroup the issues into categories that are new to the debate; or, it can discuss the debate from a different or higher perspective than has been previously introduced. The summary should, of course, be made from the Government’s perspective while being and appearing to be fair-minded. Similarly, the summary should be fair to the First Government Team but should focus on the arguments pursued by the Second Government.
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1705133826 5.3.8 Opposition Whip
1705133828 The responsibilities of the Opposition Whip are almost identical to those of the Government Whip except that they are accomplished from the perspective of the Opposition side rather than the Government side. Again, the Opposition Whip should 1) refute the extension offered by the Member of Government, 2) defend and rebuild the extension offered by the Member of Opposition, and 3) summarize the debate from the perspective of the Opposition side.
1705133830 The details of that speech are exactly like those of the previous speech except that they focus on the Opposition side of the debate rather than the Government side. Once again, the primary goal of this speech is to summarize the debate from the perspective of the Opposition side, particularly from the point of view of the Second Opposition Team. This summary should fairly support the Opposition side of the debate while focusing on the accomplishments of the Second Opposition Team.
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1705133833 5.4 Summary
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