1705133893 · What is the legislative model for Worlds-Style debate?
1705133895 · What is meant by the following phrase? “The First Government Team has the right to define and interpret the motion and has the responsibility to do so in a reasonable manner.”
1705133897 · Why is the presentation of an Opposition stance an important obligation of the Leader of Opposition?
1705133899 · Why is the presentation of an extension argument an important obligation for the Member of Government and Member of Opposition?
1705133901 · Which speakers are allowed to offer points of information?
1705133903 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132361]
1705133904 5.7 Exercise for Chapter 5
1705133906 · Have students listen to a video recording of a Worlds-Style debate. Debates can be found at http://willamette.edu/cla/china_debate/curriculum/index.html, or at a number of different locations on the Internet. Conduct a discussion in which students comment on every speech, noting whether or not debaters successfully meet the obligations of that speech.
1705133911 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132362]
1705133912 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Chapter 6Arguments by First Government Teams
1705133914 Robert Trapp and Yang Ge
1705133916 Chapter Outline
1705133918 6.1 Role of the Prime Minister
1705133920 6.2 Outline of a Prime Minister Speech Supporting a Value Motion
1705133922 6.3 Outline of a Prime Minister Speech Supporting a Policy Motion
1705133924 6.4 Role of the Deputy Prime Minister
1705133926 6.5 Summary
1705133928 6.6 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 6
1705133930 6.7 Discussion Questions for Chapter 6
1705133932 6.8 Exercises for Chapter 6
1705133934 All speakers in the debate must construct arguments to support their side of the motion. With the exception of the Prime Minister, all debaters must refute arguments made by the other side, and rebuild arguments made by their own side. Previous chapters focused on general principles for constructing arguments—principles that can be used by anyone supporting or opposing a motion. Upcoming chapters will focus on how the different speakers engage in the process of constructing, refuting, and rebuilding arguments. The particular kinds of arguments that speakers will make vary depending on their speaking positions. The focus here is on the First Government Team—the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister—and how they construct, refute, and rebuild arguments in support of the motion.
1705133938 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132363]
1705133939 6.1 Role of the Prime Minister
1705133941 The construction of the speech ordinarily is a joint effort of the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, who cooperate to outline the case during their preparation time. That speech is particularly important because it sets the direction and focus for the entire debate. Other debaters supporting the motion (the Second Government Team) are obliged to advocate the same position taken by the First Government Team, although they may use different arguments to do so. If the Prime Minister’s speech is poorly constructed, or if the position taken by the Prime Minister is unclear, the remainder of the debate will likely be unclear, as well. Although a good speech by the Prime Minister does not assure that the rest of the debate will be a good one, a good Prime Minister speech is essential to starting the debate on the right track. To get the debate started in a positive manner, the First Government Team, in both its preparation and briefly in the Prime Minister’s constructive speech, needs to give some attention to the analysis of the motion.
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